Egyptian Christians 'Refuse' to Meet with Hillary Clinton


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010

While in Egypt over the last several, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met with the Muslim Brotherhood. But not everyone would meet with Clinton: Coptic Christians and Evangelicals refused, because, they claim, "the US administration has demonstrated their support for Islamism over other political and civil forces," the Egypt Independent reports.

As the Egyptian outlet Ahram details: "Representatives of Egypt's Orthodox and Evangelical churches on Sunday morning declined invitations to meet with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to protest perceived US interference in Egypt's internal affairs."

The group of Christians cite Clinton's meetings with Islamists as reason to refuse to meet with her. "A group statement issued Sunday said that since the 25 January revolution, Clinton and other US officials on visits to Egypt have held meetings with the forces of political Islam to the exclusion of other political groups. The statement claimed that the US administration has demonstrated their support for Islamism over other political and civil forces," the Independent reports.

Egyptian Christians 'Refuse' to Meet with Hillary Clinton | The Weekly Standard

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