Embarrassed tolerant pride organizer calls cops on conservative female reporter

Who knows what that means.
Please, allow me to translate:

Every time progress has been made on cov rights, it was done so inspire of the people brandishing precisely the same tired rhtoric that you ocme armed with in this thread. It's uncanny, really.

The southern racists ? Their favorite weapon was to pretend to be the real victims of oppression, and to call those fighting for rights for black people "the truly intolerant".

Whether or not it is your intention to be this redundant fossil, it is what you are, in this discussion. That is not to say you don't have any valid points, but you have clearly walled off your mind.
Great, thanks!

Millie Weaver has the cops called on her by so-called tolerant pride organizers.
Embarrassed Tolerant Pride Organizer Calls Cops On Conservative Female Reporter

You know some things leave mindwars speechless, this is one of them lol

& you all know how hard it is for me not to put in my two cents hahah.

Video of her stops at the 1:15 sec mark.

They are only "tolerant" of similar minded individuals or groups.

^ ironic

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