Elizabet Warren...on the Warpath?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. 'Elizabeth Warren's 'Native American' claims: if she was a Republican, the media would call her a racist

2. Imagine if a Republican candidate claimed, confidently, that she was part Native American. Imagine if she had actually used that identity to have herself listed as a minority at Harvard, qualifying her for special treatment and celebration as proof of how diverse and progressive her department is. Imagine if, many years later, it turned out that her claims to Native heritage were dubious and, when pressed for proof, she offered her “high cheekbones.” Oh, and she once contributed a recipe to a Native American cookbook called “Pow Wow Chow” (that may even have been plagiarised).

3. ...not only has she been given a pass by her party, which normally treats race with the respect it deserves, but also by the mainstream media. Last night she was chatting with Chris Matthews on MSNBC and Matthews failed to mention the scandal once.

4. Race shapes a lot of the way that Democrats think about economics and social justice – and within that narrative, Native Americans were the very first minority that the Europeans oppressed on American soil. It thus ought to be not just odd but immoral that Warren would try to borrow their heritage of suffering in order to advance her political career.

5. Worse still, the Harvard Law Journal described her as a “woman of color,” as if it was translating her claimed identity into proof that it was reaching out to African-Americans. A lot of liberals invested a lot of emotional effort into sustaining this myth. This sort of thing is just as inappropriate as Mitt Romney suddenly claiming to be the descendent of slaves.

6. ...the liberal media has tried to smooth the story over. ... headlines have been massaged, innuendoes have gone unreported, and only one local paper has pursued Warren with the righteousness that the issue deserves. Articles have been written expressing sympathy along the lines of “Well, we’re probably all a little bit Native American.” The Matthews softball interview is only a representative pass.

7. The takeaway from all of this is that racial insensitivity only matters if it’s done by a Republican.

8. But Democrats can have records of racist activity (the former Senate Majority Leader, Robert Byrd, was a member of the KKK in his youth), express racist sentiments towards Asians (step forward, Marion Barry) and appropriate the racial heritage of others – and no one seems to mind.

9. When it comes to racism, the Democratic credo is “Do as I say, not as I do.” '
Elizabeth Warren's 'Native American' claims: if she was a Republican, the media would call her a racist – Telegraph Blogs
She is no different than the rest of the liberals. It is easier to blame and to fix any situation. I didn't do it they did. They never has a name or a face just they. People hate it when they get caugt lying and it is NEVER their fault.
She is no different than the rest of the liberals. It is easier to blame and to fix any situation. I didn't do it they did. They never has a name or a face just they. People hate it when they get caugt lying and it is NEVER their fault.

The significant, and possibly momentous, aspect of this OP is that a rare, but becoming less rare aspect of accountability is being applied to Liberals!

It is this aspect that will prevent the wholesale brainwashing by college and universities, and the force-feeding of propaganda by the media.

Progressives have had their century, beginning with Woodrow Wilson.

Barack Obama is the coda to this cacophonic symphony.
Another aspect of the strange claim of Native American heritage by lilly white anglo Lizzie Warren is that Harvaad U benefited when they told the government that they had a Cherokee Indian working as a professor.
Another aspect of the strange claim of Native American heritage by lilly white anglo Lizzie Warren is that Harvaad U benefited when they told the government that they had a Cherokee Indian working as a professor.

Hey.....got to reward the collectivist view....

...the Leftist catechisms of diversity and multiculturalism.

You certainly don't expect folks to be judged as individuals....do you?
She is a disgraceful fraud. She's less than 1/32nd truthful. I hope the good people of Massachusetts see through this phony.....

I'm afraid there are not that many "good" people in Massachusetts, except for the western part of the state.

We are talking about a state that considers the Kennedy bootleggers to be royalty, and a state that considers Barney Frank worthy of a long Congressional career.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
She is a disgraceful fraud. She's less than 1/32nd truthful. I hope the good people of Massachusetts see through this phony.....

I'm afraid there are not that many "good" people in Massachusetts, except for the western part of the state.

