Egypt Horror: Crucifying Morsi's Opponents by Muslim Brotherhood


Let's go swimmin'!
May 3, 2011
My house
I couldn't believe my eyes when I read this:

Radical members of the Muslim Brotherhood have started 'crucifying opponents of newly installed President Mohammed Morsi,' according to media reports.
'During a recent rampage, Muslim Brotherhood operatives crucified those opposing Egyptian President Muhammad Morsi naked on trees in front of the presidential palace while abusing others,' reported WMD, quoting Middle East media.

Read more: Daily Mail UK
I had seen nothing of the kind. Seems the Daily Mail in the UK thinks it a true story. I wasn't there, don't know. It's kind of horrifying if true.

Morsi was Muslim brotherhood according to the link, but resigned to run for the office of President in Egypt.
My goodness, I keep reading and finding out that Morsi wants absolute power in Egypt, and that he has an audience with Obama in September.

Is the President now using the Oval Office to sponsor people who Crucify their political opponents?
Credible news sources say that truck loads of hammers, nails, and lumber are being driven across the border into Egypt to be used in a mass crucifiction of Christians in that country..
My goodness, I keep reading and finding out that Morsi wants absolute power in Egypt, and that he has an audience with Obama in September.

Is the President now using the Oval Office to sponsor people who Crucify their political opponents?

obama is wishful thinking.
I couldn't believe my eyes when I read this:

Radical members of the Muslim Brotherhood have started 'crucifying opponents of newly installed President Mohammed Morsi,' according to media reports.
'During a recent rampage, Muslim Brotherhood operatives crucified those opposing Egyptian President Muhammad Morsi naked on trees in front of the presidential palace while abusing others,' reported WMD, quoting Middle East media.

Read more: Daily Mail UK

Democracy at work.

Just like Iran. President K is rumored to have administered the Coup de grace to opposition leaders with a pistol shot in the head.
If obama had his way, Christians wouldn't only be cruicified but shot by gay activists.
My goodness, I keep reading and finding out that Morsi wants absolute power in Egypt, and that he has an audience with Obama in September.

Is the President now using the Oval Office to sponsor people who Crucify their political opponents?

Of course not. Its beyond stupid and offensive to say it.

But, what the hell. Let's all start saying it over and over again. Your fellow numbskulls here can do their small but important part by posting it all over the net. Pretty soon, some REAL authority, like lushbo or fux, will pick it up and next thing we know, Donald Trump and $arah Palin will be commenting on it and RobMe and Robin will incorporate it into their "platform".

We call that Business As Usual For The GObP/rw/pub/pots.
I couldn't believe my eyes when I read this:

Radical members of the Muslim Brotherhood have started 'crucifying opponents of newly installed President Mohammed Morsi,' according to media reports.
'During a recent rampage, Muslim Brotherhood operatives crucified those opposing Egyptian President Muhammad Morsi naked on trees in front of the presidential palace while abusing others,' reported WMD, quoting Middle East media.

Read more: Daily Mail UK

Democracy at work.

Just like Iran. President K is rumored to have administered the Coup de grace to opposition leaders with a pistol shot in the head.
Why would someone popularly elected murder his opponents? He should be asking them to help him rule the realm. But I keep hearing rumors of a major defacing of Egyptian art due to its religious nature, like they did at Bamiyan, Afghanistan. What once was an impressive line of statues were defaced by the taliban, and what is left is here:


Credits to wikimedia Wikipedia
Ever wonder why the oldest civilization in the world still lives in poverty and social unrest? They built the freaking pyramids a couple of thousand years ago. I saw a relatively recent video about the appalling health conditions in Cairo and how the people coped with poverty by going through garbage and selling plastic and paper to Chinese dealers. What happened to Egypt and the Middle east? Maybe Shria law and Islamic fundamentalism causes people to keep 1/2 of their population (women) in bondage and requires them to think and reason as if they were still living in the 6th century.
My goodness, I keep reading and finding out that Morsi wants absolute power in Egypt, and that he has an audience with Obama in September.

Is the President now using the Oval Office to sponsor people who Crucify their political opponents?

