Eric Holder-AG-did know of Fast & Furious--and Lied about when he knew of it.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
For the first time, documents appear to show Attorney General Eric Holder was made aware of the Operation Fast and Furious earlier than he claimed -- up to 9 nine months earlier.

The documents seem to contradict what Holder told a House Judiciary Committee on May 3, when he said he could not recall the exact date, but he'd "probably heard about Fast and

However, in a July 2010 memo, Michael Walther, director of the National Drug Intelligence Center, told Holder straw buyers in the Operation Fast and Furious case "are responsible for the purchase of 1,500 firearms that were then supplied to the Mexican drug trafficking cartels."

Also, on October 18, 2010, one of Holder's chief deputies, Lanny Breuer, chief of the department's Criminal Division, told Holder in a memo that prosecutors were ready to issue indictments in Operation Fast and Furious.

Documents also show, contrary to earlier reports, the Justice Department was aware that ATF agents under the department's direction were involved in the controversial practice known as "gun walking" -- allowing illicit gun sales to proceed to track the traffickers to higher-ups. The department has said it did not allow guns to "walk."

When agents "let guns walk," they stop surveillance and allow criminals to transfer weapons to others. In this case, that meant allowing the guns to cross the border into Mexico. It is a highly controversial practice agents typically are taught not to do.
However, in an October 17, 2010 memo, Deputy Attorney General Jason Weinstein asks another attorney in the Criminal Division if Breuer should do a press conference when Fast and Furious is announced, but says, "It's a tricky case, given the number of guns that have walked."

His associate, James Trusty writes back, "It's not going to be any big surprise that a bunch of US guns are being used in MX (Mexico), so I’m not sure how much grief we'll get for 'gun walking.'"

Until now, there's been an attempt to portray Operation Fast and Furious as a rogue operation by ATF agents in Phoenix and the Arizona U.S. Attorney's Office. But insiders claim these documents show the Department of Justice in Washington was intimately aware of the case almost from the beginning.

In response to the documents released today, the Justice Department said Holder’s response referred to when he first learned of the “troubling tactics” of the program. A Justice spokesperson also says that the “gun walking” referred to in the October 2010 email exchange is about another case initiated before Operation Fast and Furious.

Documents Suggest Holder Knew About 'Fast And Furious' Earlier Than He Claimed | Fox News

This investigation is not going away. Memo's regarding this program--went to Eric Holders desk 9 months prior to his previous statement of when he became aware of it.

In the last few years 40,000 Mexican militia--police--government officials--gang members and innocent civilians--including American citizens have been killed in the cross fire--including a US border patrol agent that was killed with one of these walked guns--that the ATF delivered to violent Mexican drug lords.
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You'd think that the government of Mexico would consider this a act of war. We need to impeach Obama and get someone in the white house that will put our military on our borders. This crap is starting to spill over. The whole reason for the Military is to defend the states...NOT TO NATION BUILD, but to defend the states.
I want you to go back to the thread;Good Grief… Occupy Wall Street Imbeciles Release 13 Demands Including “$20 Minimum Wa
I responded to your response and corrected a link that you called a Farce, also I directed you to a link that I should have been more specific in regards to the data I quoted, I fine-tuned the location of the data I had referred to.
By the way, thanks for actually checking and reading the links I supplied. Many people have a habit of not even checking supplied links. Good job.
Damn, if Fox News said it - it must be true. Now, if we could just get WorldNutDaily to confirm it.

:cuckoo: The Fast and Furious program is under current congressional investigation. Documents--(emails) have been subpoenaed--and this administration has tried to cover this up--and because of these documents--Eric Holder and others are being outed in their involvement in it.

You don't really believe that a couple of ATF agents in Arizona would make a decision (all by themselves) to hand over 1700+ semi-automatic weapons to violent Mexican drug lords--without authorization from someone much higher up the ladder than they--do you?--:cuckoo:
Mexican Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

192,000 army. I'd say with as little defenses we have on our southern border; they could drive quite far inside of our borders if it were come to war. A lot of our assets are over sea's, so we would have to use our reserves and air power. It would likely take a few days to a week to organize...Air power might stop it, but it won't likely be able to flush a invasion out. Might not seem big, but we have very little on our borders either to counter it. I'm sure they wouldn't win, but for Americans in Az, Califorina, New Mexico things could get quite bad.

Yes, I believe this is serious enough that Mexico may declare war on the United states. This is a act of war. 300+ dead because of Obama's gun walker bs. We had better be ready to be a hell of a lot more serious then we're about Afghanistan. We will likely be fighting the drug "gangs" to.

