Editorial by a Clear-Thinking Liberal

I had to laugh when the writer coughed this up:

The Romney solution, on the other hand, is to create an environment where entrepreneurialism can thrive, with the risks that entails: less government regulation, targeted tax breaks (including on more than $1 trillion in U.S. profits parked in foreign banks) and incentives for investment that have a real punch.

Now, you and I know what passes for 'thinking' in your case, but just so it is clear, when one considers the choices laid out by our 'clear-thinking Liberal,' (so as not to be confused with you)...

...given this: "We can recommit ourselves to free enterprise as the creator of prosperity for all who are willing to work for it, or embrace an entitlement society...."

You see the latter rather than the former as the path to the greatness that was, and will be again, the United States.

Is that your position?

(That means your political position, not your usual batty hanging-upside-down position.)
1. "Having lived in 11 states and every region of the country, and having covered or closely observed presidential elections since 1968, I should be some kind of political sage. But the contradictory attitudes of voters captured by pollsters here and across the nation are testing my sagacity.

2. On average, almost 60% of Americans think the country is on the "wrong track." According to Gallup, 64% fear that big government is the "biggest threat" to the nation.

3. Almost three-fourths of Americans say they favor a free market over a government-managed economy. A lopsided majority want Obama's health care reform plan struck down.

4. Yet, Obama continues to hold his own against Romney.

5. I understand the math on party loyalty. What doesn't compute for me is how this could be a close election. But I have a scary theory: While some independents, who are growing in numbers and will decide this thing, understand instinctively what's at stake, not nearly enough do — or care.

6. I never imagined that a president, in only one term, could set up such a stark choice for voters. We can recommit ourselves to free enterprise as the creator of prosperity for all who are willing to work for it, or embrace an entitlement society represented in the incredible Obama cartoon ad that promises cradle-to-grave government support for a girl named "Julia."...Which way do we want the country to go?

7. This is not about taxing the super-rich more, or maintaining a safety net for the truly needy, or locking up a bunch of Wall Street crooks. I'm for all those things. And it's not about gay marriage or contraceptives or too much fat in our diets. It's about preserving American capitalism or gravitating to a form of European democratic-socialism. And about the kind of country we want to be, or reclaim.

8. Owing to various economic forces, (outsourcing, illegal immigration, bankruptcies and technological efficiencies), the middle class is being pulled in two directions. Unfortunately, the downward pull is stronger.

9. The Obama solution is to have the federal government heavily subsidize those caught in the downdraft, which is why the number of people on government assistance is at an all-time high. That's a political strategy you'd expect from a liberal Democrat who gets caught saying the private sector is in fine shape (and has to rebuke himself for his fleeting moment of candor) while bemoaning the loss of government jobs.

a. The Romney solution, on the other hand, is to create an environment where entrepreneurialism can thrive, with the risks that entails...

10. It's a clear choice. Capitalism isn't perfect, but it's better than any other economic system ever devised.
Stark election choice in Ohio

Good information. Thanks!:clap2:

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