Edwards Plans Memorial Day Protest

red states rule

Senior Member
May 30, 2006
This Memorial Day as the nation honors our military and thanks them for their sacrifice, Pretty Boy Edwards wants to score some political points

Things are not going well for his campaign and the Democrat party these days - so is this way to gain more public support?

John Edwards Ripped for Memorial Day War Protest Plan

John Edwards hasn't won over any friends at the American Legion for his plan to protest the war on Memorial Day. Paul Morin, national commander of the American Legion, posted an open letter of the group’s website blasting Edwards for what Morin says is an inappropriate political calculation that "blatantly violated the sanctity of this most special day," the Hill reports.

Edwards wants people to protest the war at Memorial Day Parades and gatherings, take photos and then he will place those photos on his website. “Buy a bunch of poster-board and markers,” the website says. “At a picnic or with family and friends, make signs that say ‘SUPPORT THE TROOPS - END THE WAR.’ Bring them to your local Memorial Day parade. Then take a digital photo of yourself and your family or friends holding up the poster and tell us about it. We’ll include it in a ‘Democracy Photo Album’ on our site.”


"Memorial Day is a solemn occasion to remember the service and sacrifice of more than 1 million American servicemen and -women who gave their lives to create our nation, to save our union, and to help free the world from tyranny,” Davis said. “It is not a time to call people to protest the war under the guise of supporting the troops.”

He adds: "If you want to honor these heroes, visit a veterans cemetery on Memorial Day. Attend a parade without the divisive political signs. Make cards for the comrades of the fallen that are recuperating in military and VA hospitals. Lay a wreath at the stone of a departed hero."


“John Edwards called on Americans to spend Memorial Day weekend honoring our fallen soldiers and supporting our troops currently serving overseas by urging our government to end this war and bring them home,” Edwards spokesman Eric Schultz said. “Edwards believes we must reclaim what patriotism means - the best way to support our troops is not doing whatever President Bush says to prolong the war, but rather ending the war and bringing our troops home to the hero’s welcome they deserve.”

Patriotism equals surrender? Odd choice. Sen. Barack Obama’s (D-Ill.) campaign declined to comment on Edwards’s call to action, but it did say it would engage in more traditional campaign activities over the holiday weekend.

Phil Singer, spokesman for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s (D-N.Y.) campaign, said, “Sen. Clinton will be honoring our nation’s veterans.”

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