Environmental Fascists Responsible For Oil Spill


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Had this spill been on land it would have been plugged in a few days.

Had this spill been in shallow water, the same.

But the real culprit, Big Green, and the Greeniacs, forced the industry into mile deep water.

"The irony here is that it's been the reluctance of Congress and the White House to allow more onshore development of our vast untapped oil and natural gas energy reserves that has forced oil companies such as Shell and British Petroleum to go farther and farther offshore to drill deeper and deeper in riskier waters.

"I am frustrated that this decision by the Obama administration to halt offshore development for a year will cause more delays and higher costs for domestic oil and gas production to meet the nation's energy needs," Sen. Mark Begich, D-Alaska, said in a statement. As with nuclear power, domestic oil exploration will now be consigned to the "study forever, develop never" category."
The Drill Is Gone - IBD - Investors.com

"…there has been a departure from reason and logic because objectivity has been replaced in large measure by ideology.

[There are] extraordinary similarities between the attempt by the Western intelligentsia to impose secular ideologies such as materialism, environmentalism ...

[There are] remarkable links and correspondences between left-wing ‘progressives’ and Islamists (those who wish to impose Islam on unbelievers and to extinguish individual freedom and human rights among Muslims), and environmentalists and fascists, militant atheists and fanatical religious believers. All are united by the common desire to bring about through human agency the perfection of the world, an agenda which history teaches us leads invariably- and paradoxically- to tyranny, terror, and crimes against humanity."
“The World Turned Upside Down,” Melanie Phillips

On the excellent webcast 'Uncommon Knowledge', Czech president Václav Klaus recently compared “two ideologies” that were “structurally very similar. They are against individual freedom. They are in favor of centralistic masterminding of our fates. They are both very similar in telling us what to do, how to live, how to behave, what to eat, how to travel, what we can do and what we cannot do.” The first of Klaus’s “two ideologies” was Communism—a system with which he was deeply familiar, having participated in the Velvet Revolution in 1989. The second was environmentalism.
The Varieties of Liberal Enthusiasm by Benjamin A. Plotinsky, City Journal Spring 2010
Had this spill been on land it would have been plugged in a few days.

Had this spill been in shallow water, the same.

But the real culprit, Big Green, and the Greeniacs, forced the industry into mile deep water.

"The irony here is that it's been the reluctance of Congress and the White House to allow more onshore development of our vast untapped oil and natural gas energy reserves that has forced oil companies such as Shell and British Petroleum to go farther and farther offshore to drill deeper and deeper in riskier waters.

"I am frustrated that this decision by the Obama administration to halt offshore development for a year will cause more delays and higher costs for domestic oil and gas production to meet the nation's energy needs," Sen. Mark Begich, D-Alaska, said in a statement. As with nuclear power, domestic oil exploration will now be consigned to the "study forever, develop never" category."
The Drill Is Gone - IBD - Investors.com

"…there has been a departure from reason and logic because objectivity has been replaced in large measure by ideology.

[There are] extraordinary similarities between the attempt by the Western intelligentsia to impose secular ideologies such as materialism, environmentalism ...

[There are] remarkable links and correspondences between left-wing ‘progressives’ and Islamists (those who wish to impose Islam on unbelievers and to extinguish individual freedom and human rights among Muslims), and environmentalists and fascists, militant atheists and fanatical religious believers. All are united by the common desire to bring about through human agency the perfection of the world, an agenda which history teaches us leads invariably- and paradoxically- to tyranny, terror, and crimes against humanity."
“The World Turned Upside Down,” Melanie Phillips

On the excellent webcast 'Uncommon Knowledge', Czech president Václav Klaus recently compared “two ideologies” that were “structurally very similar. They are against individual freedom. They are in favor of centralistic masterminding of our fates. They are both very similar in telling us what to do, how to live, how to behave, what to eat, how to travel, what we can do and what we cannot do.” The first of Klaus’s “two ideologies” was Communism—a system with which he was deeply familiar, having participated in the Velvet Revolution in 1989. The second was environmentalism.
The Varieties of Liberal Enthusiasm by Benjamin A. Plotinsky, City Journal Spring 2010

Damn those pesky environmentalists for supporting offshore drilling.:cuckoo:
The worst oil spill in history occurred in 1979, in 150 feet of water.

So, your premises are the following:

1. Techniques and precautions are identical, even though the previous event took place over 30 years ago.

2. Solutions are no more difficult in coastal waters and on land than in mile deep locations.

These 'unspoken assumptions' represent your response?

