Ed Koch (D) endorses Bob Turner (R) in NY 9th

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
What the fuck is going on? I had no idea that Obama was in so much trouble.

Of all the places to hear fulminations against President Obama, one of the least expected is the corner of 71st Avenue and Queens Boulevard, in the heart of a Congressional district that propelled Democrats like Geraldine A. Ferraro, Charles E. Schumer and Anthony D. Weiner to Washington.

But it was there that Dale Weiss, a 64-year-old Democrat, approached the Republican running for Congress in a special election and, without provocation, blasted the president for failing to tame runaway federal spending. “We need to cut Medicaid,” she declared, “but he won’t do that.” She shook her head in disgust. “He is a moron.”


WHAT? Seniors who are Democrats demanding the Medicare needs to be cut? So much anger at Obama in a solid Democratic district that the Republican candidate does not have time to listen to all the rants?

The only thing that could make this worse is if a former Democratic mayor came out for the Republican.

Democrat Koch, who crossed parties to endorse Turner, said in a recorded telephone message to thousands of seniors in the district, "David Weprin is making phone calls trying to scare seniors. They're nonsense. Weprin should be ashamed of himself . . . Bob Turner is running for Congress to protect your Medicare and Social Security.

"If anyone tries to scare you with lies about Bob Turner, tell 'em Ed Koch told them to knock it off!

"Send Washington a message: Vote for Bob Turner for Congress on September 13th."

Koch reminded listeners that Turner also has the support of former Mayor Rudy Giuliani and the Liberal Party, which lost its ballot status in 2002.

Worried NY Dems slam GOP Turner in voter mailings - NYPOST.com

A few points:

1) NY-9's demographics have been changing to make it more Republican-friendly than it has been in the past. Nate Silver characterizes it as "modestly Democratic", not solidly so. No doubt the "modestly Democratic" electorate will see Democratic turnout suppressed by Congressman Weiner's embarrassing conduct.

2) Ed Koch, though he held office as a Democrat, frequently endorses Republicans (see Wikipedia). He has for example endorsed George W. Bush.

3) The senior in question was suggesting a cut in Medicaid, no Medicare. There is of course a big difference.

Is Obama in trouble? He's got about a 50-50 chance of reelection. Nothing in this story makes me think otherwise.

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