Engineer Finds Way to Pull Diseases From Blood Using Magnets

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
A British engineer has found a way to filter unwanted cells from blood using magnets — and his tool could be used in clinical trials as soon as next year.

Thanks to existing research, biochemical scientist George Frodsham knew it was possible to force magnetic nanoparticles to bind to specific cells in the body. But while other researchers did so primarily to make those cells show up in images, he wondered whether the same technique might allow doctors to remove unwanted cells from the blood.

“When someone has a tumour you cut it out,” he told The Telegraph. “Blood cancer is a tumour in the blood, so why not just take it out in the same way?”

To that end, he created MediSieve, a treatment technology that works similarly to dialysis, by removing a patient’s blood and infusing it with magnetic nanoparticles designed to bind to a specific disease. It then uses magnets to draw out and trap those cells before pumping the filtered blood back into the patient.

The idea is that doctors could run a person’s blood through the machine several times until their levels of the disease are low enough to be wiped out by drugs or even the patient’s own immune system.

Frodsham’s team is currently awaiting approval from the United Kingdom’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency to trial the system on patients infected with the malaria parasite, which is naturally magnetic thanks to its consumption of its own iron-based waste product.

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A possibility of increasing our life span by a decade or to figure it out for virus!
A British engineer has found a way to filter unwanted cells from blood using magnets — and his tool could be used in clinical trials as soon as next year.

Thanks to existing research, biochemical scientist George Frodsham knew it was possible to force magnetic nanoparticles to bind to specific cells in the body. But while other researchers did so primarily to make those cells show up in images, he wondered whether the same technique might allow doctors to remove unwanted cells from the blood.

“When someone has a tumour you cut it out,” he told The Telegraph. “Blood cancer is a tumour in the blood, so why not just take it out in the same way?”

To that end, he created MediSieve, a treatment technology that works similarly to dialysis, by removing a patient’s blood and infusing it with magnetic nanoparticles designed to bind to a specific disease. It then uses magnets to draw out and trap those cells before pumping the filtered blood back into the patient.

The idea is that doctors could run a person’s blood through the machine several times until their levels of the disease are low enough to be wiped out by drugs or even the patient’s own immune system.

Frodsham’s team is currently awaiting approval from the United Kingdom’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency to trial the system on patients infected with the malaria parasite, which is naturally magnetic thanks to its consumption of its own iron-based waste product.

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A possibility of increasing our life span by a decade or to figure it out for virus!

Very interesting. As a retired engineer I've always said that if you have a problem and need a solution find yourself an engineer to find the fix. Engineers live to solve problems while lawyers and politicians live to exacerbate them. Todays doctors just want to treat them forever in order to maximize profit.
One doctor here in NYC has perfected directed radiation for cancer with an over 90% kill rate and it doesn't come back, and NO OPEN SURGERY!....president Carter was treated with his therapy and went cancer free!
Very interesting. As a retired engineer I've always said that if you have a problem and need a solution find yourself an engineer to find the fix. Engineers live to solve problems while lawyers and politicians live to exacerbate them. Todays doctors just want to treat them forever in order to maximize profit.

I worked in an engineering dept for a long time- I came to the conclusion that engineers would tell you it can't be done then set about proving themselves wrong- LOL
One doctor here in NYC has perfected directed radiation for cancer with an over 90% kill rate and it doesn't come back, and NO OPEN SURGERY!....president Carter was treated with his therapy and went cancer free!
Sounds promising.
Check out his website Heard nothing but good about him and treats all cancer especially stage 4 from head to toe!....For someone with cancer I would take his treatments first as no cutting!...Can cut later if his treatment doesn't work!

He has an hour radio show at midnight every night at WOR 710 AM , PICK HIM UP ON Iheart!
In many cases the great advances in technology confront obstruction from several parties when those affect their business.

In the 70's, I was subscribed to a car magazine and in one of its publications, said one of the greater inventions was the "eternal" tire. But, the magazine explained, its commercial production was dismissed because tire companies were to go broken if that new tire comes to the market.

