Enron: the beginning of Carbon credits and climate profiteering


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
If we are going to have an honest debate about the environment one has to recognize that there are thousands making millions in climate profiteering.

Ken Lay from Enron actually dreamed up the carbon credit. So for all you AGW zealots you cannot point your finger at deniers and say that we are all backed by "big oil". Give it freaking up.

The truth is that $$$$$$$ have been made in the global warming scam.

If Ken Lay + Enron + carbon credit = Billions in profits doesn't give your little AGW heads a shake I don't know what will.

But you can take a flying leap if you want to turn the debate into "big oil" versus little environmentalists in this discussion.

The "green lobby" is as powerful and as corrupt as any other lobby. And sorry AGW parishioners, your religion blows dead bears.

Almost two decades before President Barack Obama made “cap-and-trade” for carbon dioxide emissions a household term, an obscure company called Enron — a natural-gas pipeline company that had become a big-time trader in energy commodities — had figured out how to make millions in a cap-and-trade program for sulphur dioxide emissions, thanks to changes in the U.S. government’s Clean Air Act. To the delight of shareholders, Enron’s stock price rose rapidly as it became the major trader in the U.S. government’s $20-billion a year emissions commodity market.

Enron Chairman Kenneth Lay, keen to engineer an encore, saw his opportunity when Bill Clinton and Al Gore were inaugurated as president and vice-president in 1993. To capitalize on Al Gore’s interest in global warming,

Enron immediately embarked on a massive lobbying effort to develop a trading system for carbon dioxide, working both the Clinton administration and Congress. Political contributions and Enron-funded analyses flowed freely, all geared to demonstrating a looming global catastrophe if carbon dioxide emissions weren’t curbed.

An Enron-funded study that dismissed the notion that calamity could come of global warming, meanwhile, was quietly buried.

To magnify the leverage of their political lobbying, Enron also worked the environmental groups. Between 1994 and 1996, the Enron Foundation donated $1-million to the Nature Conservancy and its Climate Change Project, a leading force for global warming reform, while Lay and other individuals associated with Enron donated $1.5-million to environmental groups seeking international controls on carbon dioxide.

The intense lobbying paid off. Lay became a member of president Clinton’s Council on Sustainable Development, as well as his friend and advisor.

In the summer of 1997, prior to global warming meetings in Kyoto, Japan, Clinton sought Lay’s advice in White House discussions. The fruits of Enron’s efforts came soon after, with the signing of the Kyoto Protoco

An internal Enron memo, sent from Kyoto by John Palmisano, a former Environmental Protection Agency regulator who had become Enron’s lead lobbyist as senior director for Environmental Policy and Compliance, describes the historic corporate achievement that was Kyoto.

“If implemented this agreement will do more to promote Enron’s business than will almost any other regulatory initiative outside of restructuring of the energy and natural-gas industries in Europe and the United States,” Palmisano began. “The potential to add incremental gas sales, and additional demand for renewable technology is enormous.”

The memo, entitled “Implications of the Climate Change Agreement in Kyoto & What Transpired,” summarized the achievements that Enron had accomplished. “I do not think it is possible to overestimate the importance of this year in shaping every aspect of this agreement,” he wrote, citing three issues of specific importance to Enron which would become, as those following the climate-change debate in detail now know, the biggest money plays: the rules governing emissions trading, the rules governing transfers of emission reduction rights between countries, and the rules governing a gargantuan clean energy fund.

Palmisano’s memo expressed satisfaction bordering at amazement at Enron’s successes. The rules governing transfers of emission rights “is exactly what I have been lobbying for and it seems like we won. The clean development fund will be a mechanism for funding renewable projects. Again we won .... The endorsement of emissions trading was another victory for us.”

Palmisano’s hard work had paid off, thanks to the many allies Enron had enlisted. Deserving special emphasis was the environmental community, whose endorsement was crucial to Enron’s achievements at Kyoto.

