Egypt’s President Rolls the Dice for Sharia


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Egypt’s President Rolls the Dice for Sharia

Posted by Rick Moran
Jul 10th, 2012

Egypt’s President Mohammed Morsi issued a decree on Sunday calling the recently dissolved parliament back into session, thus defying the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) and putting the Islamists and military on a collision course. He also called for new elections to be held 60 days after a new constitution is written. Despite opposition by some members of parliament to the recall, and warnings from the military and the courts, Morsi has chosen to gamble that the protestors in the street will be on his side and that the generals fear violence more than they fear a challenge to their power.

SCAF dissolved parliament last month after the Supreme Court ruled that a third of the parliamentary elections held earlier this year were invalid due to a technicality. The generals then seized all legislative power and emasculated the powers of the presidency while taking control of the process to write a new constitution by issuing a “constitutional declaration” that sidelined the Muslim Brotherhood.

Egypt’s President Rolls the Dice for Sharia | FrontPage Magazine
Bugger. The Egyptian government want elections.

Good job America isn't a democracy or it would have to support that ideal.
Egypt’s President Rolls the Dice for Sharia

Posted by Rick Moran
Jul 10th, 2012

Egypt’s President Mohammed Morsi issued a decree on Sunday calling the recently dissolved parliament back into session, thus defying the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) and putting the Islamists and military on a collision course. He also called for new elections to be held 60 days after a new constitution is written. Despite opposition by some members of parliament to the recall, and warnings from the military and the courts, Morsi has chosen to gamble that the protesters in the street will be on his side and that the generals fear violence more than they fear a challenge to their power.

SCAF dissolved parliament last month after the Supreme Court ruled that a third of the parliamentary elections held earlier this year were invalid due to a technicality. The generals then seized all legislative power and emasculated the powers of the presidency while taking control of the process to write a new constitution by issuing a “constitutional declaration” that sidelined the Muslim Brotherhood.

Egypt’s President Rolls the Dice for Sharia | FrontPage Magazine

Does the call for new elections involve the election of the president of Egypt? Now, that would be interesting.
Does the call for new elections involve the election of the president of Egypt? Now, that would be interesting.

Read the news. They've only just had one.

Take a rest to cool your really hard working brain down a little. :D
Morsi bein' a good Mooslamic bear...
Egypt’s Morsi says he will obey court
Fri, Jul 13, 2012 - Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi will respect a court ruling overturning his decree for the dissolved Islamist-dominated parliament to convene, his office said amid a power struggle with the military.
The statement issued on Wednesday appears aimed at mollifying an infuriated judiciary, which has been placed at the forefront of the complex struggle between powerful generals adjusting to their new Islamist president. “If yesterday’s constitutional court ruling prevents parliament from fulfilling its responsibilities, we will respect that because we are a state of the law,” the statement said, a day after the court froze Morsi’s decree. “There will be consultations with [political] forces and institutions and the supreme council for legal authorities to pave a suitable way out of this,” the statement added.

Last week, Morsi ordered parliament to convene, in defiance of a military decision, to disband the house in line with a court ruling last month before the generals handed power to the president. Morsi’s decree was applauded by supporters who believed the court’s decision to disband parliament was political, but it set off a firestorm of criticism from opponents who accused him of overstepping his authority. According to the country’s interim constitution, drafted by the military generals who took charge after former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak’s overthrow early last year, the military assumed the dissolved parliament’s powers.

Morsi’s decision was seen as an opening shot in a power struggle between Egypt’s first civilian leader and the Mubarak-appointed generals, who wanted to retain broad powers even after they transferred control on June 30. On Sunday, Morsi had ordered parliament back and invited it to convene. Taking its cue from the president, the People’s Assembly met on Tuesday. “We are gathered today to review the court rulings, the ruling of the Supreme Constitutional Court,” People’s Assembly Speaker Saad al-Katatni said. “I want to stress, we are not contradicting the ruling, but looking at a mechanism for the implementation of the ruling of the respected court. There is no other agenda today,” he added.

According to Morsi’s decree, new parliamentary elections are to be held after a constituent assembly picked by the legislature finishes a constitution. However, the assembly’s fate is in doubt, with the administrative court deciding on Wednesday to look into complaints on the panel’s legality on Tuesday, rather than in September as had been scheduled, the official MENA news agency reported. Should the court declare the parliament appointed assembly illegal, the military will appoint a new one, as stipulated in its interim constitution.

More Egypt?s Morsi says he will obey court - Taipei Times

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