Nor, it seems, do you wish to comment on the overwhelming control, exhibited by Big Green, of the future of America. Wise choice.
The worst oil spill in history occurred in 1979, in 150 feet of water.

So, your premises are the following:

1. Techniques and precautions are identical, even though the previous event took place over 30 years ago.

2. Solutions are no more difficult in coastal waters and on land than in mile deep locations.

These 'unspoken assumptions' represent your response?

Nor, it seems, do you wish to comment on the overwhelming control, exhibited by Big Green, of the future of America. Wise choice.

30 years ago they tried a top hat, and a top kill, and ended up fixing it with a relief well. Sound familiar?
As to the mythical premise here that shallow water drilling doesn't occur in the Gulf, try reading this:


I know you won't, because it's long and tedious, which actually makes the point. It contains a list of drilling operations in the Gulf, including their location and depth. And pretty much disposes of this MYTH that environmentalists, or anyone else, has forced the drillers into deep water.

The drillers are in deep water because they're anywhere they think they can make money. I'll find the article if I can, from last year, about BP touting the great boon they were expecting from deepwater drilling plans - it was notable because of 1. how thrilled they were, and 2. how ironic it all now looks.
As to the mythical premise here that shallow water drilling doesn't occur in the Gulf, try reading this:


I know you won't, because it's long and tedious, which actually makes the point. It contains a list of drilling operations in the Gulf, including their location and depth. And pretty much disposes of this MYTH that environmentalists, or anyone else, has forced the drillers into deep water.

The drillers are in deep water because they're anywhere they think they can make money. I'll find the article if I can, from last year, about BP touting the great boon they were expecting from deepwater drilling plans - it was notable because of 1. how thrilled they were, and 2. how ironic it all now looks.

"...the mythical premise here that shallow water drilling doesn't occur in the Gulf..." has never been the question, as much as you try to obfuscate and claim so, the questions are

1. whether not it would be easier to deal with on shore, or in shallower water...


2. shouldn't the blame, in large measure, be firmly on the shoulders of the greeniacs who have insisted that drilling and exploration be relegated to deep water...

The outright falsity of your statement, "because they're anywhere they think they can make money" is astounding.

A truer statement is " because they're anywhere they are allowed to find energy sources by Big Green" the more distant, difficult and irrelevent they are, the better.

And since our environmental friends have eliminated drilling and exploration in ANWAR and Oklahoma, etc..."...how ironic it all now looks..."

I did peruse the link, and wonder exactly which parts of the 20 pages you find dispositive?

The far bigger question is why fanatics continue to predict dire outcomes of drilling and exploration for the life's blood of an industrial society when same is accomplished in every permutation and combination around the world...

It seems that when myth and fantasy take over- even in the age of enlightenment- facts are simply ignored: evidence, reason, and logic are exiled in favor of irrationality, ideology and prejudice.
2. shouldn't the blame, in large measure, be firmly on the shoulders of the greeniacs who have insisted that drilling and exploration be relegated to deep water...

Boy, you really are a moron. He just gave you a link to a document (which you obviously didn't (and maybe can't)) read with a long list of offshore drilling and exploration that's occurring in shallow water.

The outright falsity of your statement, "because they're anywhere they think they can make money" is astounding.

A truer statement is " because they're anywhere they are allowed to find energy sources by Big Green" the more distant, difficult and irrelevent they are, the better.

SO "Big Green" is preventing oil companies from drilling in shallow waters, even though there's a long list of shallow water drill sites?

Well, Chic, given the negligence that BP demonstrated in the operation, perhaps it is time to end off shore drilling, period. Time to put a serious tax on every barrel of oil produced or imported into the US with that money mandated to aid the people who have lost their living from this disaster, and also for R and D to replace the internal combustion engine with electric motors.
As to the mythical premise here that shallow water drilling doesn't occur in the Gulf, try reading this:


I know you won't, because it's long and tedious, which actually makes the point. It contains a list of drilling operations in the Gulf, including their location and depth. And pretty much disposes of this MYTH that environmentalists, or anyone else, has forced the drillers into deep water.

The drillers are in deep water because they're anywhere they think they can make money. I'll find the article if I can, from last year, about BP touting the great boon they were expecting from deepwater drilling plans - it was notable because of 1. how thrilled they were, and 2. how ironic it all now looks.

"...the mythical premise here that shallow water drilling doesn't occur in the Gulf..." has never been the question, as much as you try to obfuscate and claim so, the questions are

1. whether not it would be easier to deal with on shore, or in shallower water...


