Environmentalists: Down the Tubes!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. There is an ignorance on the Left, an invincible stupidity, that I would love to blame on the ‘education’s system, and the political slant of the media…but, truth be told, the it is the ‘low information voter’ himself who is responsible. He is easily led, too lazy to question or do any research- even with the ease of the internet and availability of libraries.

2. Seems that the insertion of a few time-tested phrases…and they nod their heads and march lock-step. “For the children,” or “ to save the planet,” or, simply, ‘Democrat,” and, case and mind closed.

a. Once those phrases are tossed in, as a wise pundit posited “Not facts, nor data, nor experience, nor rational debate will convince Liberals.”

4. Hard for me, with my attitude about taking orders, to realize that the ‘reliable Democrat voter’ has no trouble accepting commands, as long as they are told ‘it’s for your own good.’

a. What the heck happened to ‘why are they really telling me that? What’s in it for them?’

5. Progressive indoctrination is all about limiting freedom of choice, even with respect to the most personal issues. Remember Rand Paul’s bridling about ‘bathroom dictatorship’??

“Sen. Rand Paul, R-KY, today went off on a tirade about toilets in the midst of an Energy & Natural Resources Committee hearing on energy efficiency standards for certain appliances…..“You’re really anti-choice on every other consumer item that you’ve listed here, including light bulbs, refrigerators, toilets – you name it, you can’t go around your house without being told what to buy. You restrict my choices, you don’t care about my choices,” Paul said to her. “You don’t care about the consumer frankly. You raise the cost of all the items with your rules, all your notions that you know what’s best for me.”

“Frankly, my toilets don’t work in my house. And I blame you and people like you who want to tell me what I can install in my house, what I can do. You restrict my choices. There is hypocrisy that goes on when people claim to believe in some choices but don’t want to let the consumer decide what they can buy and put in their houses. I find it insulting. I find it insulting that a lot of these products that you’re going to make us buy and you won’t let us buy what we want to buy and you take away our choices.”
Rand Paul’s Toilet Tirade - ABC News

6. And let’s remember who demanded ‘modern’ toilets. It was the environmentalists. Yup….in 1992, they convinced George H.W. Bush to sign the Energy Policy Act, which required toilets to use no more than 1.6 gallons per flush. Low-flush toilet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

a. And remember when all the celebs pledged allegiance to Obama?….Jason Bateman’s oath was right in line: "I pledge to flush only after a deuce. Never a single."
Celebs Pledge Allegiance - TIME

7. So…when a poster commented that ‘You conservatives are so demanding…’ When I read that post, I shook my head so rapidly, you could blend paint colors in my mouth….It was so backward, one would have to be dyslexic to understand it!
He actually said "Let people live the way they want to!"

The conclusion is obvious: the number of IQ points remains constant…but must be divided by the ever increasing population of the world.
If not….we’d have a different President.
I like the link you posted to "Low Flow Toilets". More proof that Enviro-Wackos NEVER think ANYTHING through:
In 2011, the San Francisco Chronicle reported that, while low-flow toilets are estimated to have saved the city of San Francisco 20 million gallons of water per year, the reduction in water volume has caused waste sludge to back up in the city sewer pipes. The city is attempting to solve this by adding CHLORINE BLEACH to the pipes, a proposal that has raised environmental objections.
Yeah I'll bet that's really good for "duh erff". :lol:
I like the link you posted to "Low Flow Toilets". More proof that Enviro-Wackos NEVER think ANYTHING through:
In 2011, the San Francisco Chronicle reported that, while low-flow toilets are estimated to have saved the city of San Francisco 20 million gallons of water per year, the reduction in water volume has caused waste sludge to back up in the city sewer pipes. The city is attempting to solve this by adding CHLORINE BLEACH to the pipes, a proposal that has raised environmental objections.
Yeah I'll bet that's really good for "duh erff". :lol:
That was one "good for you" that was full of crap. Did Nancy Pelosi vacation in American Samoa till they fixed it? Oh, wait. The economy there is dependent on the minimum wage of $3 an hour. Instead, she dumped those workers and Pelosi went after Republican states' minimum wages, all for press advantage. link-Pelosi's Fishy Deal
I think you missnamed this thread PC. Environmentalists aren't down the tubes because their plan to use less water has left the tubes so stopped up that they can't possibly get down them.
1. There is an ignorance on the Left, an invincible stupidity, that I would love to blame on the ‘education’s system, and the political slant of the media…but, truth be told, the it is the ‘low information voter’ himself who is responsible. He is easily led, too lazy to question or do any research- even with the ease of the internet and availability of libraries.

2. Seems that the insertion of a few time-tested phrases…and they nod their heads and march lock-step. “For the children,” or “ to save the planet,” or, simply, ‘Democrat,” and, case and mind closed.

a. Once those phrases are tossed in, as a wise pundit posited “Not facts, nor data, nor experience, nor rational debate will convince Liberals.”

4. Hard for me, with my attitude about taking orders, to realize that the ‘reliable Democrat voter’ has no trouble accepting commands, as long as they are told ‘it’s for your own good.’

a. What the heck happened to ‘why are they really telling me that? What’s in it for them?’

5. Progressive indoctrination is all about limiting freedom of choice, even with respect to the most personal issues. Remember Rand Paul’s bridling about ‘bathroom dictatorship’??

