Easter and christmas are pagan holidays


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
And have no place in the worship of GOD if he is to be worship in truth. The president do not have to recognize Easter and Christian to appease a mass misguided Christians. Nor Muslim, Jewish, etc holidays.

Haven't you heard? It is not the way you act that makes you a Christian. IF it were, there would be no Christians. Easter is not a Christian holiday anyway. Where is the bible do you find the word Easter. It is just a tradition like Christmas and Halloween. What does colored chicken eggs and bunnies have to do with Christianity? What does a decorated tree, fat old white man with a bag of gifts and a feast have to do with the birth of Christ? Nothing but every thing to corporations. You know the money changers who were doing business in the temple when Jesus over turn the tables and ran them out of the temple.

Easter is a pagan holiday and we must worship Christ in truth. Easter and Christmas is a big lie that benefits corporations is sells. Poor ignorant Christians.

What does it take to be a Christian? Not many that profess to be Christians are able to do what it take to be a Christian according to Christ. I is not recognizing man made holidays. It’s recognizing what Jesus said it takes.
The birth (Christmas) and resurrection (Easter) of Jesus Christ are Pagan Holidays?

Sniffing glue again?

The birth (Christmas) and resurrection (Easter) of Jesus Christ are Pagan Holidays?

Sniffing glue again?


Yes Idiot, they are pagan. The christians needed acceptance from the pagans and tailored "their" holidays to coincide with the pagan ones...and usurped them in the process.

dont forget Halloween either.

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Christianty is a pagan religion to some people.

It's all about perspective.
don't join the celebration, you won't be missed. Christmas was a holiday long before the corporate selling came into play. Bottom line is this, I don't call you names because you chose not to believe in God, stop call us pagans because we do. I am willing to bet my life that I am doing the right things.l

Good luck to you.
December 25th was a special day long before christianity was thought up.
Christianity was not "thought up".

Fine I'll buy into that for sake of this discussion, I'm just glad you didn't argue my December 25th point.

But then again most of the miracles in the Bible are just ripped off from miracles that happened in religions prior to christianity, so this is just par for the course.
The birth (Christmas) and resurrection (Easter) of Jesus Christ are Pagan Holidays?

Sniffing glue again?


Jesus wasn't born on December 25th, that's a misconception. If you look into other Deities, you'll find that somewhere around the winter solstice was very popular date for our man made Gods to be born as the winter solstice has always been thought of a "new beginning" or a "rebirth" if you will.

Statement of beliefs of the Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance (OCRT)

When was Jesus Christ born? Was Jesus born on December 25—Christmas Day? - Bible FAQ

A careful analysis of Scripture, however, clearly indicates that December 25 couldn't be the date for Christ's birth. Here are two primary reasons:First, we know that shepherds were in the fields watching their flocks at the time of Jesus' birth (Luke 2:7-8). Shepherds were not in the fields during December. According to Celebrations: The Complete Book of American Holidays, Luke's account "suggests that Jesus may have been born in summer or early fall. Since December is cold and rainy in Judea, it is likely the shepherds would have sought shelter for their flocks at night" (p. 309).

Similarly, The Interpreter's One-Volume Commentary says this passage argues "against the birth [of Christ] occurring on Dec. 25 since the weather would not have permitted" shepherds watching over their flocks in the fields at night.

Second, Jesus' parents came to Bethlehem to register in a Roman census (Luke 2:1-4). Such censuses were not taken in winter, when temperatures often dropped below freezing and roads were in poor condition. Taking a census under such conditions would have been self-defeating.
And have no place in the worship of GOD if he is to be worship in truth. The president do not have to recognize Easter and Christian to appease a mass misguided Christians. Nor Muslim, Jewish, etc holidays.

Haven't you heard? It is not the way you act that makes you a Christian. IF it were, there would be no Christians. Easter is not a Christian holiday anyway. Where is the bible do you find the word Easter. It is just a tradition like Christmas and Halloween. What does colored chicken eggs and bunnies have to do with Christianity? What does a decorated tree, fat old white man with a bag of gifts and a feast have to do with the birth of Christ? Nothing but every thing to corporations. You know the money changers who were doing business in the temple when Jesus over turn the tables and ran them out of the temple.

Easter is a pagan holiday and we must worship Christ in truth. Easter and Christmas is a big lie that benefits corporations is sells. Poor ignorant Christians.

What does it take to be a Christian? Not many that profess to be Christians are able to do what it take to be a Christian according to Christ. I is not recognizing man made holidays. It’s recognizing what Jesus said it takes.

They're also Christian holidays. Imagine that.

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