Egypt's Christians Form Their Own Brotherhood


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Egypt's Christians Form Their Own Brotherhood

by Merrit Kennedy


On a Cairo rooftop recently, members of the new Christian Brotherhood are debating how to respond to the first major outbreak of Muslim-Christian violence since President Mohammed Morsi came into office in June.

The incident in the village of Dahshour, south of Cairo, began as a personal spat between a Christian and a Muslim in a local laundry. It quickly escalated into communal violence, and eventually the entire Christian community — about 100 families — fled the village.

Hossam Bahgat, the head of the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights, closely follows Christian-Muslim tensions.

"This is the first time that we see this incident where the entire community fled for their life for fear of serious retribution," he says.

A few families have since returned to the village, only to find their homes in ruins.


Egypt's Christians Form Their Own Brotherhood : NPR
It is early days yet, but it seems strange to me that people who lined up to predict how terrible Morsi would be have now fallen silent.

Wouldn't it be better to give praise where praise is due?
IJ -

You are aware that Morsi has resigned from the MB, right?

Rather than just link to blogs, why not actually discuss the issue?
Ooof these guys have their work cut out for them, if this Christian Brotherhood tries to use violence they will be slaughtering Christians in the streets in Egypt.
Here is the problem. Christians are going to have to start taking a few heads of their own. Then the world's anti Christian left will say "See how violent Christians are, it's the Crusades all over again".
Here is the problem. Christians are going to have to start taking a few heads of their own. Then the world's anti Christian left will say "See how violent Christians are, it's the Crusades all over again".

The numbers are too much against their favor in Egypt, if these Christians try any funny business the Muslims will over run them.
Here is the problem. Christians are going to have to start taking a few heads of their own. Then the world's anti Christian left will say "See how violent Christians are, it's the Crusades all over again".

The numbers are too much against their favor in Egypt, if these Christians try any funny business the Muslims will over run them.

That's the democrat's wet dream. If only they could bring that here, their Christian "problem" might finally be solved.
Here is the problem. Christians are going to have to start taking a few heads of their own. Then the world's anti Christian left will say "See how violent Christians are, it's the Crusades all over again".

Slit enough throats, bombs, etc. and the left will be to frightened to say anything, like they do with islam...:badgrin:
AJ -

I don't get people using the term "left" as if it was some kind of party or movement.

You really think Stalin, Clinton, Nelson Mandela and the Weather Underground all feel the same way about...anything at all?
AJ -

I never use the term "right". It's reductionist and meaningless.

There are 8 - 10 major and clearly defined political schools of thought (e.g. socialist, social democrat, Greens, communist, New Labour, Centrist) and I prefer to use those.
what happened to saigon? I was so enjoying his adulation of ----morsi

Is morsi still in jail------are the MB's and humans still killing each other
over there?
Now that the army has stepped in on behalf of the people preventing Egypt from becoming an Islamic shithole and going after the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt's Christians will be safer for now.

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