Same as well, I remember a guy selling his motor oil which won't need more than a quart in the engine and will last thousands of miles. His TV ad showed an open engine working great using that motor oil of his. Apparently the companies which produce motor oil managed to take his product out of the market. It's very possible this guy has been paid millions for his invention.

What I'm afraid is that the same happens with this new technique of cleaning the body from diseases. Of course it will be on the market, but I'm guessing the cost of the machine won't be about the cost of materials and labor plus profit, but the price will be about the estimate of how many people will receive benefit from it. In other words, it might come overpriced.

From this point, it is the probability that will become exclusive and this machine won't be available but thru paying some extra co-payment.

I'm not trying to be negative, but if this machine becomes capable to clean up "cancer" from blood, then St Jude will be a strong opponent for its use. You see, St Jude and other hospitals ask $19 monthly donation. If, lets say, 500,000 people decides to donate that amount every month, then St Jude receives a monthly $9,500,000 just from your 67 cents a day. If one million donators, then $19 million a month, and so forth. This is a bunch of money a year.

Other hospitals go even internationally, and they receiving millions of millions of dollars solely with "67 cents per day donations". And the destiny of those donations is hard to follow, so no one knows where that money goes. And $19 donation is just part of the funds received from these hospitals, they also receive from other parts like institutions and philanthropists.

Hope this new method of curing our bodies from diseases comes to the market and be used by hospitals, clinics, doctors as part of treatment before surgeries and even as "routine care". Hope this new technique to work as its best and its use not be obstructed as it happened with several other discoveries which have disappeared from the market by the influence of parties defending their own agendas.
A British engineer has found a way to filter unwanted cells from blood using magnets — and his tool could be used in clinical trials as soon as next year.

Thanks to existing research, biochemical scientist George Frodsham knew it was possible to force magnetic nanoparticles to bind to specific cells in the body. But while other researchers did so primarily to make those cells show up in images, he wondered whether the same technique might allow doctors to remove unwanted cells from the blood.

“When someone has a tumour you cut it out,” he told The Telegraph. “Blood cancer is a tumour in the blood, so why not just take it out in the same way?”

To that end, he created MediSieve, a treatment technology that works similarly to dialysis, by removing a patient’s blood and infusing it with magnetic nanoparticles designed to bind to a specific disease. It then uses magnets to draw out and trap those cells before pumping the filtered blood back into the patient.

The idea is that doctors could run a person’s blood through the machine several times until their levels of the disease are low enough to be wiped out by drugs or even the patient’s own immune system.

Frodsham’s team is currently awaiting approval from the United Kingdom’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency to trial the system on patients infected with the malaria parasite, which is naturally magnetic thanks to its consumption of its own iron-based waste product.

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A possibility of increasing our life span by a decade or to figure it out for virus!
That's pretty amazing.
A British engineer has found a way to filter unwanted cells from blood using magnets — and his tool could be used in clinical trials as soon as next year.

Thanks to existing research, biochemical scientist George Frodsham knew it was possible to force magnetic nanoparticles to bind to specific cells in the body. But while other researchers did so primarily to make those cells show up in images, he wondered whether the same technique might allow doctors to remove unwanted cells from the blood.

“When someone has a tumour you cut it out,” he told The Telegraph. “Blood cancer is a tumour in the blood, so why not just take it out in the same way?”

To that end, he created MediSieve, a treatment technology that works similarly to dialysis, by removing a patient’s blood and infusing it with magnetic nanoparticles designed to bind to a specific disease. It then uses magnets to draw out and trap those cells before pumping the filtered blood back into the patient.

The idea is that doctors could run a person’s blood through the machine several times until their levels of the disease are low enough to be wiped out by drugs or even the patient’s own immune system.

Frodsham’s team is currently awaiting approval from the United Kingdom’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency to trial the system on patients infected with the malaria parasite, which is naturally magnetic thanks to its consumption of its own iron-based waste product.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

A possibility of increasing our life span by a decade or to figure it out for virus!
That's pretty amazing.
Even more amazing with over a 90% success rate

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