Edwards takes South Carolina


Aug 28, 2003
New York
So far the results show Edwards with 42%, Kerry with 30%, Clark with 11% & Dean with 7.5%

Seems the Dem race could be anyones at this point.
Edwards is the native son. It's really pathetic when a candidate loses on home turf - kinda like Gore did in 2000.
So far Kerry has won 4 states and Edwards has 1. Lieberman is history, he dropped out this evening. One less slug in the jar.
I had nothing against joe....I didnt have anything for him either though..waiting for the polls or whatever they are called to close ...will watch cnn....I saw edwards say he would not take the #2 slot....think he may regret those words????
Edwards will take the Veep spot in a minute if offered. He can always do the "I must do this to support the Will of the People" crappola.
I would agree. I'm calling the Dem ticket now, Kerry-P Edwards-VP. Kerry didn't spend money in S Carolina (and still showed an impressive 2nd), evidently the two have a good relationship, and the combined ticket represents New England and the South. This with the consideration of the liberal west coast added in would make a Kerry-Edwards ticket, in my opinion, the best choice.
I'd be thrilled with a Kerry-Edwards ticket. This will be a close election. Bush will not, as some of you seem to think, win in a landslide. He's pissing off the Libertarian/hardcore fiscal conservative arm of the party with his spending sprees, he's trying to make up for that by being sure to pander the religious right (there are some who belong to both of these groups) with his ban on gay marriage amendment.

Edwards had to win South Carolina, he candidly admitted to that fact many times. He virtually tied Wesley Clark in Oklahoma, with Kerry running a very close third. There is still a long way to go in the primary season. Joe Lieberman is an honorable man and a fine Senator, but he couldn't accurately represent the mainstream of the Democratic Party. Dean has effectively killed his campaign through missteps and blunders. Clark can't beat Kerry or Edwards. One of both of Kerry and Edwards will be on the ticket come November, and regardless of who wins, Dubya will have a major battle on his hands.


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