2. shouldn't the blame, in large measure, be firmly on the shoulders of the greeniacs who have insisted that drilling and exploration be relegated to deep water...
The outright falsity of your statement, "because they're anywhere they think they can make money" is astounding.

A truer statement is " because they're anywhere they are allowed to find energy sources by Big Green" the more distant, difficult and irrelevent they are, the better.

And since our environmental friends have eliminated drilling and exploration in ANWAR and Oklahoma, etc..."...how ironic it all now looks..."

I did peruse the link, and wonder exactly which parts of the 20 pages you find dispositive?

The far bigger question is why fanatics continue to predict dire outcomes of drilling and exploration for the life's blood of an industrial society when same is accomplished in every permutation and combination around the world...

It seems that when myth and fantasy take over- even in the age of enlightenment- facts are simply ignored: evidence, reason, and logic are exiled in favor of irrationality, ideology and prejudice.

Drilling has not been relegated to deep water. That is the myth of your premise, and the myth is debunked in my link, which lists dozens of ongoing drilling operations IN shallow water.

So, I recommend you start over, with a premise that is NOT a myth.
2. shouldn't the blame, in large measure, be firmly on the shoulders of the greeniacs who have insisted that drilling and exploration be relegated to deep water...

Boy, you really are a moron. He just gave you a link to a document (which you obviously didn't (and maybe can't)) read with a long list of offshore drilling and exploration that's occurring in shallow water.

The outright falsity of your statement, "because they're anywhere they think they can make money" is astounding.

A truer statement is " because they're anywhere they are allowed to find energy sources by Big Green" the more distant, difficult and irrelevent they are, the better.

SO "Big Green" is preventing oil companies from drilling in shallow waters, even though there's a long list of shallow water drill sites?


Yeah, there is no shallow water drilling in the Gulf, it's all been 'relegated' to the deep. All those jackup rigs and shallow water platforms you see down there are not really drilling oil, they're just mock-ups whose purpose is to provide cover and structure for fish.:lol:
Houston Chronicle, May 2010, on the recent suspension of permitting:

WASHINGTON — Dozens of lawmakers Friday pushed the Interior Department to roll back its ban on permitting new offshore drilling, which they said jeopardizes essential production from shallow- water operations in the Gulf of Mexico.

The group of 56 lawmakers, led by Rep. Gene Green, D-Houston, and Rep. Charles Boustany, R-La., made their opinion known in a letter to Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, who instituted what he called a “pause” in authorizing new drilling after the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded last month.

More than 50 shallow- water rigs are operating in the Gulf of Mexico, but their operations could be in jeopardy if the current moratorium isn't lifted or modified, the group warned. The lawmakers asked Salazar to limit the ban to deep-water drilling and allow for new shallow- water drilling permits to be allowed.

They note “shallow water activities throughout the Gulf of Mexico have operated without major incident for decades” and are generally safer than their counterparts operating in deeper depths. The lawmakers also noted that critical safety devices are easily accessible, and above water, in shallow drilling.

Easing of offshore permit ban urged

PS, the administration permitted a shallow well operation in the Gulf YESTERDAY.

Yes, it's a very alluring line of propaganda to come up with a way to blame this on the left, or on environmentalists, it is an unwritten rule and sacred obligation for the right to try to manufacture some liberal/Democrat/Obama blame for ANYTHING that happens anywhere in the world,

but don't try to get it past those of us who can think...
Funny, never a PEEP from the Godwin police...

As usual PC, your paranoid and dogmatic driven active ignorance FIRST assigns blame on the 'evil' progressives for one of mankind's maladies. THEN your little pea brain seeks out something that could be mistaken for evidence.


Deep Water Oil Drilling

World Oil Supply Hinges on Unlocking the Subsea Industry

Thursday, February 14th, 2008

If you happen to follow the oil market on a day to day basis, you know it can get pretty frustrating. After all, there's only so many times a person can hear about how a U.S. recession will cause oil prices to plummet back to $60 a barrel.

Yet every time we hear that prediction, prices soon rebound.

Those of you expecting OPEC to swoop in and save the day might want to think again. Any relief from OPEC is out of the question. OPEC officials have repeatedly stated they will not be increasing production in March. The cartel looks determined to defend $90 a barrel oil prices, meaning that a production cut is possible. As the Saudi oil minister put it, "Throwing more oil on the market would be destructive for everybody.

So oil prices are high and OPEC isn't raising production, should we really be surprised?

Absolutely not.

My readers know that cheap oil is a thing of the past. Throughout 2007, big oil companies have finally started to accept this. If you remember the famous email to Shell employees last month, tighter oil markets have become a reality.

