Either all the statues go or they all stay


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Sounds good to me, mlk, rosa parks, jfk, obongo, etc, etc...

Either all the statues go or they all stay.
August 23, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

Back in May, a New Orleans statue of Joan of Arc was tagged with “Tear it Down” graffiti.

Why Joan of Arc? Any famous historical figure is by definition controversial. Joan is a French national symbol, but Shakespeare depicted her as a malicious witch. The French Quarter where the statue stands is a mostly white neighborhood. France was dealing with a controversial election.

This is what happens when you open a can of historical, religious and nationalistic worms.

The war on Confederate memorials quickly escalated into attacks on Abraham Lincoln. The Lincoln Memorial was vandalized in Washington D.C. and in Chicago, a statue of Lincoln was burned. Abraham Lincoln fought the Confederacy. But from a black nationalist perspective, Lincoln and Lee were both racist white devils. And to the left, they both embody white supremacy.

What began with tearing down General Lee, escalated to vandalizing statues of Junipero Serra.


History is complicated. Tyranny is simple.

A free society isn’t maintained by the brute force of easy answers, but with difficult compromises.

Tyranny offers the easy answer of eliminating all the statues that displease us. History tells us that the statues should stay. If we embrace the easy answer, soon there won’t be any statues left.

Either all the statues must stay. Or all the statues must go.

All the Statues Must Go
Political spectacles take center stage while the country's real problems fester.
August 23, 2017

Bruce Thornton

While we are fighting the battle of the monuments and picking over the political corpse of Steve Bannon, a terrorist killed 14 people in Barcelona, the Mueller fishing-inquisition continues to grind on, the DOJ is slow-rolling the release of documents about the Lynch-Clinton tarmac powwow, Hillary Clinton is not being held accountable for the manifest betrayals of her oath to the Constitution, Obamacare repeal and replace is dead and tax reform seems moribund, and the left continues its assaults on the First Amendment. The circus tent is on fire and we just keep watching the acrobats and jugglers.

We can debate whether or not all this misdirection is being cleverly manipulated by Donald Trump so he can work on his policy reforms under the radar. Leftists have so many outrage-buttons to punch, it’s often impossible to resist pushing them and then watch their heads explode in shrieking dudgeon. But we won’t know the cumulative effects of this 24/7 demonization of the president until next year’s midterms. One thing is for sure, there had better be a big legislative win, say on tax reform, if the Republicans want to keep control of Congress. The president needs a substantial victory in order to overcome the fallout from the various conflicts over symbols and bad manners that the Trump-haters are perpetually fomenting.


But, the political Punch-and-Judy show must go on, distracting us from these problems even as it confirms Tocqueville’s observation that “a clear perception of the future founded upon judgment and experience . . . is frequently wanting in democracies. The people are more apt to feel than to reason.” So, here we are, a 182 years later, wallowing in feelings and passions over political symbols, even as serious problems of substance are ignored and allowed to fester.

Distracting Ourselves to Death
Did Rosa Parks or JFK ever lead troops into battle against the United States? Those with measurable IQs can see the difference.
Did Rosa Parks or JFK ever lead troops into battle against the United States? Those with measurable IQs can see the difference.
Maybe we can get rid of ignorant fools like you. Really, don't you think that you would like Russia better than the USA? Seems to me that the decisions are being made by the local communities where the statues are. So who are you to make their decisions for them.
Maybe we can get rid of ignorant fools like you. Really, don't you think that you would like Russia better than the USA? Seems to me that the decisions are being made by the local communities where the statues are. So who are you to make their decisions for them.
Old Nuts, Truth we'd be better off without the alt left-wing crybaby/snowflakes maybe we can bus them to venezuela and save money at the same time.
Where does viewing history through the prism of modern-day feelings end?
August 31, 2017

Larry Elder

Malcolm X, as a member of the Nation of Islam, preached anti-Semitism and called the white man "devil." After the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Malcolm X dismissed the murder as a case of "the chickens coming home to roost."

In Spike Lee's biographical drama, "Malcolm X," a white teenage girl approaches the angry activist and says, "Excuse me, Mr. X. Hi. I've read some of your speeches, and I honestly believe that a lot of what you have to say is true. And I'm a good person, in spite of what my ancestors did, and I just — I wanted to ask you, what can a white person like myself who isn't prejudiced, what can I do to help you ... further your cause?" He stares sternly, and replies, "Nothing." She leaves in tears.

But Malcolm X changed. He visited Mecca, where he saw people of all colors worshipping together. It changed the way he thought. He repudiated his anger toward whites after discovering that people were more similar than they were different. He renounced the racist ideology of the Nation of Islam, and in doing so knowingly signed his own death warrant. He was assassinated by members of the Nation of Islam.

Alabama Gov. George Wallace, in 1963, proclaimed, "Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever," at his inauguration, and later stood in a doorway at the University of Alabama to bar blacks from entering. Nine years later, Wallace took a would-be assassin's bullet, leaving him paralyzed. Older, wiser and chastened by the attempt on his life, Wallace changed. Wallace, one day and without invitation, went to a black church where 300 black clergymen were holding a conference. He asked to speak. Wallace asked for forgiveness. He said to the church leaders, "I never had hate in my heart for any person. But I regret my support of segregation and the pain it caused the black people of our state and nation. ... I've learned what pain is, and I'm sorry if I've caused anybody else pain. Segregation was wrong — and I am sorry."

The voters in Alabama returned the former governor to office, but this time, he received black support and made several black appointments. The damage Wallace did through his actions and rhetoric was profound, and despite the assassination attempt, he lived long enough to undo some of it.

Even a Confederate general can change.

Confederate Gen. William Mahone, one of General Robert E. Lee's most able commanders, owned slaves before the Civil War. But after the war, he led an interracial political movement. He organized and became the leader of the Readjuster Party, the most successful interracial political alliance in the post-emancipation South. In 1881, Mahone was elected to the U.S. Senate, at the time split 37-37 between Republicans and Democrats. But Mahone aligned with the Republicans, the party founded two decades earlier by Northerners trying to stop the expansion of slavery.


Confederate Monuments & The Problem With Politically Correct History
We destroy monunents because we can no longer burn people at the stake and hang them from trees. The impotent fury is then turned on any inanimate object in reach.
We destroy monunents because we can no longer burn people at the stake and hang them from trees. The impotent fury is then turned on any inanimate object in reach.
The whole education system needs an overhaul to start with, it must be de-liberalized from k to higher education. Libtart professors must be replaced and stop all indoctrination get back to teaching not politics...

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