Employment & Improvement Indexes Rises In Failing Reports(?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
New unemployment claims, continuing unemployment claims, and likely any federally backed claims--pursuant to any BP oil spill effects--all fell for last week. Still, two Federal Reserve Bank, area indicators, still showed increasing economic activity(?)! Apparently the increase is less of an an increase, so it doesn't really count as an increase.

Anyone is reminded of school. Others can tune in to Fantasize-Along-With-Fox-TV-News, apparently like CNBC does!

News Headlines

In the Philadephia Index report, for example, both the employment and hours worked components edged ahead in the prercentage of the firms surveyed, compared with firms reporting declines. Then toward the bottom, there is this:

"48% of firms scheduling summer slowdowns/shutdowns indicated that production decreases for July would be greater than usual; however, 62% so indicated last year. Nearly 44 percent indicated production declines for August would be greater than usual, compared with 49 percent last year."

So the Obama-Biden-Reid-Pelosi Stimulus is clearly working--albeit in the bizarro-land wherein tax-roll dependent, teachers and petty bureaucrats have some unstated, entitlement priorities: To 1/3 of the federal deficit funding for themselves! When the Republicans did it, comparing, it was the bankers who got all the bonuses: Funded from the federal deficit. Rush Limbaugh, too, is famously on board. When it comes to paying Famous First Responders, of New York City: Not wih one dime of his money will they be paid, at all!

We're talking seriously American Way, when it comes to Tea Party GOP, there.

School in America, and love of neighbor, and love of spouse, and love of any critters, the outcome: All rely on the grading system wherein some kids are thought to be better than other kids, and that all the other kids are not worth the extra effort. There is a kind of programmed attrition of any sense of humanity, in the process. It is really not hard to show how this happens, and the Conservative, basis-outcome.

Economies are similarly arranged, and throughout history. Jesus, The Jew, may have explained about money in the parables according to Matthew, (in KJV and Catholic chapters 16 and 25). Mostly, even business and bankers tend to agree that Jewish people have no concept of money(?) For proof, there is the history of economies, all arranged such that some people get far more than other people, and that all the other people are not worth the extras effort. The Civil Right To A Pittance is even celebrated in the Federal Birthday calendar, wherein the religion is not. . . .or apparently could ever be(?)!

The Rich get funded. The Poor Do Not. The financial houses all come tumbling down, and Bernie Madoff gets to be the crucified Jew: Even Barrabas, preferred again!

It doesn't stop there, as is usual!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Mostly, in fact, Catholics in California get to watch the saga of Meg Whitman versus Mel Gibson: Vying for ratings in some new programming, "America's Most Vulgar, Offensive and Ostentatious Display!)
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Just a very important reminder for all Repuglicant's out there.

This country was losing Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand (750,000) jobs a month in the lst Four Months of georgie porgies tme in office, and this job loss continued until March or April of 2009.

When telling lies, please remember there of people out there who in fact know the truth, and YOU sure as hell ain't one of them
The Western, Judeo-Christian concept of deitie(s) is masculine, and saintly, escept when saintresses are involved. No one so-states that, of course Mel Gibson knows about them. "Saintresses" famously sit things out, even in New Orleans, and even when marching on in.

That aside, in proof of the above: The Republican candidate for the U. S. Senate seat, up in November, is apparently describing her campaign in the usual holier-than-thou context, apparently conjuring up some Male-Hating Deitress, in justification of her campaign.

If there is a major hissy fight in the newscasts between Hollywood stars and spouses at this time, then even neighboring Nevada GOP is on board with the concept: That What happens In Hollywood, Stays on the Planet Worldwide! In fact, it is a veritable contagion!

And it spends a lot of money, and attracts a lot of money: Even to Reno, Winemucca, Las Vegas, Carson City, Elko. . . .and benefits. . .even Battle Mountain. . . .with the blazoned initials. . .on the lonely little hill. . . .visible from the highway. . . .with no speed limits at all!

Sharron Angle wants the people to know: That Nevada, too. . . .is really a holy place, just like Los Angeles. . .where true love is celebrated, even in the newscasts--and with the audio running!

Mostly, the Ivy League does the economics. There are lots of. . . .holy little people. . . .all best friends of Mel Gibson, even there.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White eyes buy Mahattan Island with shiny trinkets! Then change values, latter on. . . .to Socialist Money, from Credit Market!)

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