Enough with the politicizing of the Ft Hood tragedy.

Vast LWC

Aug 4, 2009
New York
You people who are attempting to turn this into a political issue have some serious fucking problems.

I mean, I've had a few conspiracy theories in my life, but you all will politicize ANYTHING.

The president went and visited the site of a terrorist incident and paid his respects, just like a President is supposed to do.

So why don't you shut the fuck up and have some God Damn respect for the dead?

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Seriously. No more talk about "Who knew what?".

This was a horrible murder.

Do the words "too soon" mean anything to you people? Is there ANY subject that is verboten?
I waana give a shout out to mah main man Vast LWC for speaking da troff ta powah!
"Bernard Goldberg, a former CBS News correspondent, took the media to task for its coverage.

"What's the story line they run with? Religion? Of course not. Can't do that. He's a Muslim," he said Friday on Fox News' "The O'Reilly Factor." "They run with post-traumatic stress syndrome because that gives them a chance to take a shot at a couple of wars they never liked from the get-go."

"Privately, top Army officers have acknowledged that the massacre may have been a terrorist act.

"In a series of e-mails sent 24 hours after the shootings and obtained by Fox News, one colonel in a two-star command instructed subordinate officers: "Please send a message to our training centers, the (logistics support bases), and the (divisions) advising them of ...(their) responsibility to provide this command a status of their respective anti-terrorism plans."

"The claim comes as officials in different branches of law enforcement and the military squabble over who knew what when about Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan's leanings toward faith-inspired violence, and as charges fly that 'political correctness' prevented officials from taking action and is still being used as a crutch in explaining the rampage after the fact."

"But even after the attacks, some have been reluctant to cite religion as a factor, as evidence has mounted that the alleged gunman's Muslim faith was at least a partial factor in the decision to mount the attack."

"Chicago Mayor Richard Daley pointed to America's "love" affair with guns as the driving factor behind last week's shooting at Fort Hood, becoming the latest and possibly most prominent figure to show a reluctance to cite religion.

"Every day in society someone's being killed. Unfortunately, America loves guns. We love guns to a point that we see the devastation on a daily basis," Daley, whose city has suffered through a rash of violence, told reporters. "You don't blame a group. You don't blame a society, immigrant community because of actions of one group, one individual -- you cannot say that."

The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence issued a statement last week saying that legislative measures to increase the availability of guns should be rejected in light of the attack.

"This latest tragedy, at a heavily fortified army base, ought to convince more Americans to reject the argument that the solution to gun violence is to arm more people with more guns in more places," the organization's president, Paul Helmke, said.

The message was aimed specifically at a proposal backed by the gun lobby and Sen. Richard Burr, R-N.C., to protect the right of veterans to own guns. Burr responded by accusing Helmke of exploiting the tragedy.

"It is a shame that this process has gotten to a point where some feel that they can exploit the senseless murder of American soldiers in the quest to secure personal triumph," Burr said. "

Free Speech Rights Prevented Probe Into Hasan E-Mails, Investigators Say - FOXNews.com

I agree with LWC. It is indeed disgusting that Islamofascist apologists are willing to use this tragedy, clearly the result of allowing an outspoken Islamic war protester, to further their agenda against gun ownership.

Particularly given the fact that if anyone in that room had been armed, the casualty list would have been much, much shorter.
I want to laugh but it's sad. demoncwats beat President Bush over the head with 9-11,for eight years., how many congressional hearings did they hold?? and whasshisface wants us to stfu? I donna think so!
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It's a message board. The idea is TO talk.
These are complex times. The need for thought and interaction very high.
Think first, feel later.
Some folks think aloud via keyboard.
Pull up a chair.....you might learn something.
You people who are attempting to turn this into a political issue have some serious fucking problems.

I mean, I've had a few conspiracy theories in my life, but you all will politicize ANYTHING.

The president went and visited the site of a terrorist incident and paid his respects, just like a President is supposed to do.

So why don't you shut the fuck up and have some God Damn respect for the dead?


First, "respect for the dead" is highly subjective, in my religion placing them on pedastools and talking about them a lot is the highest form of respect. Secondly, you are asking for the impossible. ;)
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Please, don't alter quotes.


...to further their agenda against gun ownership.

Particularly given the fact that if anyone in that room had been armed, the casualty list would have been much, much shorter.

Indeed, people should not be using this to further any agenda.

