Electoral College Under Attack


Opinionated Ass
Nov 1, 2012
"The current system has the problem that presidential campaigns concentrate on only 10 of the 50 states, and at least four out of five Americans are lloeft out of the process of deciding who their president should be," argued John Koza, who leads an effort to eliminate the Electoral College.

In this election, statistics show Romney and Obama spent 95 percent of their time and money in just 10 states.

Obama has traveled to Ohio 19 times for 26 political events. Together with Romney's team, Ohio was the site of 71 campaign visits.

By contrast, neither presidential candidate visited Kansas, Alaska or North Dakota. The candidates come to New York and California to raise money but not to meet voters. States that trend too Democratic or Republican get ignored, while so-called “purple states” get the attention.

Read more: lolfox

Let's be real. Is anything going to happen to the electoral college? Probably not. Here's why:

Nine states have so far joined the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. In doing so, they agree to replace the electors for the candidate with the most popular votes in all 50 states.

The agreement goes into effect only when the states obtain the 270-vote majority.
Right now, they have 132. While the compact is based on Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution, which gives each state legislature the right to decide how to appoint its own electors, some think Congress would also have to affirm the agreement.

In the past decade, prominent such Democrats as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, as well as Sens. Dick Durbin and Charles Schumer and even Obama in 2004 supported eliminating the college, while Republican Sens. Orrin Hatch and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell opposed it.

However, the parties' positions could promptly flip should, in the reverse of 2000, the Republican wins the popular vote but loses the election because of the Electoral College.

Read more: lolfox

When it's working for the benefit of one party, they're not going to move to undermine it. When it's no longer working for them, they want rid of it.

This is the two party manipulation machine hard at work with your taxpayer dollars. This is why we need a third party, to break the deadlock bullshit like this.

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