“Enron now has excellent credentials with many ‘green’ interests including Greenpeace, WWF [World Wildlife Fund], NRDC [Natural Resources Defense Council], German Watch, the U.S. Climate Action Network, the European Climate Action Network, Ozone Action, WRI [World Resources Institute] and Worldwatch. This position should be increasingly cultivated and capitalized on (monetized),” Polisano explained.

With this company Enron had been propelled to a leadership position at Kyoto Palmisano had been given no less than three occasions for speeches, including one on the role of business in promoting clean energy, and he had received an award on behalf of Enron:

]The Climate Institute honoured Kenneth Lay and Enron for their work promoting clean-energy solutions to climate change — the other recipients were Denmark’s energy and environment minister and the U.K.’s former environment minister. As Palmisano noted: “Parenthetically, I heard many times people refer to Enron in glowing terms. Such praise went like this: ‘Other companies should be like Enron, seeking out 21st-century business opportunities,’ or ‘Progressive companies like Enron are ...’ or ‘Proof of the viability of market-based energy and environmental programs is Enron’s success in power and SO2 trading.’”

Excellent series by Solomon.

He lays it on the line.

Lawrence Solomon: Enron's other secret - FP Comment
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Okey dokey this is weird. Not one AGW supporter commenting on Ken Lay and Enron on carbon credits?
There will be no carbon credits, no cap and trade. Until disaster strikes, nothing will be done except continual denial of reality by people like yourself. Then, after the disaster, you are going to blame the scientists for not telling you it was coming.
Yep CCX finally folded it's tent for carbon trading though they are still around. Gore made a tidy 16 million for doing nothing at all.
Okey dokey this is weird. Not one AGW supporter commenting on Ken Lay and Enron on carbon credits?

It's a deep dark secret that they don't want anyone to know about. I've posted about it before and got a similar response....shhhhhhhh! The savages might figure out its all about money and power.
Funny thing is, its the Oil Companies who get rich off global warming.

Wind Farms or Solar power plants, each built must be the biggest in the world to equal the power of just the smallest fossil fuel plant.

How much oil does it take to build the worlds largest wind farm across thousands of acres, how much oil does it take to manufacture the millions of tons of raw materials it takes.

Green energy is more dependent on oil and petroleum products than I will ever be. I dont need the worlds entire production of propene, I never heard of the stuff until the demand increased because of green energy being built.

These companies are in the business of selling raw materials by the ton, the barrel, the train, the ship, or pipeline.

The worlds largest wind farm needs cement by the train load, they actually build cement plants on site they need so much cement.

They need endless trains to carry the components of wind turbines, they need ships, a fleet of semi trucks and massive cranes.

People who support green energy are easily fooled, I was going to use duped but I was afraid they would not understand.
So, let me see if I understand this correctly.

ENRON gaining wealth by climate profiteering = bad.

The Goracle gaining wealth by climate profiteering = good.

Is that right, Old Rocks?
There will be no carbon credits, no cap and trade. Until disaster strikes, nothing will be done except continual denial of reality by people like yourself. Then, after the disaster, you are going to blame the scientists for not telling you it was coming.

Seems like the liberal environuts look to the scientists as gods, prophets, saviors.
There will be no carbon credits, no cap and trade. Until disaster strikes, nothing will be done except continual denial of reality by people like yourself. Then, after the disaster, you are going to blame the scientists for not telling you it was coming.

Seems like the liberal environuts look to the scientists as gods, prophets, saviors.