Considering that the world's giant oil fields (nine out of the ten largest) have entered into depletion, it's only a matter of time before we start seeing oil prices breaking more records. I'm not talking about the psychological benchmark of $100 a barrel (we've already reached that). Imagine paying twice that amount for a barrel of crude!

Does this mean investors are supposed to throw in the towel?

I wouldn't do that just yet.

Deep Water Oil Drilling

Recently, Shell Europe's VP, Tom Botts, expressed this concern, "There is no more easy oil, and the subsea industry is critical to unlocking more oil to meet world supply."

One thing is for certain, higher oil prices causing a greater interest in deep water offshore drilling. The U.S. Gulf of Mexico is one of the areas experiencing a boom. Production is projected to increase between 22% and 45% in 2008, with the growth being attributed to new fields.

Credit where credit is due. Ms. PC presents writings which seem plausible, but are fallacious and misleading, devised deliberately to be so; It is an art of to create deceptive writing; cunning even, even when it is all quotes from others.
The far bigger question is why fanatics continue to predict dire outcomes of drilling and exploration for the life's blood of an industrial society when same is accomplished in every permutation and combination around the world...
It seems that when myth and fantasy take over- even in the age of enlightenment- facts are simply ignored: evidence, reason, and logic are exiled in favor of irrationality, ideology and prejudice.

This Modern World Blog Archive The Doomsday Bomb: It’s perfectly safe!

Who's ignoring facts? That seems to be the Brownies stock in trade!!!
As to the mythical premise here that shallow water drilling doesn't occur in the Gulf, try reading this:


I know you won't, because it's long and tedious, which actually makes the point. It contains a list of drilling operations in the Gulf, including their location and depth. And pretty much disposes of this MYTH that environmentalists, or anyone else, has forced the drillers into deep water.

The drillers are in deep water because they're anywhere they think they can make money. I'll find the article if I can, from last year, about BP touting the great boon they were expecting from deepwater drilling plans - it was notable because of 1. how thrilled they were, and 2. how ironic it all now looks.

"...the mythical premise here that shallow water drilling doesn't occur in the Gulf..." has never been the question, as much as you try to obfuscate and claim so, the questions are

1. whether not it would be easier to deal with on shore, or in shallower water...


2. shouldn't the blame, in large measure, be firmly on the shoulders of the greeniacs who have insisted that drilling and exploration be relegated to deep water...
The outright falsity of your statement, "because they're anywhere they think they can make money" is astounding.

A truer statement is " because they're anywhere they are allowed to find energy sources by Big Green" the more distant, difficult and irrelevent they are, the better.

And since our environmental friends have eliminated drilling and exploration in ANWAR and Oklahoma, etc..."...how ironic it all now looks..."

I did peruse the link, and wonder exactly which parts of the 20 pages you find dispositive?

The far bigger question is why fanatics continue to predict dire outcomes of drilling and exploration for the life's blood of an industrial society when same is accomplished in every permutation and combination around the world...

It seems that when myth and fantasy take over- even in the age of enlightenment- facts are simply ignored: evidence, reason, and logic are exiled in favor of irrationality, ideology and prejudice.

Drilling has not been relegated to deep water. That is the myth of your premise, and the myth is debunked in my link, which lists dozens of ongoing drilling operations IN shallow water.

So, I recommend you start over, with a premise that is NOT a myth.

So your defense is to persist in creating the strawman argument that I claimed that there is not any off shore drilling?

It is quite easy to google Democrat oppostition to drilling and exploration...i.e....

"Democrats seem to understand that most Americans don't share their views on domestic drilling. Last week, under pressure from Democratic colleagues tired of being hammered by Republicans as obstructionists, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi backed down from her months-long opposition to allowing a House vote on measures to expand offshore drilling."

I'm sure that you don't wish to champion the opposite view....do you?

So how is this for a review:
1. Democrats and their wholly-owned subsidiary, Big Green, make drilling and exploration for the irreplacable commodity, oil, difficult if not impossible.
2. It would be easier to deal with the leak if it were not a mile down.

The extension of these theses:
1. Democrats are not in favor of endeavors that would benefit America.
2. The hate-Big-Business far-left ideologues are in charge...for now.
3. Irrationality has replaced reason.
2. shouldn't the blame, in large measure, be firmly on the shoulders of the greeniacs who have insisted that drilling and exploration be relegated to deep water...

Boy, you really are a moron. He just gave you a link to a document (which you obviously didn't (and maybe can't)) read with a long list of offshore drilling and exploration that's occurring in shallow water.

