Eric Holder Brings A Circus To The Courts


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Everyone told them that this was going to happen and now they're doing it.

GITMO detainees are getting a taxpayer funded show to air their disdain for America and everything we stand for. This is happening at GITMO. Better there than New York City where Holder says he wanted it to take place.

If you have any sympathies for them you'll lose it when you see them in court playing with paper airplanes acting like they're flying them into buildings, in a childish attempt to taunt the families of 9/11 victims.


These are the thugs that the left has been bawling over for the last 8 years saying Waterboarding is inhuman. Trust me. Waterboarding is a slap on the wrist for these ingrates. A 60 minutes journalist actually felt that controlling these monsters' diet with Ensure was barbaric. We just don't do that sort of thing, she said.

I guess withholding a Happy Meal from these criminals is considered cruel and unusual punishment.

Their female defense lawyer has become so enamored by these despicable human beings that she arrived at the arraignment dressed in a traditional Burka and acted the court to order all women at the trial to dress the same way in respect for the defendant's religion. The same defendants that are responsible for the deaths of nearly 3000 people on Sept. the 11th, 2001. KSM is the mind that hatched Osama Bin Laden's plan to use Jets to bring down the WTC and crash into the Pentagon and ether the White House or the Capital building. Several times they held up the proceedings by praying out loud.

The only respect I would reserve for them would be a quick execution. Perhaps one of Obama's drone attacks, only let them know it's coming.

Well, Obama and his bud Eric Holder got their trial and it's turned into a joke as predicted because the of outrageous conduct of the defendants. It could go on for years even if they plead guilty. Kind of reminds me of the Charles Manson trial. Anyone who read the book "Helter Skelter" knows what a circus that trial was.

The way to deal with these murderers is with cruelty and violence because it's the only thing they understand, but they know that America won't do that to them. We are disdainfully human compared to them. KSM was the guy that sawed off the head of Daniel Pearle on a video several years ago, remember?

You know, in their home countries they let the relatives of victims have a crack at them before they carry out the sentence. Wouldn't it be justice if we let the thousands of 9/11 families put a lick in these punks. My guess if they knew this was possible they wouldn't be so willing to mock them through the glass partition that separated them.



911 Trial Muslim Terrorists: "I spit on their Graves" KSM and co-jihadists mock victims, turn courtroom into circus - Atlas Shrugs
KSM spent less time with the water spritz on his face than the above victim spent in the air falling to the ground to die.
Also the victims families are able to say what they want to say to these scum towels, so........good.
[A little mistake like the one the hangmen made in Nurenburg is in order, miscalculating the condemned's weights so their necks failed to snap as a result of the drop, and strangled instead. Some took as long as fourty five minutes. Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch. Obama will probably pardon the whole lot, should he lose this November. Narcissists are like that]

"Cheryl Bormann, 52, who represents Walid bin Attash, said that her client had demanded she wear the clothing and insisted that other women at the hearing also wear ‘appropriate’ clothes out of respect for his religion.

She asked that other women follow her example so that the defendants do not have to avert their eyes ‘for fear of committing a sin under their faith’, according to Fox News.

This is the position consistently taken by radical Muslims, that wherever they go they are surrounded by a sharia zone to which everyone else must bow. The arraignment dragged on for hours, in part because the defendants refused to cooperate.

Self-proclaimed ‘mastermind’ Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, wearing a turban and white tunic, refused to answer the judge’s questions. Mohammed had been asked if he was satisfied with his U.S. military and civilian lawyers.

‘I believe he’s deeply concerned about the fairness of the proceeding,’ said his civilian lawyer, David Nevin

I am deeply concerned about the insanity of the proceedings, but it looks as though we will have to endure them for years to come:

The arraignment is ‘only the beginning of a trial that will take years to complete, followed by years of appellate review,’ attorney James Connell, who represents defendant Ali Abd al-Aziz Ali, told reporters gathered at the base to observe the hearing.

Traditionally, military tribunals have had the virtues of speed and efficiency. In an effort to impress observers around the world, however, the Obama administration has devised new rules for this proceeding. Based on what we have seen so far, this forum represents little or no improvement over a civilian trial. And the idea that anyone will be impressed by the elaborate “due process” that we accord to terrorists, along with countless opportunities to insult us and their victims and to preach their jihadist ideology, is fanciful. What most international observers will conclude, is that we are crazy."

Courtroom Insanity at Guantanamo Bay | Power Line
Seems to me they ought to have been tried in Federal Court in New York. Let them sit before the trier of fact -a jury or judge - and ply their vile antics. They should have been afforded all the rights of a US Citizen and if convicted by ordered executed and placed in the General Population of a Federal Prison to await their fate.
This is the reason Obama doesn't like to capture these guys.

He'd rather miss out on the intel they would get and save himself the embarrassment.

Instead Obama bribes governments with taxpayer money to get a similar result.
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Btw, Obama is releasing high level detainees in Afghanistan as per an agreement he signed last week.

At least 1 in 4 go back to fighting.

