Egypt: Christian Girls Kidnapped and ‘Sold’


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Arab wakening?:doubt:


Two teenage Coptic girls, cousins, were recently kidnapped and then “sold” in Minya, Egypt—the same region where a Coptic church was recently attacked and desecrated. I tried to find this story in English-language media and, as expected, found nothing, except for one report in Al-Masry Al-Youm titled “Clashes between police and Coptic protesters in Minya”—as if that’s the important story (as usual, the media prefers headlines portraying harried Christian minorities as equally culpable as their Muslim persecutors, thereby justifying use of the preferred phrase, “sectarian strife“).

At the end of the Al-Masry Al-Youm report, we get a trailing sentence alluding to “claims” that two Christian girls “were abducted by Muslims and forced to convert to Islam” as the reason why Copts were demonstrating and clashing with the police in the first place.

One must again turn to Arabic sources for the telling details. I have put together the following narrative and quotes based on these two Arabic reports:

The two girls, Christine Azat (aged 16) and Nancy Magdi (aged 14) were on their way to church Sunday, June 12, when they were seized. Their abductors demanded $200,000 Egyptian pounds for their release. The people of the region quickly put their savings together and came up with the ransom money; but when they tried to give it to the kidnappers, they rejected it, saying they had already “sold” the girls off to another group which requires $12 million Egyptian pounds to return them.

Egypt: Christian Girls Kidnapped and

Raymond Ibrahim is associate director of the Middle East Forum and author of The Al Qaeda Reader. Explore the point where Islam and Christianity meet with Raymond Ibrahim, as he brings the latest information on Christian persecution in the Muslim world, translates important Arabic news that would otherwise never reach the West
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^^Who kidnapped them, and why...

Christians were were abducted by Muslims and forced to convert to Islam?

Sold for money maybe, but 'forced to convert to Islam'?

How about who, what, where, when, how AND why?

Malarek said destitute Third World and Eastern European females as young as 12 are tricked into leaving their homelands with promises of wealth and prosperity in the West, as well as Israel. Instead, they are sold into the sex trade by organized crime, gangs, pimps and brothel owners.

“Newspaper ads from modelling and employment agencies promise exciting jobs, but the women are duped,” Malarek told the Jewish Tribune. “They must submit, or they are raped, beaten and tortured. There are between 5,000 and 10,000 trafficked women in Israel and more than 280 brothels in Tel Aviv alone. It is a human rights issue the Jewish community knows about. They have a voice and they must use it.”

This thread is about Egypt and Christian girls kidnapped, forced to convert to Islam and then sold into sexual slavery.

So you respond about Israel and trafficking of women? Create a thread about Israeli trafficking of women Jos.

Or are you not intelligent enough to see that you post cross threaded? :cuckoo:

Neg for the cross post.
So you move from the OP because you want to say that since the Jews 'might' do the same it is right or OK?

Is that what are you trying to say? That it's ok because the Jews 'might do it too"?

That's rather a moronic extension Jos because you never get to the subject.

You're too busy trying to attack Israel than centering on the (OP) issue of Christianities young girls being converted to Islam and sold to sexual slavery.

This is why I say you are obsessed with Israel Jos. As long as you can attack Israel and Jews, you will dump on any thread regardless of the OP you dump on when you do this.
It sounds like they were kidnapped for money.

Not because they are Christians.

They aren't kidnapping other muslims in Egypt are they? Christians are being attacked and their churches burned, their women are being converted and sold into slavery this thread is about the persecution of Christians in Egypt this is what happens to Christians in muslim lands.
The main thing is to use religion to stir up hatred and bigotry. How else are we going to keep all the wars running?
The main thing is to use religion to stir up hatred and bigotry. How else are we going to keep all the wars running?

Wars, like lawsuits, are really not about principle. They are about money or its equivalent in whatever asset is at stake. Like oil.
The main thing is to use religion to stir up hatred and bigotry. How else are we going to keep all the wars running?

Wars, like lawsuits, are really not about principle. They are about money or its equivalent in whatever asset is at stake. Like oil.

The religion of Islam DEMANDS that the World be Islamic. There are two basic philosophy's about this in the Muslim religion. One holds that this will be accomplished by birth rate and semi peaceful expansion. Immigration into non Islamic Countries with the intent to take over when they have the population, peacefully or by force.

The second one holds that war is needed to hasten the day when all the Earth will be Muslim. They advocate jihad and war to accomplish this goal. No waiting for populations to shift. Take what they want and force conversion on captured populaces.

One must remember that according to Islam once a Muslim you can never quit or convert, NO MATTER what brought you to Islam. Anyone that converts or quits from Islam is subject to death.
The main thing is to use religion to stir up hatred and bigotry. How else are we going to keep all the wars running?

Wars, like lawsuits, are really not about principle. They are about money or its equivalent in whatever asset is at stake. Like oil.

The religion of Islam DEMANDS that the World be Islamic. There are two basic philosophy's about this in the Muslim religion. One holds that this will be accomplished by birth rate and semi peaceful expansion. Immigration into non Islamic Countries with the intent to take over when they have the population, peacefully or by force.

The second one holds that war is needed to hasten the day when all the Earth will be Muslim. They advocate jihad and war to accomplish this goal. No waiting for populations to shift. Take what they want and force conversion on captured populaces.

One must remember that according to Islam once a Muslim you can never quit or convert, NO MATTER what brought you to Islam. Anyone that converts or quits from Islam is subject to death.

How is that about principle? I mean, if muslims ruled the world, what would they have to gain aside form piety? Answer: RESOURCES!
Wars, like lawsuits, are really not about principle. They are about money or its equivalent in whatever asset is at stake. Like oil.

The religion of Islam DEMANDS that the World be Islamic. There are two basic philosophy's about this in the Muslim religion. One holds that this will be accomplished by birth rate and semi peaceful expansion. Immigration into non Islamic Countries with the intent to take over when they have the population, peacefully or by force.

The second one holds that war is needed to hasten the day when all the Earth will be Muslim. They advocate jihad and war to accomplish this goal. No waiting for populations to shift. Take what they want and force conversion on captured populaces.

One must remember that according to Islam once a Muslim you can never quit or convert, NO MATTER what brought you to Islam. Anyone that converts or quits from Islam is subject to death.

How is that about principle? I mean, if muslims ruled the world, what would they have to gain aside form piety? Answer: RESOURCES!

Islam teaches that all must be run by Islam. No secular Governments no none religious Governments. The teachings of Islam forbid many of the west's financial creations. Islam would control the resources not secular men.
Regardless of what Islam's ultimate goals are, the abduction of girls (Christian or otherwise) into slavery has nothing to do with Islam and everything to do with market forces.
Islam teaches that ...

Yes, yes.. Islamic leaders are trying to use religion to inspire their people to war. Sorta like what some of you are trying to do here. We must attack the infidels!!!

Religion may be a convenient rationalization for those who want to attack us, but if we weren't over there fucking with them on a regular basis, support for the terrorist cause would evaporate to virtually nothing.

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