Encana touts positive results from San Juan Basin oil exploration Company may add thi


Mar 19, 2012
FARMINGTON — Encana Corp. on Tuesday announced positive results from its San Juan Basin oil exploration, saying the effort had "reached commerciality" with production expected to exceed 1,700 barrels of oil equivalent per day.

The Canadian company, which has been the most aggressive firm in testing the potential of San Juan Basin oil, said it may add a rig by year's end to the two now operating in the basin.

Encana said it is working to add to its 166,000-acre position in the basin.

The publicly traded company gave the update in a quarterly report released Tuesday.

Encana drilled 13 San Juan Basin wells in 2012, and the company plans to continue drilling about one well per month, said Doug Hock, an Encana spokesman.

Encana said the last five wells completed have initial 30-day production rates of 150 to 700 barrels of oil equivalent per day, producing 80 percent oil.

Well costs are $5 million to $6 million per well, the company said. The type of wells Encana has drilled require horizontal drilling and multiple stages of hydraulic fracturing.

Like other companies, Encana is pursuing oil while natural gas prices remain depressed.

"Our strategy is really to start to develop our oil and liquids portfolio," Hock said.

Encana expects to spend about $100 million in the basin in 2013, about the same as last year.

Encana is partnering with local independent oil and gas companies that have long-established leases in the basin, including Dugan Production Corp., Robert L. Bayless Producer and McElvain Energy Inc.

"It's certainly helping us," said Tom Dugan, founder and president of Dugan Production. "We're happy with our arrangement."

To date, Encana has drilled 17 wells on Dugan leases, one with Bayless and one with McElvain, Dugan said. Some of the wells are awaiting completion.

For more of the article go to ---> Encana touts positive results from San Juan Basin oil exploration - Farmington Daily Times
Cool success story. :thup:

Here in Illinois, companies have recently spent over $100 million acquiring acreage and are ready to start drilling. But the Liberal controlled legislature keeps throwing up roadblocks and the newly written hydraulic fracturing bill (strictest in the nation) is going nowhere.

Meanwhile the State is $9 billion behind in payments, unfunded pension liability is in the billions of $, the credit rating was once again downgraded, unemployment hovers close to 10%. But the House found the time to recently pass a medical marijuana bill and send it over to the Senate.

Sux to be an Illinoisan.
Cool success story. :thup:

Here in Illinois, companies have recently spent over $100 million acquiring acreage and are ready to start drilling. But the Liberal controlled legislature keeps throwing up roadblocks and the newly written hydraulic fracturing bill (strictest in the nation) is going nowhere.

Meanwhile the State is $9 billion behind in payments, unfunded pension liability is in the billions of $, the credit rating was once again downgraded, unemployment hovers close to 10%. But the House found the time to recently pass a medical marijuana bill and send it over to the Senate.

Sux to be an Illinoisan.

Hopefully your state government will get its shit together. Maybe after the Dems and Pubs puff some medical ganj they'll be able to pass some meaningful legislation :razz:

But seriously... Illinois??? Mr. H you need to get to the Ocean man. After the posts I've seen you make, I believe you're a man who definitely belongs near the ocean.
There are lawmakers in Springfield that insisted on having local water well companies drill these New Albany holes LOL. Then Madigan steps in and demands union labor supervise each project. The current bill is 130 pages and growing. It's a monumental clusterfuck.

Nah, I've seen the oceans the Gulf and Great Lakes. Not big on big water. Almost drowned twice.
I'm pretty much stuck here where our operations are. No biggie, I get out and travel once in a while.
Say what? A Canadian company has been aggressively exploring oil drilling sites in New Mexico? What's wrong with this picture?

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