ESPN should go on vacation until the August since it's no sports in July

I'm from the south, what do you expect...

How the fuck do you sit in the house and watch NOTHING? I think your name should be MongoGlow
How do I watch nothing? Easily....

Maybe you should sleep in the woods
Why? I live in the woods?

Well since you don't watch TV you can live like a animal and sleep outside
I do believe humans slept outside for several thousand years, nothing wrong with that, except the bugs are a bitch this time of year...You have to wear axle grease to keep them away...
Football is on Saturday, fool :D

Not no fucking retarded college football
Why not, they still have the energy to act like it's a game and not a profession....

I would go to the PLUS SIZE NUDIE BAR for women over 40 before I watch one second of college football
Only if they have had C-sections....
There's Wimbledon.

Straight men don't watch that

Yeah they do. Ever played the game? You had better be extremely athletic, in great shape to play 2-3 hours of constant running. Your going to need great hand speed and reflexes as serves are coming at you speeds of 105-150 mph, shots coming at speeds 90-125 mph.

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