ESPN Is Trying To Make The NFL Politically Correct


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Tim Tebow won more games as a starter than half the QBs in the NFL last year, yet Tebow catches hell constantly. I think ESPN wants to get him out of the NFL by using his skill level as an excuse.

Head-injuries are talked about on air by ESPN like gun ownwership. "We must stop this." Good luck with that.

RG3's knee injury has gotten more coverage than the remaining teams in the playoffs. Was it because of the terrible field conditions, bad coaching decisions, or a curse on the Redskins because of racial stereotypes?

It's bad enough NBC decided to rant on gun violence before Sunday Night Football. This is getting out of hand.

I think ESPN is trying to pussify the NFL.

So much for any escape from politics when watching the game.
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Wait, what is ESPN doing to Tebow?? Why would ESPN want Tebow out of the NFL?
Tebow was a fine college quarterback, but he's a mediocre NFL quarterback, for a variety of reasons, mostly because he's got crappy ball throwing accuracy, and most NFL quarterbacks have to throw the ball a lot.

It's actually alot like the head coach of the Oregon Ducks who was recently offered a head coaching gig in the NFL and turned it down. The style of running quick plays that he utilizes at the University of Oregon works well in college football, but would not be workable in the NFL. He was smart enough to turn the job down and keep his pretty cushy gig at Oregon.

Tebow knew his limitations as a quarterback going in to the NFL. I'm quite certain that he received a lot of advice from both his coaches and his agent. He pursued a career in professional football and hasn't delivered on the pay he's received.

He's overpaid and underqualified, second stringing it to a far more remarkable quarterback (Mark Sanchez), and acting like a whiny drama queen.

Why exactly do you think he should be getting kudos?

What happened to your philosophy of personal responsibilty?

I'm just happy to see Christian Ponder finally getting some props after having Tebow steal his thunder in Florida for 2 years. I'm sorry he got hurt, but I look forward to watching him successfully quarterback the Vikings for longer than Tebow will last in the NFL.
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You need to lay off the weed. It's giving you a bad case of the dumb.

And, you've just unmanned yourself by exposing your ignorance of the sacred sport of football.
Tebow was a fine college quarterback, but he's a mediocre NFL quarterback, for a variety of reasons, mostly because he's got crappy ball throwing accuracy, and most NFL quarterbacks have to throw the ball a lot.

It's actually alot like the head coach of the Oregon Ducks who was recently offered a head coaching gig in the NFL and turned it down. The style of running quick plays that he utilizes at the University of Oregon works well in college football, but would not be workable in the NFL. He was smart enough to turn the job down and keep his pretty cushy gig at Oregon.

Tebow knew his limitations as a quarterback going in to the NFL. I'm quite certain that he received a lot of advice from both his coaches and his agent. He pursued a career in professional football and hasn't delivered on the pay he's received.

He's overpaid and underqualified.

Why exactly do you think he should be getting kudos?

What happened to your philosophy of personal responsibilty?

I'm just happy to see Christian Ponder finally getting some props after having Tebow steal his thunder in Florida for 2 years. I'm sorry he got hurt, but I look forward to watching him successfully quarterback the Vikings for longer than Tebow will last in the NFL.

How is it Tom Brady is such a great QB now when he wasn't in college?

Because of coaching. He went to a guy who redesigned his mechanics and taught him how to throw more consistently. I think Tebow could learn to throw properly and with greater accuracy but he's never been taught how.

Tom Brady
Tom Martinez*is a former coach who’s aided Tom Brady ever since he was a teenager*and Tom has always given Martinez high praise for helping him become the quarterback we see today. Unfortunately, Brady’s success may have gone to Martinez’s head.
During an interview with 790 The Zone in Atlanta, Martinez said that he believes he has the magic touch and can fix Tim Tebow’s*awkward throwing motion in two short weeks.
“I think Tim Tebow is willing to do anything that people tell him to do. He’s like Brady in the sense that he’s an internal warrior. I think when he started in the NFL, whoever they put him with, I personally kind of disagree with the mechanics he was given. He’s trying to prove the same thing Brady was trying to prove.*I could give him what I call correct mechanics in two weeks.“
Tim Tebow won more games as a starter than half the QBs in the NFL last year, yet Tebow catches hell constantly. I think ESPN wants to get him out of the NFL by using his skill level as an excuse.

Head-injuries are talked about on air by ESPN like gun ownwership. "We must stop this." Good luck with that.

RG3's knee injury has gotten more coverage than the remaining teams in the playoffs. Was it because of the terrible field conditions, bad coaching decisions, or a curse on the Redskins because of racial stereotypes?

It's bad enough NBC decided to rant on gun violence before Sunday Night Football. This is getting out of hand.

I think ESPN is trying to pussify the NFL.

So much for any escape from politics when watching the game.

This is terribly incoherent. What are you really trying to say?

Why is Tebow covered so much? Because people care. Why is RG3's knee covered so much? Because people care. ESPN has many voices and they often disagree to various degrees. But, they're trying to get people to watch them so they cover stories that people care about.

And trying to limit concussions and injuries in the game isn't political, it's a safety issue. At one point, we used lead based paints in homes. We discovered that lead fucks you up and therefore we replaced lead based paints. If we discover that concussions are seriously damaging injuries that drastically affect someone later in life then why shouldn't effort be made to limit them? I can guarantee you one thing: ESPN and the NFL don't want the NFL to go away as they'd both lose shit tons of money.
I think that ESPN has already given Tim Tebow more coverage than his pathetic career warrants
ESPN is a Professional Sports lapdog. The talking heads there are gonna' say whatever shows up on the Teleprompter which is PROBABLY e-mailed to them from MLB, NFL and all the other "sporting reality show" outlets.

My idea to reduce head injuries? Get rid of the helmets.

As you can see, the Defensive players like to lead with their head like they're some kinda' Ram. Take away the helmets and make a rule to NEVER hit with your head or hit the opposing players head and watch head injuries plummet.

But it won't happen you know why? That team logo won't be prominently displayed anymore and the NFL will lose sales. The NFL is a nearly $10 Billion a year industry and they'll NEVER do ANYTHING that will negatively impact "revenue streams". The NFL is the Pimp, and the Players are the Hoes!
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ESPN is a Professional Sports lapdog. The talking heads there are gonna' say whatever shows up on the Teleprompter which is PROBABLY e-mailed to them from MLB, NFL and all the other "sporting reality show" outlets.

My idea to reduce head injuries? Get rid of the helmets.

As you can see, the Defensive players like to lead with their head like they're some kinda' Ram. Take away the helmets and make a rule to NEVER hit with your head or hit the opposing players head and watch head injuries plummet.

But it won't happen you know why? That team logo won't be prominently displayed anymore and the NFL will lose sales. The NFL is a nearly $10 Billion a year industry and they'll NEVER do ANYTHING that will negatively impact "revenue streams". The NFL is the Pimp, and the Players are the Hoes!

As crazy as it sounds, I agree that getting rid of helmets will reduce head injuries

When I was a kid we played tackle football without helmets. You tackled differently and made sure your head was out of the way. Rugby is played without helmets and they don't have a lot of head injuries

I agree that NFL will never go that way because football helmets add to the warrior mystique
I think ESPN is trying to pussify the NFL.
Aw, c'mon.....if they were (really) trying to do that, they'd be drafting some o' those big, bad "conservatives"!




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