Elizabeth Warren regains lost ground


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Elizabeth Warren draws even in latest poll of Massachusetts Senate race - The Washington Post

Color me surprised. I really thought the issue did her in.

A new poll from Suffolk University/7NEWS finds Sen. Scott Brown (R) and Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren (D) in a dead heat, 48 percent to 47 percent. Suffolk last polled the race in February and found Brown had a nine-point lead.

Only five percent of voters are undecided.

Seventy-two percent of likely voters were aware of the controversy concerning Warren’s heritage and whether she used it to advance her career. Brown’s campaign has been hammering the issue for weeks, calling on Warren to release her academic records.

Of those who were aware of the story, 49 percent said Warren was telling the truth about being part Native American; 28 percent said she was not telling the truth; and 23 percent weren’t sure. Forty-one percent thought Warren benefited by listing herself as a minority in law school directories, while 45 percent said she did not.

But 69 percent of likely voters said that Warren’s Native American heritage listing is not a significant story, while 27 percent said that it is.
69%, eh? That's funny. I wonder if Brown got the message.
She must have puffed up those Cherokee cheeks of hers to make PaPaw proud!
The Warren camp has tried to ride out the ancestry controversy by ignoring it, but even commenters in liberal outlets like The New Yorker and MSNBC’s Ed Schultz have urged Ms. Warren to answer questions about her background and motives more fully and forthrightly.

“The campaign has bought some time,” said Mr. Paleologos of the Suffolk poll. “But that’s not to say the issue won’t bubble up again. Loose ends don’t work well in politics."


she's got a lot of national money, but i don't think she's got a lot of local organizational support. she bigfooted her way into the race, and i don't think the people who were candidates previous to obama *awarding* the nomination to her are exactly thrilled.

we'll see how fauxcahontas makes out in the fall.

i know of at least one vote she won't be getting
Elizabeth Warren draws even in latest poll of Massachusetts Senate race - The Washington Post

Color me surprised. I really thought the issue did her in.

A new poll from Suffolk University/7NEWS finds Sen. Scott Brown (R) and Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren (D) in a dead heat, 48 percent to 47 percent. Suffolk last polled the race in February and found Brown had a nine-point lead.

Only five percent of voters are undecided.

Seventy-two percent of likely voters were aware of the controversy concerning Warren’s heritage and whether she used it to advance her career. Brown’s campaign has been hammering the issue for weeks, calling on Warren to release her academic records.

Of those who were aware of the story, 49 percent said Warren was telling the truth about being part Native American; 28 percent said she was not telling the truth; and 23 percent weren’t sure. Forty-one percent thought Warren benefited by listing herself as a minority in law school directories, while 45 percent said she did not.

But 69 percent of likely voters said that Warren’s Native American heritage listing is not a significant story, while 27 percent said that it is.

I don't get a vote but I think she'll be a good senator and the Democrats need her.
I would say the fact that she has to pull even isn't a good sign for her. I get the impression that there will be alot more revealed about her before the election that's going to hurt her.
I would say the fact that she has to pull even isn't a good sign for her. I get the impression that there will be alot more revealed about her before the election that's going to hurt her.

and no doubt the rightwingnuts will make it up if they can't find anything to reveal. :thup:

Yeah, if she can come back from that, I'm going with tentatively optimistic.
I'm definitely a fan of Elizabeth Warren.

But why is this heritage subject an issue? Does it affect her ability to function as a successful senator?
I would say the fact that she has to pull even isn't a good sign for her. I get the impression that there will be alot more revealed about her before the election that's going to hurt her.

and no doubt the rightwingnuts will make it up if they can't find anything to reveal. :thup:

We havent had to yet. I see no reason why we would have to down the line.

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