Especially not an agenda trying to blame people other than the insane asshole that was the actual murderer for the incident.

So, the people you mentioned in your article should Shut the Fuck up, and so should you, because your "Islamofascist" crap is just as bad.
Except for the fact that Islamofascists are not independent nutjobs, or negate the necessity of recognizing them collectively.
It's a message board. The idea is TO talk.
These are complex times. The need for thought and interaction very high.
Think first, feel later.
Some folks think aloud via keyboard.
Pull up a chair.....you might learn something.

Some folks speak in public before they've thought anything through at all.

Trying to turn an event like this into political gain is despicable. Period.

As a former soldier myself, I am APPALLED by the partisan hackery being shown here.

I have been on these boards for quite some time, and I could teach you a thing or two. But that doesn't mean that I believe every subject should be opened to patisan argument.
You embarrass yourself yet again.
One of the most complex problems we ( ALL of us) face in combating 'terrorism', is that it does not require neatly delineated 'us' and 'them' parameters. In fact, it flourishes in the very gray areas created by such a naive view as yours. Ideologically motivated violent true believers don't need an organization to help them along. Groups need not be aligned with some great, big, easily targeted and surveilled gang.
This isn't '24'.
Govern yourself accordingly....
...or continue to mock yourself, it's your world.
Douchebag. Nothing you have to say has any relevance or value.

It's assholes like you who are getting people killed, here and abroad. Because of your insistence that we look at each case individually, instead of recognizing it as a global issue, and because of your insistence that we employ ridiculous ROE and inadequate support for our military.
If it wasn't Article 15 time of the month I had an even better thread going on this! Maybe when he's feeling fresh as a Summers Eve I will restart that thread
Douchebag. Nothing you have to say has any relevance or value.

It's assholes like you who are getting people killed, here and abroad. Because of your insistence that we look at each case individually, instead of recognizing it as a global issue, and because of your insistence that we employ ridiculous ROE and inadequate support for our military.

You know nothing of ROE until you've had your life at risk because of them. Trust me, I'm NO fan.
Reading is fundamental. Had you these crucial skills, you'd have comprehended that a global, decentralized, tremendously difficult to track/target , terrror centered enemy is exactly what I was talking about.
Alas, your inablility to see beyond your own ignorant ramblings.
It's amusing, really.
Douchebag. Nothing you have to say has any relevance or value.

It's assholes like you who are getting people killed, here and abroad. Because of your insistence that we look at each case individually, instead of recognizing it as a global issue, and because of your insistence that we employ ridiculous ROE and inadequate support for our military.

You know nothing of ROE until you've had your life at risk because of them. Trust me, I'm NO fan.
Reading is fundamental. Had you these crucial skills, you'd have comprehended that a global, decentralized, tremendously difficult to track/target , terrror centered enemy is exactly what I was talking about.
Alas, your inablility to see beyond your own ignorant ramblings.
It's amusing, really.

Posting skills are also fundamental online, and you failed just now. ;)
Measure twice...saw once. There will be less wasted rhetoric. There is no simple solution to this uninvited engagement with unpredictable hatred of peace among us. An obvious fact is that some cutting must be done.
The only dead the Left have any respect for are Pat Tillman and Casey Sheehan

This particular lefty (meaning yours truly) is a veteran, who has plenty of respect for all his friends and fellow soldiers that have died in the line of duty, on foreign soil, or here at home, and refuses to use their deaths to further any political agenda.

If Obama had made a bad strategic decision that got these men killed, like started a stupid war, or overrode a general on a key decision, then that would be one thing, but this is entirely different.

People are dead because some asshole went crazy and killed them. And now people are trying to turn that into some kind of political message?

What the fuck people? seriously.
Douchebag. Nothing you have to say has any relevance or value.

It's assholes like you who are getting people killed, here and abroad. Because of your insistence that we look at each case individually, instead of recognizing it as a global issue, and because of your insistence that we employ ridiculous ROE and inadequate support for our military.

You know nothing of ROE until you've had your life at risk because of them. Trust me, I'm NO fan.
Reading is fundamental. Had you these crucial skills, you'd have comprehended that a global, decentralized, tremendously difficult to track/target , terrror centered enemy is exactly what I was talking about.
Alas, your inablility to see beyond your own ignorant ramblings.
It's amusing, really.

Posting skills are also fundamental online, and you failed just now. ;)

No shit.

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