Ed Schultz...carries the tourch...


Undocumented Reg. User
Nov 12, 2009
In a galaxy far far away...
Caught of few minutes of Ed Schultz's radio gig yesterday, and it was no surprise he advanced the lefty penchant of personal ridicule of Republican/conservative women.

I got no problem with his ilk attacking our sisters for their political affiliations, stances, opinions/comments, job performance, or other legitimate criticisms. That's all part of the political game as far as I'm concerned.

But yesterday the portly Eddie - just a few weeks after serving his MSNBC suspension for calling Laura Ingraham a right-wing slut and a talk slut - engaged one of the left's tried and true slams against women on the right with negative comments towards Michele Bachmann in those two all-important presidential qualifications....HAIR and MAKEUP!!! Which means he's keeping his powder dry for the time being regarding her wardrobe.

So, Michele, welcome to the sorority of the Lauras, Sarahs, Katherines, etc., off whom such tacky comments have bounced before you.

And kudos, Eddie, for executing the playbook flawlessly.
I watched him last night, God, He Actually Said that this current debt crisis was strictly caused by REPUBLICANS!!! last night Ed and his Ferret Brained friends were bashing Republicans over the failure of the Four Trillion Dollar Obama Stimulous !!! Then I watched the following re-run of Fat Chrissy who also blamed the GOP for the same crisis. No Wonder conservatives watch MSNBC, it's so entertaining to watch their personalities Make Stuff Up !!

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