Elizabeth Warren: Fork, Done, etc

She's a liar, and a bad one at that.

Her "Indian Names" .....
Dances with Lies
Spreading Bull


This kind of lie, at the age she lied, is not particularly troubling. Worse is that now, at her age, she gives the reason for the lie that she wanted to make friends and go to luncheons. This is a portrait of a loser. It's like her saying "It made me feel pretty". Worse, if anything can be worse, she followed it up with "When it didn't work I stopped using it." Unlike real minorities, she exercised her option to stop lying. Minorities can't stop being a native American, hispanic, black or Asian when it doesn't work for them. This is not what leaders say or how they feel. This is petty, small minded and selfish. That's why she's done. Not merely because she lied.

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