“Sen. Rand Paul, R-KY, today went off on a tirade about toilets in the midst of an Energy & Natural Resources Committee hearing on energy efficiency standards for certain appliances…..“You’re really anti-choice on every other consumer item that you’ve listed here, including light bulbs, refrigerators, toilets – you name it, you can’t go around your house without being told what to buy. You restrict my choices, you don’t care about my choices,” Paul said to her. “You don’t care about the consumer frankly. You raise the cost of all the items with your rules, all your notions that you know what’s best for me.”

“Frankly, my toilets don’t work in my house. And I blame you and people like you who want to tell me what I can install in my house, what I can do. You restrict my choices. There is hypocrisy that goes on when people claim to believe in some choices but don’t want to let the consumer decide what they can buy and put in their houses. I find it insulting. I find it insulting that a lot of these products that you’re going to make us buy and you won’t let us buy what we want to buy and you take away our choices.”
Rand Paul’s Toilet Tirade - ABC News

6. And let’s remember who demanded ‘modern’ toilets. It was the environmentalists. Yup….in 1992, they convinced George H.W. Bush to sign the Energy Policy Act, which required toilets to use no more than 1.6 gallons per flush. Low-flush toilet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

a. And remember when all the celebs pledged allegiance to Obama?….Jason Bateman’s oath was right in line: "I pledge to flush only after a deuce. Never a single."
Celebs Pledge Allegiance - TIME

7. So…when a poster commented that ‘You conservatives are so demanding…’ When I read that post, I shook my head so rapidly, you could blend paint colors in my mouth….It was so backward, one would have to be dyslexic to understand it!
He actually said "Let people live the way they want to!"

The conclusion is obvious: the number of IQ points remains constant…but must be divided by the ever increasing population of the world.
If not….we’d have a different President.

These are zero number of people, conservative or liberal, with IQ issues who are posting in this forum. There is an important distinction to identify here. I do see alot of ignorance in this area........people calling others "retard" and "moron". We are not talking about intelligence here.

In terms of the thinking dynamics of people on the left..............

Never has been an issue of intelligence for these people. Its a thought processing issue. Big difference. Its all in the DSM IV >>>

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM IV)

In terms of psychology, in practical applications, people on the far left have a simple brain pathology: an inability to be able to think on the margin. In layman terms, there are physiological disconnects, thus, it is very difficult for the conservative mind to understand because they do deliberate on any topic in such a way as to constantly weigh necessary tradeoffs ( thinking on the margin). When you dont have the ability to think on the margin ( people with far left ideology), your mind doesnt think about: 1) As compared to what? or 2) At what cost?.
Conservative thinking naturally and methodically weighs these questions. A perfect example is the current issue of gun control. Every person on the far left would support total confiscation of guns tomorrow, the thinking being that all of society benefits 100%. Their manner of thinking, physiologically, does not allow them to reflect on the necessary tradeoffs ( in this case, the factor of deterrence as applied to volent crime ). In layman terms, the setting screws are set a bit differently. ( psychiatrists call it "cognitive processing" )

Ironically, thought processing issues are treatable via pharmachological aid. They change cognitive processing. I work in the field and have seen it every day for the past 27 years.

No drug increases intelligence however.

Now you know why I consistently refer to these people as k00ks. Because psychologically, they are. Im simply pointing out a physiological fact with that term.
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Hell yes, let's just go back to having burning rivers running through our cities. And dumping effluent from factories and municipal sewage untreated directly into the rivers.

PC, you are a fool.
Hell yes, let's just go back to having burning rivers running through our cities. And dumping effluent from factories and municipal sewage untreated directly into the rivers.

PC, you are a fool.

Ad hominem but not a bit of refutation!

Seems to be a pattern here, Rocks.....

1. Let’s just follow this Leftist gem down the cosmic toilet hole of environmentalism:

“Because water flow isn't pushing the waste through the system fast enough, a stinky sludge is building up in the sewers, the Chronicle reports. It's blamed for a rotten-egg smell wafting through areas of the city, especially during summer, according to the report.
So the city is spending $14 million to buy a three-year supply of concentrated bleach to combat the sewer odor, disinfect treated water before it's pumped into San Francisco Bay and sanitize tap water.”
Low-flow toilets cause stink in San Francisco – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs

2. Did you get that? The toilet thing turned out to be a bone-head idea. And it’s rebounding in the holy city of San Francisco! See…there is a God! OK…how do Liberals solve it? BLEACH!

“Claims that bleach degrades into harmless compounds are misleading. There are several issues with using bleach:
– It is highly corrosive to both skin and eyes and therefore presents a risk to handle and use.
– When it comes in contact with organic matter — an absolute certainty in a sewer — it produces persistent compounds that may be carcinogenic and toxic to water organisms.
– When it comes in contact with ammonia solutions such as urine, it forms chloramines and, subsequently, carcinogenic hydrazine.
- When it is exposed to high temperature, it forms toxic chlorate, and when it comes in contact with an acid, it creates poisonous chlorine gas. In an open water system, all of these scenarios are possible, if not expected.”
Don’t dump bleach in San Francisco Bay | Opinion Shop | an SFGate.com blog

Review, shall we?
Another stupid environmental idea with corrosive, toxic, carcinogenic results!!!
Another home run, huh?

So, who cornered the market on being "fools," Rocks?
Raise your paw.
Hell yes, let's just go back to having burning rivers running through our cities. And dumping effluent from factories and municipal sewage untreated directly into the rivers.

PC, you are a fool.
Stop acting like a child! No one is calling for that! Our toilets worked just fine before Now-It-All, Authoritarian Nitwits like YOU came in with your STUPID ideas.

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