Egypt's new president vows to free blind sheik


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Obama's friends in Egypt wants this guy free..

Egypt's new president vows to free blind sheik from Jersey City jailed for plotting 1993 WTC bombing


Egypt's first Islamist and civilian president-elect, Mohammed Morsi, vowed before a crowd of thousands in Cairo's Tahrir Square today to work for the release of Omar Abdel-Rahman, the blind Jersey City sheik jailed for plotting the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.

Morsi's statement came as he vowed to fight for his authority and symbolically read an oath of office on the eve of his official inauguration.

His strongly worded speech was a show of defiance as he gears up to power struggle with the country's ruling generals who passed a constitutional declaration taking over major presidential powers in the days before election results were announced after a bitter campaign.

Egypt's new president vows to free blind sheik from Jersey City jailed for plotting 1993 WTC bombing |
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Obama’s New Middle East


This week, President Obama’s Egyptian Revolution bore its first fruit: the election of Muslim Brotherhood President Mohammed Mursi. Mursi, of course, is the same fellow who stated last month, “The Koran is our constitution, the Prophet is our leader, jihad is our path and death in the name of Allah is our goal. Today we can establish Sharia law because our nation will acquire well-being only with Islam and Sharia. The Muslim Brothers and the Freedom and Justice Party will be the conductors of these goals.” Rallies for Mursi have included calls to make Jerusalem the capital of Egypt, and songs and chants about how his supporters are all affiliated with Hamas.

Yet upon his election, the Obama administration quickly congratulated Mursi. His election, said the Obama administration, was a “milestone in [Egypt’s] transition to democracy.” Iran apparently felt the same way, celebrating this “revolutionary movement of the Egyptian people… in its final stages of the Islamic Awakening and a new era of change in the Middle East.”

Obama’s New Middle East | FrontPage Magazine

It looks as USA finally reached a point where it's about to fall into it's own trap: "coloured revolution" in Egypt got out of hand and brought to power TRULY militant Islamic factions (unlike A-Q and the rest on US leash) for whom terrorism is not a "sad necessity", but an engagement pleasing to Allah. They are very anti-West, anti-American and are capable to set alight and Saudi Arabia, and Qatar.
ummm... he can say what he wants. but last i checked he doesn't control our judiciary.

he's just another big mouth.

Supported by Obama. Who will you side with when he tries to go to war with Israel?

if you have evidence that the president would support releasing the blind sheikh, i'll be happy to look at it.

until then, it's more fauxrage...

and if any president with an R after his name had taken as many anti-terrorist actions as this one, you'd be crowning him king.
ummm... he can say what he wants. but last i checked he doesn't control our judiciary.

he's just another big mouth.

Supported by Obama. Who will you side with when he tries to go to war with Israel?

if you have evidence that the president would support releasing the blind sheikh, i'll be happy to look at it.

until then, it's more fauxrage...

and if any president with an R after his name had taken as many anti-terrorist actions as this one, you'd be crowning him king.

Ignoring the question I see... What will you do If Egypt goes to war with Israel and Obama does nothing?
ummm... he can say what he wants. but last i checked he doesn't control our judiciary.

he's just another big mouth.

Supported by Obama. Who will you side with when he tries to go to war with Israel?

if you have evidence that the president would support releasing the blind sheikh, i'll be happy to look at it.

until then, it's more fauxrage...

and if any president with an R after his name had taken as many anti-terrorist actions as this one, you'd be crowning him king.

Yeah better to kill um than to water board and gain a little intelligence? Where’s the outrage by the liberals?....Well.. That’s a different topic I guess. Obama is partly responsible for the Brotherhood winning the election in Egypt yet no outrage from you?

Clinton calls on the military council to hand over power

The military council should hand power over to the winner of the first presidential election in Egypt and fulfill their promise to the Egyptian people, said US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Clinton was quoted by the BBC on Wednesday during talks in the presence of former Secretary of State James Baker as accusing the generals of reneging on their promises.

The Presidential Elections Commission (PEC) has postponed the announcement of the winner in the runoff from Thursday to Sunday in order to consider appeals against the electoral process filed by the Muslim Brotherhood candidate, Mohamed Morsy, and his rival, former Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq.

Clinton calls on the military council to hand over power | Egypt Independent
Member of Egyptian terrorist group gets meeting with White House senior officials

Included in [a visiting] delegation of Egyptian lawmakers was Hani Nour Eldin, who, in addition to being a newly elected member of parliament, is a member of the Gamaa Islamiya, or the Egyptian Islamic Group—a U.S.-designated terrorist organization. The group was banned under former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, and is now a recognized Islamist political party. Its spiritual leader, Omar Abdel Rahman—also known as the “blind sheik”—was convicted in 1995 of plotting attacks on New York City landmarks and transportation centers, and is serving a life sentence in a North Carolina federal prison.

This seems to be a monumental screw-up. Certainly, Eldin’s membership in Gamaa Islamiya (a designated terrorist group) should have raised a red flag and banned him from entering the United States, let alone snagging a meeting with high-level advisers. The State Department told Lake that Eldin was invited by the Wilson Center think tank. The Wilson Center said — you guessed it — the State Department invited him

Member of Egyptian terrorist group gets meeting with White House senior officials - Right Turn - The Washington Post

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