Easter present to Baron. Chechen Muslim who killed 3 Muscovite solders (1 of them was KGB officer)


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Easter present to Baron from Putlerstan. Chechen Muslim who killed 3 Muscovite solders (1 of them was KGB officer) cleared of charges by putler´s North Caucasus District Military Court.

question to "baron", how it FEELS? like a good time to say : "Chechnya is Cool", "baron", right?

"In the North Caucasus District Military Court, a jury acquitted a resident of Chechnya, Rasambek Bekmurzayev, on charges of murdering three Russian servicemen in 2000.

According to the investigation, in October 2000, Bekmurzayev, in the car market of the city of Urus-Martan, shot three soldiers, one of whom was an FSB officer, from a pistol at close range. He took the service weapon , after which he fled the scene.

The investigation also believes that in 2001, a man was a member of an armed gang that committed attacks on law enforcement officers and federal servicemen. Then Bekmurzayev lived in the republic and worked as a taxi driver."

https://translate.google.com/#view=...такси. https://www.interfax.ru/russia/658769
Easter present to Baron from Putlerstan. Chechen Muslim who killed 3 Muscovite solders (1 of them was KGB officer) cleared of charges by putler´s North Caucasus District Military Court.

question to "baron", how it FEELS? like a good time to say : "Chechnya is Cool", "baron", right?

"In the North Caucasus District Military Court, a jury acquitted a resident of Chechnya, Rasambek Bekmurzayev, on charges of murdering three Russian servicemen in 2000.

According to the investigation, in October 2000, Bekmurzayev, in the car market of the city of Urus-Martan, shot three soldiers, one of whom was an FSB officer, from a pistol at close range. He took the service weapon , after which he fled the scene.

The investigation also believes that in 2001, a man was a member of an armed gang that committed attacks on law enforcement officers and federal servicemen. Then Bekmurzayev lived in the republic and worked as a taxi driver."

Putin is not perfect and the less evil, but much better as any representative of the Fifth Column.
In any case Igor Strelkov ( Girkin ) would be better for Russia as too cowardly Putin.

whats about this story Boron ? should i post more how Chechen - Avar Muslim lords treat bydlo (slaves) Muscovites, your solders , officers , etc. ? LOL

"In the North Caucasus District Military Court, a jury acquitted a resident of Chechnya, Rasambek Bekmurzayev, on charges of murdering three Russian servicemen in 2000.

According to the investigation, in October 2000, Bekmurzayev, in the car market of the city of Urus-Martan, shot three soldiers, one of whom was an FSB officer, from a pistol at close range. He took the service weapon , after which he fled the scene.

The investigation also believes that in 2001, a man was a member of an armed gang that committed attacks on law enforcement officers and federal servicemen. Then Bekmurzayev lived in the republic and worked as a taxi driver."

https://translate.google.com/#view=...такси. https://www.interfax.ru/russia/658769
whats about this story Boron ? should i post more how Chechen - Avar Muslim lords treat bydlo (slaves) Muscovites, your solders , officers , etc. ? LOL

"In the North Caucasus District Military Court, a jury acquitted a resident of Chechnya, Rasambek Bekmurzayev, on charges of murdering three Russian servicemen in 2000.

According to the investigation, in October 2000, Bekmurzayev, in the car market of the city of Urus-Martan, shot three soldiers, one of whom was an FSB officer, from a pistol at close range. He took the service weapon , after which he fled the scene.

The investigation also believes that in 2001, a man was a member of an armed gang that committed attacks on law enforcement officers and federal servicemen. Then Bekmurzayev lived in the republic and worked as a taxi driver."

https://translate.google.com/#view=...такси. https://www.interfax.ru/russia/658769

Do you want somebody from the Fifth Column run and kill Russia?
Of course Putin hates Russian Folk and admire Islam.
Of course he is not the desired leader like true Russian Patriots.
But, at least he stopped genocide on Russians 1990-1999 and doing well now.
so Baron you have nothing say about "
Chechen Muslim who killed 3 Muscovite solders (1 of them was KGB officer)"

what do you see on this video ?

putler´s VET Chechen war (officer) vs. Chechen man , deep in Muscovite heartlands LOL
so Baron you have nothing say about "
Chechen Muslim who killed 3 Muscovite solders (1 of them was KGB officer)"

what do you see on this video ?

putler´s VET Chechen war (officer) vs. Chechen man , deep in Muscovite heartlands LOL

Bottom Line:
Better Putin as bunch of Gusski from the Fifth Column.
whats about this story " Chechen Muslim who killed 3 Muscovite solders (1 of them was KGB officer)"" Chechnya is cool , right?

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