Emarrassing Drinking Story...


Jun 19, 2011
I had huge deals done in Manhattan as I bounced between New York and LA. In NY I had a few less than stellar stays at the Waldorf...

Just attended a funeral today in New York. I stayed in this hotel, the Waldorf Astoria for a week in '93. I had dinner with friends. Drank too much wine and returned to the hotel. Went down to the lobby bar and had three or six vodka martini's. Exhausted, I hobble back up to my room. I had to pee so BAD. Strip off my suit and tie down to underwear.

Well the front door and bathroom door looked exactly alike. The drunk me heads out the front door and it locks behind me. In a panic, I look for a service phone. I couldn't find one, so off into the hallway I go. About 20 minutes later I find a phone and call the concierge. I could NOT remember my room number. I did NOT indicate my state of dress. He told me to wait by elevator bank C.

It did take me a while to find bank C. I'm sitting in a Queen Anne chair by the elevator. As fate would have it, I hear the ding of the elevator and I got excited. It was not service, but about ten people in black tie returning to their rooms. I said hello. The comments were offensive. Ten minutes later, the service guy shows up. Giggling he let's me in my room...AWFUL.

BTW, I did pee in a planter...

I ONLY tell this story to close friends. Of course, my buddy used the post memorial lunch to share this with everyone. So why not share with you !
I had huge deals done in Manhattan as I bounced between New York and LA. In NY I had a few less than stellar stays at the Waldorf...

Just attended a funeral today in New York. I stayed in this hotel, the Waldorf Astoria for a week in '93. I had dinner with friends. Drank too much wine and returned to the hotel. Went down to the lobby bar and had three or six vodka martini's. Exhausted, I hobble back up to my room. I had to pee so BAD. Strip off my suit and tie down to underwear.

Well the front door and bathroom door looked exactly alike. The drunk me heads out the front door and it locks behind me. In a panic, I look for a service phone. I couldn't find one, so off into the hallway I go. About 20 minutes later I find a phone and call the concierge. I could NOT remember my room number. I did NOT indicate my state of dress. He told me to wait by elevator bank C.

It did take me a while to find bank C. I'm sitting in a Queen Anne chair by the elevator. As fate would have it, I hear the ding of the elevator and I got excited. It was not service, but about ten people in black tie returning to their rooms. I said hello. The comments were offensive. Ten minutes later, the service guy shows up. Giggling he let's me in my room...AWFUL.

BTW, I did pee in a planter...

I ONLY tell this story to close friends. Of course, my buddy used the post memorial lunch to share this with everyone. So why not share with you !

Ok, I don't know if you are telling the truth or if this is a joke. But the same damned thing happened to my sister in the Waldorf. Buttttt, they did not come up to assist. She rode naked down to the lobby with a plant. At 4am, ran through the lobby and said "now, do you believe me?"


ETA: sorry for your loss. ()
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My drunk stories are typical so I'll share one of my sisters instead :D.

My sister lived around the corner from a bar. One night she and her husband went drinking and to avoid driving drunk they walked. Well they both got toasted pretty good and walked home. Next day there is a banging on the door. Her hubby answered the door to find two policemen standing there. The cops ask him if my sister is home. He says yes but she's sleeping. The cops insist he wake her up even though he says she doesn't feel well. She comes to the door and the police look at her and then down at something in their hand that turns out to be my sisters drivers license. They ask if the clothes in a bag they are carrying are hers and she looks and says yes. Well long story short my sister, on her way home in the middle of winter was so drunk, decided to take off her clothes. She left them including her wallet near a river that they passed on thier way home. The cops were about to drag the river but of course checked to see if they could find her at home first. This also ment she must have walked about a block butt naked. Neither her or her husband remember the incident or why she took off her clothes.
Not a drunk story...but just as funny....and i have lots of hotel funny stories!

A ironing board is delivers to your room and they ask that you put it in the hall when you are done. So im done and think... ok quick like a bunny ill have this thing in the hallway and wont need to put clothes on.

All i can say is the door was falser then i was and you see it all in vegas!
My brother held a stag party for me and they got me so drunk I passed out. I woke up in the back seat of my car with nothing on but skivvies.

I was ~100 miles away in another city and parked in front of their police station and there were no keys in the ignition.

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