Edward Snowden -Encrypted computer files seized


Platinum Member
Mar 5, 2013
no arrests- threats of arrest

Encrypted computer files seized from David Miranda 'were from US whistleblower’
7:58PM BST 19 Aug 2013
Police who detained the partner of a journalist under anti-terrorism laws seized encrypted computer files from the American whistleblower Edward Snowden, it was claimed tonight.

David Miranda was held by police at Heathrow and questioned for nine hours, the legal limit before a suspect must be charged or released, as he changed planes on a journey from Berlin to his home in Brazil.
The White House said that British officials informed their American counterparts of the decision to detain him but did not request his arrest.
Mr Miranda lives with The Guardian reporter, Glenn Greenwald, the journalist who interviewed Mr Snowden and wrote a series of articles on the activities of the US National Security Agency (NSA) earlier this year.
Mr Greenwald told The New York Times that Mr Miranda had been in Berlin to act as a courier to exchange documents related to his research with a filmmaker in the city. He was given different files containing information from Mr Snowden to pass back to Mr Greenwald.
These documents, which were stored on an encrypted portable computer drive, were among the items seized by British security at Heathrow, Mr Greenwald said.

Encrypted computer files seized from David Miranda 'were from US whistleblower? - Telegraph
It should be pointed out that Miranda was detained under a terrorism statute and was only questioned regarding Greenwald's journalism which is obviously not terrorism.
Damn they're good. They knew what Greenwald's boyfriend was smuggling.

Yes, they pointlessly took Miranda's potential copies of these files, just like they pointlessly destroyed the copies of the files in the Guardian's offices in London. Greenwald still has his copies in Brazil and the Guardian has copies in New York. The purpose of the detention was not to stop Miranda from "smuggling" this information, unless they're really really dense, but to try to intimidate Greenwald.
Damn they're good. They knew what Greenwald's boyfriend was smuggling.

Yes, they pointlessly took Miranda's potential copies of these files, just like they pointlessly destroyed the copies of the files in the Guardian's offices in London. Greenwald still has his copies in Brazil and the Guardian has copies in New York. The purpose of the detention was not to stop Miranda from "smuggling" this information, unless they're really really dense, but to try to intimidate Greenwald.

And Snowden, God bless him, still has it all.
Damn they're good. They knew what Greenwald's boyfriend was smuggling.

Yes, they pointlessly took Miranda's potential copies of these files, just like they pointlessly destroyed the copies of the files in the Guardian's offices in London. Greenwald still has his copies in Brazil and the Guardian has copies in New York. The purpose of the detention was not to stop Miranda from "smuggling" this information, unless they're really really dense, but to try to intimidate Greenwald.

As I've heard it, Miranda was transmitting them by hand to Wikileaks volunteer Laura Poitras.
Damn they're good. They knew what Greenwald's boyfriend was smuggling.

Yes, they pointlessly took Miranda's potential copies of these files, just like they pointlessly destroyed the copies of the files in the Guardian's offices in London. Greenwald still has his copies in Brazil and the Guardian has copies in New York. The purpose of the detention was not to stop Miranda from "smuggling" this information, unless they're really really dense, but to try to intimidate Greenwald.

And Snowden, God bless him, still has it all.

Selling to the highest bidder no doubt.

He's a CIA sysadmin, he could have easily leaked these documents to Wikileaks anonymously. Why didn't he just do that?
Damn they're good. They knew what Greenwald's boyfriend was smuggling.

Yes, they pointlessly took Miranda's potential copies of these files, just like they pointlessly destroyed the copies of the files in the Guardian's offices in London. Greenwald still has his copies in Brazil and the Guardian has copies in New York. The purpose of the detention was not to stop Miranda from "smuggling" this information, unless they're really really dense, but to try to intimidate Greenwald.

This will not end as the statists might have hoped when they started down this path.
Damn they're good. They knew what Greenwald's boyfriend was smuggling.

Yes, they pointlessly took Miranda's potential copies of these files, just like they pointlessly destroyed the copies of the files in the Guardian's offices in London. Greenwald still has his copies in Brazil and the Guardian has copies in New York. The purpose of the detention was not to stop Miranda from "smuggling" this information, unless they're really really dense, but to try to intimidate Greenwald.

This will not end as the statists might have hoped when they started down this path.


But Snowden is no hero. He had no business leaking information about the relationship between the US, Great Britain, and Australia. He had no business leaking information about the ongoing cyberwar with China. He had no business leaking the details of our tactics in our countermeasures, and there was no reason other than personal fame and fortune not to do it anonymously.

To effect his plan, Snowden asked for a guarantee that The Washington Post would publish — within 72 hours — the full text of a PowerPoint presentation describing PRISM, a top-secret surveillance program that gathered intelligence from Microsoft, Facebook, Google and other Silicon Valley giants. He also asked that The Post publish online a cryptographic key that he could use to prove to a foreign embassy that he was the document’s source.

Code name ?Verax?: Snowden, in exchanges with Post reporter, made clear he knew risks - The Washington Post
To detain a journalist under terrorism laws in order to stop him reporting on illegal actions is nothing short of what you'd expect from one of the old communist states in the cold war.
America and Britain moaned about them but stoop to the same level themselves.

