EU Audit Finds Billions in Palestinian Arab Aid “Unaccounted” For


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2012
"Billions of dollars in international aid granted to the Palestinian Authority may have been squandered, lost to corruption, or misspent, a new report by the European Court of Auditors, the Luxembourg-based watchdog, revealed, The Sunday Times reported.

Roughly €2.3 Billion ($3.1 Billion) made its way from Europe to the Palestinian territories between 2008 and 2012, but much of it is unaccounted for, the report said.

Transparency International, a Berlin-based watchdog monitoring corporate and political corruption, claimed that the state of paralysis afflicting the Palestinian parliament since 2007 has “given the executive unlimited management over public funds.”

Similarly, a hearing held at the House of Representative’s Committee on Foreign Affairs in July 2012 accused the Palestinian political establishment of “chronic kleptocracy,” pointing the finger directly at Mahmoud Abbas and members of his family."

Ahhhhh...following the finest tradition in Arafat style... steal the money...go live in Paris! :) or may be Switzerland in this case...damn the Palestinian people or better yet...blame Israel.

October 15, 2013
EU Audit Finds Billions in Palestinian Arab Aid ?Unaccounted? For | FrontPage Magazine

and here

14 October 2013
EU says Palestinian Authority lost 2.5 billion euros of aid
They should have given that aid to the government.

It says the money was headed for the Palestinian Territories (by the way, this should be a lesson to you that when you say 'Palestine' you should actually be saying Palestinian Territories).
So doesn't that mean it was headed for the government ??
By the way, I can't wait for the anti - Zionists to come out and says that the greedy Joooooooooos stole it ;)
They should have given that aid to the government.

Who do you think the money went to? To the local donkeys???

The money that went to the West Bank went to the Palestinian Authority and the Gaza money went to total 2.5 billion euros is unaccounted for.

Nice to see the world is wasting money on corrupt beggars.
They should have given that aid to the government.

Who do you think the money went to? To the local donkeys???

The money that went to the West Bank went to the Palestinian Authority and the Gaza money went to total 2.5 billion euros is unaccounted for.

Nice to see the world is wasting money on corrupt beggars.

Somebody gives money to Hamas?

I don't suppose you have ever asked yourself how Fatah lost the elections but rules the West bank.

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