Enough with this Manchurian Usurper!!!

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
That Canuck- Rafael Cruz has to go. :mad-61: You Repub-voting, drones need to call Herr Karl Rove to make it happen!!!

If not, he's going to really screw up your Primaries worse than the last time you people had them. :(
Karl Rove wishes Elizabeth Warren wins the Democrat nomination because he thinks it will make John Kasich look more appealing to Tea Party voters.
Racist birther story ends the same way the Cruz obeys law, buys Obamacare story ends....


...the longer it goes, the more fun it is though. :)
Maybe you have heard her refered to as Crockagawea?

Oh. Hey. How about Liz Crackagawea Warren for the twenty dollar bill?
off-topic!!! I'm referring to Canada Ted.

You're the one who didn't know who Lizzy Warren was. LOL

fwiw, she's the commie boob who made her college teaching career stealing the jobs of legit minorities at three different universities then accidently became a Senator. The Left is trying to Wes Clarke her into the 2016 race in case Clinton has a flaming entitlement stroke or gets caught in another 11 scandals this week.

What does that have to do w/ that foreigner who is the 1st to throw his name into the repub Primary?
That Canuck- Rafael Cruz has to go. :mad-61: You Repub-voting, drones need to call Herr Karl Rove to make it happen!!!

If not, he's going to really screw up your Primaries worse than the last time you people had them. :(

There is no question posed or topic resolved in the OP that warrents a response. Except perhaps some confusion as to what constitutes a "screwd up" Primary. Perhaps you don't recall 2008?
I hope Rafael stays in the Repub Primaries as long as possible. I might even send in a few peso's..... errr..... greenbacks to help his campaign out

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