The outright falsity of your statement, "because they're anywhere they think they can make money" is astounding.

A truer statement is " because they're anywhere they are allowed to find energy sources by Big Green" the more distant, difficult and irrelevent they are, the better.

SO "Big Green" is preventing oil companies from drilling in shallow waters, even though there's a long list of shallow water drill sites?


Your response is rude.

Grow up.
Houston Chronicle, May 2010, on the recent suspension of permitting:

WASHINGTON — Dozens of lawmakers Friday pushed the Interior Department to roll back its ban on permitting new offshore drilling, which they said jeopardizes essential production from shallow- water operations in the Gulf of Mexico.

The group of 56 lawmakers, led by Rep. Gene Green, D-Houston, and Rep. Charles Boustany, R-La., made their opinion known in a letter to Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, who instituted what he called a “pause” in authorizing new drilling after the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded last month.

More than 50 shallow- water rigs are operating in the Gulf of Mexico, but their operations could be in jeopardy if the current moratorium isn't lifted or modified, the group warned. The lawmakers asked Salazar to limit the ban to deep-water drilling and allow for new shallow- water drilling permits to be allowed.

They note “shallow water activities throughout the Gulf of Mexico have operated without major incident for decades” and are generally safer than their counterparts operating in deeper depths. The lawmakers also noted that critical safety devices are easily accessible, and above water, in shallow drilling.

Easing of offshore permit ban urged

PS, the administration permitted a shallow well operation in the Gulf YESTERDAY.

Yes, it's a very alluring line of propaganda to come up with a way to blame this on the left, or on environmentalists, it is an unwritten rule and sacred obligation for the right to try to manufacture some liberal/Democrat/Obama blame for ANYTHING that happens anywhere in the world,

but don't try to get it past those of us who can think...

I seem to have poked a hornet's nest!

I must be on the right track.

You guys leave me no choice: I must go for the throat (sorry to mix metaphors).

Let's combine the power of fantasy and lay it right at the doorstep of the environmentalist-in-chief: his nomination was, you'll recall, “the moment when the rise of the oceans would begin to slow and our planet begin to heal.”

1. The election of Barak Obama is a conspicuous example of postreligious mythology. Obama came to power as a mythic figure that seemed to sublimate and transcend the public’s various cultural traumas. Being half black, he allowed people to fantasize that he would both redeem America’s shameful history of slavery and racial prejudice, and bring peace to the world.

2. Of course, this required turning a blind eye to the highly troubling details of his personal history: his ambivalence about his fractured identity, his efforts to conceal or misrepresent crucial details about his background, and a pattern of unsavory or radical associations. How to explain that his pre-election statements were intellectually and politically incoherent, frighteningly naïve or patently contradictory? Perhaps folks saw in his personal story and troubled family background a person who overcame adversity by force of character, and this charisma would bring peace, reconciliation, harmony. Suspending reason, sentiment and emotion took over.

3. Forget the anti-white, anti-Western church he attended for twenty years, and his questionable associations with Chicago’s corrupt political machine, friendship and tutelage by anti-Western radicals. The myth was too strong.

4. He claimed, at his nomination, that this would be “the moment when the rise of the oceans would begin to slow and our planet begin to heal.” Barack Obama’s victory speech, June 3, 2008 The day will come when we look back at this display of hubris and narcissism, and the complicity of the public which found him more popular than Jesus Christ, Martin Luther King, and Mother Teresa (January 2009 poll found in ‘Christianity Today,’ February 22, 2009) as astounding.

a. Susan Sarandon: ”He is a community organizer like Jesus was, and now we’re a community and he can organize us.” The Hill, January 21, 2009
b. David Cordero, 24, made the sculpture for his senior show after noticing all the attention Obama has received: "All of this is a response to what I've been witnessing and hearing, this idea that Barack is sort of a potential savior that might come and absolve the country of all its sins," Cordero said. Sculpture of Obama as Jesus causes stir - Barack Obama News- msnbc.com

You can find more along these line, in the source of same, "The World Turned Upside Down," by Melanie Phillips.

So, how does the President fit into this picture?

"Obama said the government would seek aggressive new operating standards and requirements for offshore oil companies. For now, he said, the government was suspending planned oil exploration of two locations off the coast of Alaska, canceling pending lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico and a proposed lease sale off Virginia, and halting for six months the issuance of new permits for deep-water wells.

Obama called the steps part of a broader government response to prevent a similar catastrophe from happening again."
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Parish official to Obama: Stop moratorium on drilling - Blogs from CNN.com

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