Of course not. Its beyond stupid and offensive to say it.

But, what the hell. Let's all start saying it over and over again. Your fellow numbskulls here can do their small but important part by posting it all over the net. Pretty soon, some REAL authority, like lushbo or fux, will pick it up and next thing we know, Donald Trump and $arah Palin will be commenting on it and RobMe and Robin will incorporate it into their "platform".

We call that Business As Usual For The GObP/rw/pub/pots.
One of the articles said Obama's visit with Mosni was already scheduled for September at the White House. Is that a false story, Luddly, or are you just shooting from the hip?
Muslims always kill their opponents when they win a democratic election. It's part of the heritage, the culture. It's revenge and reprisal. We should never expect them to act like the west does. It's not part of their nature.
My goodness, I keep reading and finding out that Morsi wants absolute power in Egypt, and that he has an audience with Obama in September.

Is the President now using the Oval Office to sponsor people who Crucify their political opponents?

Of course not. Its beyond stupid and offensive to say it.

But, what the hell. Let's all start saying it over and over again. Your fellow numbskulls here can do their small but important part by posting it all over the net. Pretty soon, some REAL authority, like lushbo or fux, will pick it up and next thing we know, Donald Trump and $arah Palin will be commenting on it and RobMe and Robin will incorporate it into their "platform".

We call that Business As Usual For The GObP/rw/pub/pots.
One of the articles said Obama's visit with Mosni was already scheduled for September at the White House. Is that a false story, Luddly, or are you just shooting from the hip?

You wanna show me where it says or even hints at this:

Is the President now using the Oval Office to sponsor people who Crucify their political opponents?

WTF is wrong with rw's? How do they just put their brain on hold and spew poison?

Bush and Reagan were two of the worst , most corrupt, presidents in our history but you will never read the nasty, vile lies the rw makes up about President Obama every single day.
Muslims always kill their opponents when they win a democratic election. It's part of the heritage, the culture. It's revenge and reprisal. We should never expect them to act like the west does. It's not part of their nature.

You're stupid.

Oh, and reeeel ignernt.
Muslims always kill their opponents when they win a democratic election. It's part of the heritage, the culture. It's revenge and reprisal. We should never expect them to act like the west does. It's not part of their nature.
Well, I don't want that level of intolerance in the world. It is wrongful use of power and instead of cementing civilization, it divides civilization. Then when all hell breaks loose in the society as it did in Iraq in the 1990s, America gets tapped on the shoulder to fix the problem. Then collaborators over here collaborate with their foreign correspondents to send our leadership before an international tribune representing hate-America interests.

It boils down to some can't stop hating that America, where it sent its dissidents, prisoners, and people they were religiously intolerant of here. We love 'em all, take 'em in, teach their children better, put 'em in nice houses, give 'em jobs, feed 'em, and first thing you know they're running for governor of their adopted state. It really piques the barracudas' ire overseas. hehehe

But the worst ones want to destroy us through infiltration and marxist "redistribute the wealth" brainwashing. That's not so funny. :evil:
Muslims always kill their opponents when they win a democratic election. It's part of the heritage, the culture. It's revenge and reprisal. We should never expect them to act like the west does. It's not part of their nature.
Well, I don't want that level of intolerance in the world. It is wrongful use of power and instead of cementing civilization, it divides civilization. Then when all hell breaks loose in the society as it did in Iraq in the 1990s, America gets tapped on the shoulder to fix the problem. Then collaborators over here collaborate with their foreign correspondents to send our leadership before an international tribune representing hate-America interests.

It boils down to some can't stop hating that America, where it sent its dissidents, prisoners, and people they were religiously intolerant of here. We love 'em all, take 'em in, teach their children better, put 'em in nice houses, give 'em jobs, feed 'em, and first thing you know they're running for governor of their adopted state. It really piques the barracudas' ire overseas. hehehe

But the worst ones want to destroy us through infiltration and marxist "redistribute the wealth" brainwashing. That's not so funny. :evil:

Sorry, but that's what we have. If you look at muslim history, and limit it to the last 50 years to keep it in modern times, it's what they do every time. Iraq, Libya, Nigeria. It's part of their culture. It doesn't matter who wins, both sides do it.
Of course not. Its beyond stupid and offensive to say it.

