Emails show Justice working with Media Matters on stories that target critics


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Newly published emails show the top spokeswoman at the U.S. Justice Department regularly collaborating with the liberal advocacy group Media Matters on stories that slam the administration's critics.

The emails, obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request and published by The Daily Caller, often show department public affairs chief Tracy Schmaler communicating with Media Matters bloggers. Sometimes, the emails were in response to inquiries. Other times, Schmaler was pitching ideas, according to the Caller.

In a January 2012 email chain, Schmaler sent a Media Matters writer lines from House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa's comments at a recent hearing. She reportedly underlined passages where the California Republican tries to explain the difference between Operation Fast and Furious and other anti-gunrunning operations under former President George W. Bush.

Hours later, an article appeared on Media Matters' site titled "Rep. Issa Ties Himself in Fast and Furious Knots."

Read more: Emails show Justice working with Media Matters on stories that target critics | Fox News

Why are they still tax exempt? Doyaknow?
Of course, this Admin is the biggest pile of scumbags ever in DC.

Romney needs to unleash the DoJ on Obamination and his people next January.

These last 4 years must be wiped clean from the record books by throwing many of these people in jail for federal crimes.
This will make a next great investigation for Daryl Issa won't it? Yes it will. We need some damn oversight. :D

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