At the turn of the 21st century, “California experienced rolling power blackouts, moth-balled power plants that lacked nitrous oxide controls were brought back online, and their owners scrambled for nitrous emission permits for those plants and paid up to 10-fold increases for allowances. … Enron was gaming California's power market to drive power prices sky high and in turn prices for emissions permits.” [Ref.16]. The 1990 Clean Air Act amendments authorized the Environmental Protection Agency to put a cap on fossil-fuel plant NOx and SOx emissions. In the early 1990s Enron had helped establish the market for, and became the major trader in, EPA’s $20 billion-per-year sulfur-dioxide cap-and-trade program, the forerunner of today’s proposed carbon credit trade. “Enron became one of the biggest corporate boosters of the Kyoto global warming treaty, which would require huge reductions in energy use by consumers and industry. According to an internal Enron memo, quoted by The Washington Post, the Kyoto treaty would “do more to promote Enron’s business than almost any other regulatory initiative outside of restructuring the energy and natural gas industries in Europe and the United States. … Enron became a founding member of the Pew Center on Global Climate Change’s Business Environmental Leadership Council, a leading industry front group pushing the Kyoto agenda. Enron chairman Ken Lay also served on the board of the Heinz Center for Science” [Ref.17] (The Heinz Center for Science gave NASA’s James Hansen $250,000 since he was manipulating the temperature station data via adjustments in order to promote global warming [Ref.18]) Thus, while Enron no longer exists, they live on in spirit and predicted the coming CO2 market in 1999

And now CCX has stopped trading in carbon credits completely. The market they were building was supposed to be a ten TRILLION dollar a year market and thankfully that abortion is ended.
I absolutely agree, carbon markets are a huge scam. I'm writing a case study about all the fraud that goes on at the EU Emissions Trading Scheme, and its rotten. All sorts of petty criminals are able to defraud the system and its a haven for all kinds of money laundering. Last year some $7billion in tax revenues pretty much disappeared that way, EUROPOL's even said that 90% of trade in some countries was totally fraudulent. And of course, even the legit carbon market makes no sense. Sometimes firms actually have incentives to pollute MORE because they get more credits (allowances are based on current emissions, not trends in emissions, at least in the ETS). All it does is allow the polluters to keep polluting and encouraging the most minute of cuts among the lesser polluters. And of course, the financial system and bankers are having a field day, expect speculation on credits to rise. The entire system is just corrupt, you can't regulate it well at all because it almost doesn't exist, its almost entirely numbers in a database with little verification. For it to have any effect you'd need a huge bureaucracy and tons of regulators to run it, and would probably end up just being more expensive and still an epic fail.

That's why I'm in favour of the carbon tax.
I absolutely agree, carbon markets are a huge scam. I'm writing a case study about all the fraud that goes on at the EU Emissions Trading Scheme, and its rotten. All sorts of petty criminals are able to defraud the system and its a haven for all kinds of money laundering. Last year some $7billion in tax revenues pretty much disappeared that way, EUROPOL's even said that 90% of trade in some countries was totally fraudulent. And of course, even the legit carbon market makes no sense. Sometimes firms actually have incentives to pollute MORE because they get more credits (allowances are based on current emissions, not trends in emissions, at least in the ETS). All it does is allow the polluters to keep polluting and encouraging the most minute of cuts among the lesser polluters. And of course, the financial system and bankers are having a field day, expect speculation on credits to rise. The entire system is just corrupt, you can't regulate it well at all because it almost doesn't exist, its almost entirely numbers in a database with little verification. For it to have any effect you'd need a huge bureaucracy and tons of regulators to run it, and would probably end up just being more expensive and still an epic fail.

That's why I'm in favour of the carbon tax.

What makes you think the same fraud and other criminal behavior will not affect a carbon tax as well? How do you tax breath? Remember the old adage that the only thing the government couldn't tax was air? Well with a carbon tax even that last refuge is gone.
Ken Lay is dead.

And Ken Lay was to carbon credits what Bush was to deficit spending.

Algore is to carbon credits what Obama is to deficit spending.
Enron, another thread, I would like to investigate everyone connected to Enron in any way and see how many of them are working in any way supporting Green Energy. To time today, I bet you a couple of the top names that never got in trouble are working on the Green Energy scam of even larger proportions.

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