You need to be bloody worried about this.
Damn they're good. They knew what Greenwald's boyfriend was smuggling.

Yes, they pointlessly took Miranda's potential copies of these files, just like they pointlessly destroyed the copies of the files in the Guardian's offices in London. Greenwald still has his copies in Brazil and the Guardian has copies in New York. The purpose of the detention was not to stop Miranda from "smuggling" this information, unless they're really really dense, but to try to intimidate Greenwald.

As I've heard it, Miranda was transmitting them by hand to Wikileaks volunteer Laura Poitras.

We know he met with Poitras prior to being detained at Heathrow, and we can certainly assume he was meeting with her in regards to this information, but I don't think we know for sure that he was giving her anything. Regardless, he was coming home from having met her when he was detained, so if the goal was to stop him then it was still pointless. It was obviously to send a message to Greenwald.
Yes, they pointlessly took Miranda's potential copies of these files, just like they pointlessly destroyed the copies of the files in the Guardian's offices in London. Greenwald still has his copies in Brazil and the Guardian has copies in New York. The purpose of the detention was not to stop Miranda from "smuggling" this information, unless they're really really dense, but to try to intimidate Greenwald.

And Snowden, God bless him, still has it all.

Selling to the highest bidder no doubt.

He's a CIA sysadmin, he could have easily leaked these documents to Wikileaks anonymously. Why didn't he just do that?

Maybe he didn't want people accusing him, like they accused Manning, of just "dumping" this information. So instead he went to Greenwald and the Guardian and told them to go through the information and report only on what could safely be reported on. A bit naive since the people who complain about Manning "dumping" the information are the same people who complain about what Snowden did. They just don't like whistleblowers period.
Damn they're good. They knew what Greenwald's boyfriend was smuggling.

Yes, they pointlessly took Miranda's potential copies of these files, just like they pointlessly destroyed the copies of the files in the Guardian's offices in London. Greenwald still has his copies in Brazil and the Guardian has copies in New York. The purpose of the detention was not to stop Miranda from "smuggling" this information, unless they're really really dense, but to try to intimidate Greenwald.

This will not end as the statists might have hoped when they started down this path.

It was a dumb, ham-handed move. "Let's antagonize the guy with sensitive information that we would prefer not see the light of day." Good thinking.
Snowden still has the information. He will just find another way to transmit it. It's not like the government has everything in existence. This was done as a clear message to Greenwald that not only he can be on the receiving end of governmental punishment, everyone he cares about can too.

Ed Snowden's father should stay in Russia or he will find himself in some interrogation room too.
Yes, they pointlessly took Miranda's potential copies of these files, just like they pointlessly destroyed the copies of the files in the Guardian's offices in London. Greenwald still has his copies in Brazil and the Guardian has copies in New York. The purpose of the detention was not to stop Miranda from "smuggling" this information, unless they're really really dense, but to try to intimidate Greenwald.

This will not end as the statists might have hoped when they started down this path.


But Snowden is no hero. He had no business leaking information about the relationship between the US, Great Britain, and Australia. He had no business leaking information about the ongoing cyberwar with China. He had no business leaking the details of our tactics in our countermeasures, and there was no reason other than personal fame and fortune not to do it anonymously.

To effect his plan, Snowden asked for a guarantee that The Washington Post would publish — within 72 hours — the full text of a PowerPoint presentation describing PRISM, a top-secret surveillance program that gathered intelligence from Microsoft, Facebook, Google and other Silicon Valley giants. He also asked that The Post publish online a cryptographic key that he could use to prove to a foreign embassy that he was the document’s source.

Code name ?Verax?: Snowden, in exchanges with Post reporter, made clear he knew risks - The Washington Post

He's given one interview to the Guardian, and otherwise has kept his head down. The press and the U.S. government are the ones who have been making him into a story, rather than the information that he leaked.
I'm just glad we have a liberal Democrat running things, instead of some paranoid, police-state neo-con.
no arrests- threats of arrest

Encrypted computer files seized from David Miranda 'were from US whistleblower’
7:58PM BST 19 Aug 2013
Police who detained the partner of a journalist under anti-terrorism laws seized encrypted computer files from the American whistleblower Edward Snowden, it was claimed tonight.

David Miranda was held by police at Heathrow and questioned for nine hours, the legal limit before a suspect must be charged or released, as he changed planes on a journey from Berlin to his home in Brazil.
The White House said that British officials informed their American counterparts of the decision to detain him but did not request his arrest.
Mr Miranda lives with The Guardian reporter, Glenn Greenwald, the journalist who interviewed Mr Snowden and wrote a series of articles on the activities of the US National Security Agency (NSA) earlier this year.
Mr Greenwald told The New York Times that Mr Miranda had been in Berlin to act as a courier to exchange documents related to his research with a filmmaker in the city. He was given different files containing information from Mr Snowden to pass back to Mr Greenwald.
These documents, which were stored on an encrypted portable computer drive, were among the items seized by British security at Heathrow, Mr Greenwald said.

Encrypted computer files seized from David Miranda 'were from US whistleblower? - Telegraph

They have a bunch of files they can't open, can't read, but they still know what is in them.

When did the government start hiring psychics?

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