Economic Growth Rate Exceeds 3% (Trump's Prediction); Highest in 3 Years


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2011
The U.S. economy grew at an upgraded annual rate of 3.1 percent in the spring, the fastest pace in more than two years. But growth is expected to slow sharply this quarter in the wake of a string of devastating hurricanes.

When President Donald Trump predicted that his policies would spur growth of 3 percent or more, a lot of economists didn't take him seriously.

CNBC reported in August that the goal now seems certainly within reach. "A revision to second-quarter gross domestic product showed a gain of 3 percent, the first period to reach that level since the first quarter of 2015."

"If we achieve sustained 3 percent growth, that means 12 million new jobs and $10 trillion of new economic activity. That's some number," Trump said during a speech in Missouri in late August promoting tax reform. "I happen to be one that thinks we can go much higher than 3 percent. There's no reason we shouldn't."
Ignoramus, this is a single quarter growth annualized, not actual 3% annual growth. And secondly Trump DID NOT promise 3%, he promised 4%.

To make 3% for 2017 Trump needs Q3 and Q4 with 4% annualized growth, which he more than likely will not get.

To make good on his promise he will need 6% growth for the rest of the year, which will DEFINETLY not happen.

Obama's best Quarter was 5.1%.
That proves that acting like an undisciplined buffoon has no immediate impact on the economy. But Trump is in it for the long haul, he'll wreck the place before he leaves.
That proves that acting like an undisciplined buffoon has no immediate impact on the economy. But Trump is in it for the long haul, he'll wreck the place before he leaves.

so far markets have been remarkably very steady and moving up now that we have pro business president replacing anti- business libcommie.

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