We are talking about a state that considers the Kennedy bootleggers to be royalty, and a state that considers Barney Frank worthy of a long Congressional career.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Spot on...the old saying applies: One can only find justice in the cemetery and the dictionary.

Case in point, Senator Blumenthal of Connecticut:

"At a ceremony honoring veterans and senior citizens who sent presents to soldiers overseas, Attorney General Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut rose and spoke of an earlier time in his life.

“We have learned something important since the days that I served in Vietnam,” Mr. Blumenthal said to the group gathered in Norwalk in March 2008. “And you exemplify it. Whatever we think about the war, whatever we call it — Afghanistan or Iraq — we owe our military men and women unconditional support.”

There was one problem: Mr. Blumenthal, a Democrat now running for the United States Senate, never served in Vietnam. He obtained at least five military deferments from 1965 to 1970 and took repeated steps that enabled him to avoid going to war, according to records."

He won the election, and now sits in Congress.

Maybe he is part Cherokee...
Remember this guy? Another fake liberal indian


She is a disgraceful fraud. She's less than 1/32nd truthful. I hope the good people of Massachusetts see through this phony.....

I'm afraid there are not that many "good" people in Massachusetts, except for the western part of the state.

We are talking about a state that considers the Kennedy bootleggers to be royalty, and a state that considers Barney Frank worthy of a long Congressional career.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Oh there are plenty of liberals in Western Mass as well, just not as densely populated.
She is a disgraceful fraud. She's less than 1/32nd truthful. I hope the good people of Massachusetts see through this phony.....

I'm afraid there are not that many "good" people in Massachusetts, except for the western part of the state.

We are talking about a state that considers the Kennedy bootleggers to be royalty, and a state that considers Barney Frank worthy of a long Congressional career.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Oh there are plenty of liberals in Western Mass as well, just not as densely populated.

Hey, I was trying to be nice.

I live in the land of "Live Free Or Die". We call "them" MASSHOLES. :D
I'm afraid there are not that many "good" people in Massachusetts, except for the western part of the state.

We are talking about a state that considers the Kennedy bootleggers to be royalty, and a state that considers Barney Frank worthy of a long Congressional career.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Oh there are plenty of liberals in Western Mass as well, just not as densely populated.

Hey, I was trying to be nice.

I live in the land of "Live Free Or Die". We call "them" MASSHOLES. :D

It's true. But then, people from the Granite State can't drive for shit (the ones really from there, not the Massholes who moved North to avoid sales tax).
Liz Warren camp says activists tied to senator =

By Chris Cassidy
Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Four Cherokee activists, who are in Boston to force a meeting with Elizabeth Warren over her Native American heritage claims, will sit down with U.S. Sen. Scott Brown’s campaign today — while the Warren camp is charging that the Cherokees are doing Brown’s bidding.

Ellen Goss, a Cherokee from Portland, Oregon, said of today’s meeting with Brown’s staffers, “We would like to hear his view on native sovereignty and what’s his commitment to making sure that native people are represented by actual native people.”

But the group’s main focus is meeting with Warren, whom they accuse of trampling over struggling Native Americans during a decade of claiming minority status professionally.

“It’s cowardly to ride the coattails of people who have lost so much for your own benefit and not accomplish what you can accomplish on your own benefits,” said Ali Sacks, a Cherokee from Oklahoma. “I think it’s shameful and extremely disrespectful not just to Cherokees but to all tribes who have given so much to this country historically and lost so much.”


Liz Warren camp says activists tied to senator - BostonHerald.com
Oh this issue isn't going away for Warren. What really is pitiful is the liberal academic mindset.

It's not that Warren lied about her family history. No. Not decades worth of lies. No. This whole mess is all Scott Brown's fault. Just blows me away. She's busted and is crying partisan politics.

Well like hello Liz. Scott Brown wants to beat you. It's an election year. It's partisan. And you have been caught out as a fraud. Deal with it.

Check out this woman who is hot on Liz's trail.

Keller @ Large: Cherokee Genealogy Expert Challenging Warren’s Claims
Keller @ Large: Cherokee Genealogy Expert Coming To Boston To Challenge Elizabeth Warren's Claims « CBS Boston

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