I surely hope it doesn't come to this, but wars have been started for less. We willl see if Felipe Calderón has the nerve to declare war on the super power for this act of war.
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And oh yeah, Holder should resign, what a screw-up.
Maybe they can transfer him over to the EPA and he can prosecute people for spreading dust.

No, Holder should be indicted and enjoy a lengthy trial that bankrupts him and then spend a nice long time in prison so he has enough time to figure out just what a fucking moron he is.
And oh yeah, Holder should resign, what a screw-up.
Maybe they can transfer him over to the EPA and he can prosecute people for spreading dust.

No, Holder should be indicted and enjoy a lengthy trial that bankrupts him and then spend a nice long time in prison so he has enough time to figure out just what a fucking moron he is.

House Republicans are requesting a Special Counsel to probe Holder on the Fast and Furious scandal.

I think this may be the beginning of the end of Holder. I don't even have the words to describe what I think of the highest law lying in front of his peers to save himself earlier. Will he take down the White House with him?
You'd think that the government of Mexico would consider this a act of war. We need to impeach Obama and get someone in the white house that will put our military on our borders.

You think that dealing with the headache of an impeachment proceeding just to, at best, seat Joe Biden in the Oval Office is going to accomplish that goal?

The whole reason for the Military is to defend the states...NOT TO NATION BUILD, but to defend the states.

So you think that the US was wrong to invade Iraq, much less stay there for a decade?
You'd think that the government of Mexico would consider this a act of war. We need to impeach Obama and get someone in the white house that will put our military on our borders. This crap is starting to spill over. The whole reason for the Military is to defend the states...NOT TO NATION BUILD, but to defend the states.

This on FOX NEWS RIGHT now---CONGRESS is calling for a special investigator to investigate Eric Holder for PERJURY----YES!---:clap2:
And oh yeah, Holder should resign, what a screw-up.
Maybe they can transfer him over to the EPA and he can prosecute people for spreading dust.

No, Holder should be indicted and enjoy a lengthy trial that bankrupts him and then spend a nice long time in prison so he has enough time to figure out just what a fucking moron he is.

House Republicans are requesting a Special Counsel to probe Holder on the Fast and Furious scandal.

I think this may be the beginning of the end of Holder. I don't even have the words to describe what I think of the highest law lying in front of his peers to save himself earlier. Will he take down the White House with him?

he might take them out during the next election. This scandal is huge.

Holder should be facing charges for perjury, if he was under oath, and obstruction of justice.

Is it too much to expect our nations leaders to be honest?
You'd think that the government of Mexico would consider this a act of war. We need to impeach Obama and get someone in the white house that will put our military on our borders. This crap is starting to spill over. The whole reason for the Military is to defend the states...NOT TO NATION BUILD, but to defend the states.

This on FOX NEWS RIGHT now---CONGRESS is calling for a special investigator to investigate Eric Holder for PERJURY----YES!---:clap2:
That only means if he doesn't resign by 5 pm tonight, they'll go after Barack Obama. President Obama wouldn't risk that, imho.
You'd think that the government of Mexico would consider this a act of war. We need to impeach Obama and get someone in the white house that will put our military on our borders. This crap is starting to spill over. The whole reason for the Military is to defend the states...NOT TO NATION BUILD, but to defend the states.

This on FOX NEWS RIGHT now---CONGRESS is calling for a special investigator to investigate Eric Holder for PERJURY----YES!---:clap2:
That only means if he doesn't resign by 5 pm tonight, they'll go after Barack Obama. President Obama wouldn't risk that, imho.

Resigns or not--lying to a congressional hearing is still PERJURY.
And oh yeah, Holder should resign, what a screw-up.
Maybe they can transfer him over to the EPA and he can prosecute people for spreading dust.

No, Holder should be indicted and enjoy a lengthy trial that bankrupts him and then spend a nice long time in prison so he has enough time to figure out just what a fucking moron he is.

House Republicans are requesting a Special Counsel to probe Holder on the Fast and Furious scandal.

I think this may be the beginning of the end of Holder. I don't even have the words to describe what I think of the highest law lying in front of his peers to save himself earlier. Will he take down the White House with him?

Should it really come as any surprise to us that the same man who was responsible for the Marc Rich pardon on Bill Clinton's last day in office would have any qualms about lying to Congress about what he knew about Fast & Furious? Eric Holder is as sleazy as they come. That "he" is our Attorney General disgusts me.
Unfortunately Honesty is not a requirement for public office at any level and in Washington you are not dishonest unless you are caught red handed. Give Holder a 22 and let him spend a weekend out on the border defending it against the AK47 and other weapons he is responsible for selling. Save us a lot of money on a trial because he wouldn't make it through the first night.

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