But, what the hell. Let's all start saying it over and over again. Your fellow numbskulls here can do their small but important part by posting it all over the net. Pretty soon, some REAL authority, like lushbo or fux, will pick it up and next thing we know, Donald Trump and $arah Palin will be commenting on it and RobMe and Robin will incorporate it into their "platform".

We call that Business As Usual For The GObP/rw/pub/pots.
One of the articles said Obama's visit with Mosni was already scheduled for September at the White House. Is that a false story, Luddly, or are you just shooting from the hip?

You wanna show me where it says or even hints at this:

Is the President now using the Oval Office to sponsor people who Crucify their political opponents?
WTF is wrong with rw's? How do they just put their brain on hold and spew poison?

Bush and Reagan were two of the worst , most corrupt, presidents in our history but you will never read the nasty, vile lies the rw makes up about President Obama every single day.
How would I know, Luddly. I read at least 25 related articles about the Muslim Brotherhood's serial murders all over the world in the last few days. Did you even bother to read the UK Daily News article I posted? For some reason, the Brits have a knack for knowing what the White House is doing before the leftist lockstep press acts how it is surprised all about it and everything.

No, Bush and Reagan weren't the worst, the for-sale press just takes anything they think up--call it historical fiction practice if you will--and get people like you to believe it's true. that's what they did with the JHHatfield book "fortunate son" that never got printed by Little Brown and Co., because it was filled with lies. Instead, the brainiacs in the clinton Spin room decided since it was written they could spin it as truth, and so far, they've got double-digit idiots believing it's true, which is why you're saying such hubris. I don't mean I think you're a double digit moron, sorry. I just think you believe predatory liars sometimes, that's all.

I'm asking questions, not pointing fingers.

(1) Is Obama seeing Mosni in September or is he not seeing Mosni? If so what date is it, and we'll give him a meeting on the mall with protest signs about crucifying people when you merely win an election.

(2) Why are they covering up the fact that the Muslim Brotherhood crucified people who opposed Mosni in an alleged political election, or was that just a coup masquerading as an election? If they did murder opponents, the election is invalid and is not the free expression of the voters of Egypt, but a coerced, criminal power grab with people used to killing people to get what it is that they want, which is usually untold riches extracted from people they enslave with high taxation and hold in utter disregard and loathing.

(3) Will the Muslim brotherhood decimate Egyptian artifacts and historical monuments or will they leave them alone?

(4) If they leave the pyramids alone, will Americans be allowed to visit Egypt as in the past, or will it be another dangerous country in the world to visit?

We've been a giving people in America whenever there's a monsoon, earthquake, tidal wave, or other disaster. I'm tired of jealous Muslims murdering people they don't agree with. They're acting like animals, and animals are nicer than their murderous rages.
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Muslims always kill their opponents when they win a democratic election. It's part of the heritage, the culture. It's revenge and reprisal. We should never expect them to act like the west does. It's not part of their nature.
Well, I don't want that level of intolerance in the world. It is wrongful use of power and instead of cementing civilization, it divides civilization. Then when all hell breaks loose in the society as it did in Iraq in the 1990s, America gets tapped on the shoulder to fix the problem. Then collaborators over here collaborate with their foreign correspondents to send our leadership before an international tribune representing hate-America interests.

It boils down to some can't stop hating that America, where it sent its dissidents, prisoners, and people they were religiously intolerant of here. We love 'em all, take 'em in, teach their children better, put 'em in nice houses, give 'em jobs, feed 'em, and first thing you know they're running for governor of their adopted state. It really piques the barracudas' ire overseas. hehehe

But the worst ones want to destroy us through infiltration and marxist "redistribute the wealth" brainwashing. That's not so funny. :evil:

Sorry, but that's what we have. If you look at muslim history, and limit it to the last 50 years to keep it in modern times, it's what they do every time. Iraq, Libya, Nigeria. It's part of their culture. It doesn't matter who wins, both sides do it.
It's evil. :evil:

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