Smart move Obama.
This trial should be televised.. the American people have a right to see it.
It seems to me that they all should have been harshly interrogated for a year at some foreign black site willing to extract whatever information they could and then hastily executed without fanfare........

Those sub-human neanderthals forfeited any rights as humans on 9/11............

They should have stopped breathing a decade ago
Has anyone argued that they are being harshly detained because they don't have pilates lessons yet?

This is such bullshit. I really want to know who the hell in the Bush administration thought Gitmo was a good idea.
Has anyone argued that they are being harshly detained because they don't have pilates lessons yet?

This is such bullshit. I really want to know who the hell in the Bush administration thought Gitmo was a good idea.

GITMO was a good idea, if it wasn't obie wan would have closed it.
Has anyone argued that they are being harshly detained because they don't have pilates lessons yet?

This is such bullshit. I really want to know who the hell in the Bush administration thought Gitmo was a good idea.

The terrorists have the right to be interrogated in a lazy boy recliner and have persian carpets on the floor. Although it must be part of the torture that the carpet is a fake. To alleviate the stress of a fake carpet, they have a mini fridge. It's all about building up their self esteem.

A kinder and gentler room to question terror suspects? - Guantánamo Special Coverage -
Has anyone argued that they are being harshly detained because they don't have pilates lessons yet?

This is such bullshit. I really want to know who the hell in the Bush administration thought Gitmo was a good idea.
We could always do what the Russians do, beat a confession out of them, take them into a room and shoot em in the back of the head.

But we're not like that. *rolls eyes*

These guys have done some really bad things and they honestly feel it is justified by their religious beliefs. They are crazy. The only thing they're any good for now is target practice.
Has anyone argued that they are being harshly detained because they don't have pilates lessons yet?

This is such bullshit. I really want to know who the hell in the Bush administration thought Gitmo was a good idea.

GITMO was a good idea, if it wasn't obie wan would have closed it.

Aw come on willow. I was thinking more along the lines of a cold climate. Not warm and fuzzy like GITMO.

Something like Newfoundland. Where your jailers don't even make sense to you. They make you kiss the cod daily. They torture you with screech.

Oh wait! I'm doing a tourism commercial for one of my provinces.

On the serious side, have you heard how these prisoners are treated like gold? 3,000 dead plus and they are treated like they are nothing short of saints?
Has anyone argued that they are being harshly detained because they don't have pilates lessons yet?

This is such bullshit. I really want to know who the hell in the Bush administration thought Gitmo was a good idea.

GITMO was a good idea, if it wasn't obie wan would have closed it.

Aw come on willow. I was thinking more along the lines of a cold climate. Not warm and fuzzy like GITMO.

Something like Newfoundland. Where your jailers don't even make sense to you. They make you kiss the cod daily. They torture you with screech.

Oh wait! I'm doing a tourism commercial for one of my provinces.

On the serious side, have you heard how these prisoners are treated like gold? 3,000 dead plus and they are treated like they are nothing short of saints?

I think a cock-meat sandwich is in order.
Has anyone argued that they are being harshly detained because they don't have pilates lessons yet?

This is such bullshit. I really want to know who the hell in the Bush administration thought Gitmo was a good idea.

GITMO was a good idea, if it wasn't obie wan would have closed it.

Aw come on willow. I was thinking more along the lines of a cold climate. Not warm and fuzzy like GITMO.

Something like Newfoundland. Where your jailers don't even make sense to you. They make you kiss the cod daily. They torture you with screech.

Oh wait! I'm doing a tourism commercial for one of my provinces.

On the serious side, have you heard how these prisoners are treated like gold? 3,000 dead plus and they are treated like they are nothing short of saints?

Yes I have heard that. I guess I didn't catch your meaning.. so,, a pig farm would make a nice prison and they should be forced to labor in it..
This trial should be televised.. the American people have a right to see it.

That would have propelled these terrorists from acting into overacting. Nothing would please them more than the publicity.

Agree initially.

But over the long period of time this whole process is expected to take I'd bet such publicity would backfire on them in a public opinion tsunami, and sooner rather than later. Televise it C-SPAN-style, just video and open mics with subtitles if one of the a-holes mutters something. Let the world see and hear these people.
Just take the whole lot of these jihadist freaks behind a shed and blow their brains out. Bullets are cheap.
This is the reason Obama doesn't like to capture these guys.

He'd rather miss out on the intel they would get and save himself the embarrassment.

Instead Obama bribes governments with taxpayer money to get a similar result.

KABUL – The US has been secretly releasing captured Taliban fighters from a detention center in Afghanistan in a bid to strengthen its hand in peace talks with the insurgent group, the Washington Post reported Monday.

The "strategic release" :lol: program of high-level detainees is designed to give the US a bargaining chip in some areas of Afghanistan where international forces struggle to exercise control, the report said.

Under the risky program, the hardened fighters must promise to give up violence and are threatened with further punishment, :lol: but there is nothing to stop them resuming attacks against Afghan and American troops.

Read more: US secretly releasing Taliban fighters, report says | Fox News

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