Elizabeth Warren asks CDC to consider legal marijuana as alternative painkiller


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Elizabeth Warren asks CDC to consider legal marijuana as alternative painkiller

Source: Guardian

Elizabeth Warren asks CDC to consider legal marijuana as alternative painkiller

The Massachusetts senator called for more research to be done on medical marijuana and prescription opioid addiction amid abuse and overdose epidemic

Amanda Holpuch in New York

Friday 12 February 2016 08.00 EST

Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren has asked the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to consider the role legal marijuana could play in the prescription opioid epidemic.

Warren asked for more research into medical marijuana and painkiller addiction in a letter to the CDC director, Thomas Friedan.

“Opioid abuse is a national concern and warrants swift and immediate action,” Warren wrote.

Her request comes as politicians, including the presidential nominees, search for the best response to the opioid epidemic.

Read more: Elizabeth Warren asks CDC to consider legal marijuana as alternative painkiller

Legalize it nation wide!
No reason to keep marijuana illegal. Lost revenue opportunity, and the incarceration for marijuana is harming people for no reason.
Its been medical legal and used for over a decade.
Marinol vs Marijuana
The most deleterious effect of the chemotherapy used to treat many forms of cancer is the inability to swallow and hold anything in the stomach. The patient will reflexively vomit anything except slowly sipped water.

Marinol (Dronabinol) occurs in capsule form -- which cannot be tolerated by chemo patients. They throw it right up. But even a small amount of inhaled marijuana smoke overcomes the vomiting reflex and enables the patient to eat and swallow medications.

The use of marijuana for this and other medical purposes is routine in all Israeli hospitals. Yet the brainwashed fanatics who inhabit the American medical profession continue to propagate Reefer Madness nonsense as if the evidence to the contrary wasn't staring them in the face.
Its been medical legal and used for over a decade.
Marinol vs Marijuana
The most deleterious effect of the chemotherapy used to treat many forms of cancer is the inability to swallow and hold anything in the stomach. The patient will reflexively vomit anything except slowly sipped water.

Marinol (Dronabinol) occurs in capsule form -- which cannot be tolerated by chemo patients. They throw it right up. But even a small amount of inhaled marijuana smoke overcomes the vomiting reflex and enables the patient to eat and swallow medications.

The use of marijuana for this and other medical purposes is routine in all Israeli hospitals. Yet the brainwashed fanatics who inhabit the American medical profession continue to propagate Reefer Madness nonsense as if the evidence to the contrary wasn't staring them in the face.
I have been through cancer twice. Pot is simply better. Marinol is now out or at least was ten years ago in a liquid form you can shoot through your feeding tube.

One of the cancers I survived was throat so I am very up to date on this. I even have a post Chemo allergy to metal which is kind of common because "Chemo" contains Platinum which is why its very costly.

I have been through cancer twice. Pot is simply better. Marinol is now out or at least was ten years ago in a liquid form you can shoot through your feeding tube.

But, as I'm sure you know, just two or three puffs of some good, resinous indica and no feeding tube is ever needed and the patient is able to eat anything.

So Marinol was never needed. Its existence was and is entirely redundant and serves no real purpose other than enrichment of the pharmaceutical industry -- which is the source of substantial amounts of anti-marijuana lobbying funds.

It is not commonly known that cannabis was used to treat a broad range of medical conditions prior to its being erroneously condemned as a dangerous drug. In one example, cannabis sativa was the active component in a widely popular OTC preparation used by millions of women to relieve menstrual discomfort. The name of that preparation was Lydia Pinkum's Womens' Remedy. Mothers also would rub it on the gums of teething and colicky babies to soothe and quiet them.

Anyone who has used both prescribed tranquilizers and ordinary marijuana knows no prescribed tranquilizer comes close to the effectiveness of marijuana -- and prescribed tranquilizers account for a major segment of big pharma's profit margin.

Anyone who is interested in this subject is advised to read, Marijuana, the Forbidden Medicine, by Dr. Lester Grinspoon, MD, Ph.D., Professor of Psychiatric Medicine, Harvard Medical School. (Available from Amazon.)
I know from experience pot makes a better anti-nauseant than painkiller; meaning if you have any condition that involves constant vomiting (in my case, hangovers, lol), nothing will settle your stomach down and make you hungrier than weed. It's a useful means to an end: getting a seriously sick person to take more nutrition into their system. So they'll be less sick.
"Alternative pain killer" is code for "go ahead and sell the stuff to our kids". The democrat party is so desperate to court it's quirky base that they might push to embrace Sharia law next or legalize the rape of children by pedophiles. Anything is possible when all the DNC has is an old commie and a psychotic abused wife of a world class abuser of women.
"Alternative pain killer" is code for "go ahead and sell the stuff to our kids". The democrat party is so desperate to court it's quirky base that they might push to embrace Sharia law next or legalize the rape of children by pedophiles. Anything is possible when all the DNC has is an old commie and a psychotic abused wife of a world class abuser of women.

Lieawatha ancestor's sat around smoking the peace pipe to alleviate their pain ;)

Warren has zero credibility and is just a left loon mouthpiece
What does any of this have to do with democrat/republican politics? It's a medical FACT that smoking pot temporarily erases nausea/vomiting so a sick person can actually eat! And unlike legal cigarettes & booze, it never kills anyone! I've seen this with numerously terminally ill people! Back when I had my wisdom teeth surgery 20 years ago, I had a violent reaction to the anesthetic and was chronically puking every 5 minutes for hours after. Until I got some pot, smoked a joint, and my puke-fest stopped after several minutes. And within an hour I was eating again. Why can't people educate themselves about this subject and understand that THC is the ultimate anti-vomit drug? Which gives it multiple medical uses for that reason alone.

