Eric holder's DOJ finnaly apologise and admit the IRS singled out the tea party..

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Great news, good to see Eric and Obama saying they are sorry

Trump DOJ settles lawsuits over Tea Party targeting by Obama IRS

The Trump administration, after years of litigation, has settled lawsuits with Tea Party and other conservative groups who say they were unfairly targeted by the IRS under the Obama administration.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced early Thursday that the Justice Department had entered into settlements with Tea Party groups whose tax-exempt status was significantly delayed by the IRS dating back to 2013, “based solely on their viewpoint or ideology.”

The settlements involve payments to the plaintiffs and an apology from the IRS.

The targeting scandal drew heavy attention in 2013 when the IRS admitted it applied extra scrutiny to conservative groups applying for nonprofit status. Lois Lerner, then head of the Exempt Organizations unit responsible, became the public face of the scandal, though other IRS officials were involved as well.
Obama, the worst president in the known galaxy. But just for grins, look at this lame attempt by fox using photoshop.

Obama's image is to way to sharp to have been actually in this picture.

The finger pointer image is a little hazy
Lerner is very sharp.
They should have fired Koskinen years ago, but he was allowed to complete his term I'm sure so he could max out all his perks and pension. Just like the intelligence agencies, the IRS needs a top to bottom shakeout.
Typical. Sessions put the "Con" in pseudo-con.

What's next? An apology for Obama giving guns to the Mexican Drug Cartels?
Eric holder's DOJ finnaly apologise and admit the IRS singled out the tea party..

what part of that is illegal ?
Koskinen had already retired, and was brought out of retirement to clean up the mess in the IRS....He's a Phoenix, and has risen from the dead of retirement a couple of times, to help his Nation, when called up! :D

I think it was a mistake to settle with them,,,,

if it had gone to court, it would have been exposed that these political groups like the Tea Party groups and Karl Roves PAC, were applying for a CHARITY PAC status, where the majority of the PAC donations is to be used for charity and NOT FOR POLITICAL stuff..... so these charity PAC donors can get a tax write off for donating to a charity...donating to a purely political PAC does not allow a tax write off for donations...

It's a scam that these political groups got the PAC charity status, when they used most of their donations for POLITICS and NOT charity....

with a court case, court discovery of such, would have happened and been bought out in the open...

they "settled" so the R's and the D's could continue their SCAMS with these cough cough, charity PACS
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How dare they! The government can only profile brown people !!!!

Lol. Righties are such hypocrites.
The truth is that there is no "real" Democracy. Both party's are much the same and that's why things never change. We lost our nation in 1913.
Eric holder's DOJ finnaly apologise and admit the IRS singled out the tea party

OP-er, did you pay any attention to what you wrote in your title? Did you even read the article you cited?

The headline to the referenced article clearly says "Trump DOJ" not "Eric Holder's DOJ." Be that as it may, the IRS is a unit within the Treasury Dept., not the DOJ. Hell, the DOJ isn't even the right organization to admit to what the IRS did or didn't do; any such admission must, in order to be an admission, come from the IRS.

Trump's DOJ apologizing for anything the IRS did, regardless of under what Administration it did it, or what the IRS did or didn't do, is like "Billy" apologizing for something that has nothing to do with "Billy" and his actions.

To wit, the very article cited in the OP states that the apology will come from the IRS, not the DOJ.
"The settlements involve payments to the plaintiffs and an apology from the IRS."

What was admitted by the IRS, not by the DOJ?
  • The IRS admitted it applied extra scrutiny to conservative groups applying for nonprofit status.
  • The IRS admits that its treatment of Plaintiffs during the tax-exempt determination process, including screening their applications based on their names or policy positions, subjecting those applications to heightened scrutiny and inordinate delays, and demanding some Plaintiffs’ information that TIGTA determined was unnecessary to the agency’s determination of their tax-exempt status
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Great news, good to see Eric and Obama saying they are sorry

Trump DOJ settles lawsuits over Tea Party targeting by Obama IRS

The Trump administration, after years of litigation, has settled lawsuits with Tea Party and other conservative groups who say they were unfairly targeted by the IRS under the Obama administration.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced early Thursday that the Justice Department had entered into settlements with Tea Party groups whose tax-exempt status was significantly delayed by the IRS dating back to 2013, “based solely on their viewpoint or ideology.”

The settlements involve payments to the plaintiffs and an apology from the IRS.

The targeting scandal drew heavy attention in 2013 when the IRS admitted it applied extra scrutiny to conservative groups applying for nonprofit status. Lois Lerner, then head of the Exempt Organizations unit responsible, became the public face of the scandal, though other IRS officials were involved as well.

Settlement to the Tea Party is good.

Sending those thugs from the Obama Administration to jail could be even better! :mad-61:
Eric holder's DOJ finnaly apologise and admit the IRS singled out the tea party..

what part of that is illegal ?

Pretty much ALL of what they were doing to the Tea Party orgs. was illegal. Denial of civil liberties under color of authority, releasing confidential tax records to news media outlets (that's a felony just so you know) initiating tax audits against the leaders of the various organizations. It's amusing the abuse of power you are willing to grant to nameless bureaucrats so long as they are going after the opposition. You're both incredibly stupid (because those protections are to help you too) and despicable.

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