By the way, I live in a small, rural town and every redneck Republican friend of mine smokes weed recreationally; so don't act like it's only some ultra-liberal hippie thing, because it isn't.

I have been through cancer twice. Pot is simply better. Marinol is now out or at least was ten years ago in a liquid form you can shoot through your feeding tube.

But, as I'm sure you know, just two or three puffs of some good, resinous indica and no feeding tube is ever needed and the patient is able to eat anything.

So Marinol was never needed. Its existence was and is entirely redundant and serves no real purpose other than enrichment of the pharmaceutical industry -- which is the source of substantial amounts of anti-marijuana lobbying funds.

It is not commonly known that cannabis was used to treat a broad range of medical conditions prior to its being erroneously condemned as a dangerous drug. In one example, cannabis sativa was the active component in a widely popular OTC preparation used by millions of women to relieve menstrual discomfort. The name of that preparation was Lydia Pinkum's Womens' Remedy. Mothers also would rub it on the gums of teething and colicky babies to soothe and quiet them.

Anyone who has used both prescribed tranquilizers and ordinary marijuana knows no prescribed tranquilizer comes close to the effectiveness of marijuana -- and prescribed tranquilizers account for a major segment of big pharma's profit margin.

Anyone who is interested in this subject is advised to read, Marijuana, the Forbidden Medicine, by Dr. Lester Grinspoon, MD, Ph.D., Professor of Psychiatric Medicine, Harvard Medical School. (Available from Amazon.)
Lydia Pinkham - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No Marijuana there!!!
Not opposed to this. Neither is Donald Trump.

Trump is 100% in favor of legalizing medical Marijuana and leaving the decision to fully legalize marijuana in the hands of the states.​
What to expect when you're expecting. If you think that pot is safe for babies.

Marijuana and Breastfeeding | What to Expect

In the old days such as when the fools today thought people gave pot to infants. Colic and teething babies were given a sugar tit. That was a piece of cloth with a corner soaked in sugar water with a little bit of whisky added. Not marijuana.
What to expect when you're expecting. If you think that pot is safe for babies.

Marijuana and Breastfeeding | What to Expect

In the old days such as when the fools today thought people gave pot to infants. Colic and teething babies were given a sugar tit. That was a piece of cloth with a corner soaked in sugar water with a little bit of whisky added. Not marijuana.

I never suggested giving it to children for any reason; I'm saying grown adults should be allowed to use it to cure extreme nausea. Because in many cases, it's the only thing that can quickly do so. Trust me, I've seen it ad nauseum (pardon the pun).
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Not opposed to this. Neither is Donald Trump.

Trump is 100% in favor of legalizing medical Marijuana and leaving the decision to fully legalize marijuana in the hands of the states.​
Leaving it in the hands of the states is a convenient way of remaining perfectly neutral and doing absolutely nothing. It is the federal law which is impeding progress in the way of legalizing marijuana. So what Trump is really saying is don't expect anything in the way of legalization from him because it's not going to happen.
Upon request, I could name dozens and dozens of more important concerns to the world than somebody smoking a joint in the privacy of their own home. I don't even know why weed should be an issue!

I have been through cancer twice. Pot is simply better. Marinol is now out or at least was ten years ago in a liquid form you can shoot through your feeding tube.

But, as I'm sure you know, just two or three puffs of some good, resinous indica and no feeding tube is ever needed and the patient is able to eat anything.

So Marinol was never needed. Its existence was and is entirely redundant and serves no real purpose other than enrichment of the pharmaceutical industry -- which is the source of substantial amounts of anti-marijuana lobbying funds.

It is not commonly known that cannabis was used to treat a broad range of medical conditions prior to its being erroneously condemned as a dangerous drug. In one example, cannabis sativa was the active component in a widely popular OTC preparation used by millions of women to relieve menstrual discomfort. The name of that preparation was Lydia Pinkum's Womens' Remedy. Mothers also would rub it on the gums of teething and colicky babies to soothe and quiet them.

Anyone who has used both prescribed tranquilizers and ordinary marijuana knows no prescribed tranquilizer comes close to the effectiveness of marijuana -- and prescribed tranquilizers account for a major segment of big pharma's profit margin.

Anyone who is interested in this subject is advised to read, Marijuana, the Forbidden Medicine, by Dr. Lester Grinspoon, MD, Ph.D., Professor of Psychiatric Medicine, Harvard Medical School. (Available from Amazon.)
Not true. There is a lot of post surgery swelling in the case of throat cancer and radiation disables muscles. So no, that is not what it helps. Its the ability to relax/sleep or just survive.
Not opposed to this. Neither is Donald Trump.

Trump is 100% in favor of legalizing medical Marijuana and leaving the decision to fully legalize marijuana in the hands of the states.​
Leaving it in the hands of the states is a convenient way of remaining perfectly neutral and doing absolutely nothing. It is the federal law which is impeding progress in the way of legalizing marijuana. So what Trump is really saying is don't expect anything in the way of legalization from him because it's not going to happen.

I believe Trump is advocating dispensing with the federal restrictions, and allowing each state to institute their own legalization prerogatives the way Colorado has.​

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