Eason Jordan Resigns From CNN!


My God - the truth is not IN these people!
Seeing sa how McCarthy was basically proved to be right, I would not consider the "son of McCarthy" to be a real insult.
theim said:
Seeing sa how McCarthy was basically proved to be right, I would not consider the "son of McCarthy" to be a real insult.
McCarthy was not "basically right." This is the United States, not Iran or China. People are free to espouse whatever political beliefs they want without being hauled in front of a congressional hearing to answer the question, "Are you now, or have you ever been..." In the famous 1954 hearings where McCarthy made communist accusations against officers in the US Army:

President Eisenhower helped the Army, his former employer, mount an impressive counter-attack. They recounted how McCarthy's former assistant and Cohn's sidekick, David Schine, had the senator gain him soft military assignments after being drafted. The press revolted as well, with Edward Murrow of early television fame showing plain, unedited clips from the hearings to show the fraud in McCarthy.
Over the span of thirty-six days, there were thirty-two witnesses, 71 half-day sessions, 187 hours of TV air time, 100,000 live observers, and two million words of testimony. Joe kept up his attacks, which gradually weakened. Every day, millions of TV sets showed McCarthy pointing his finger yet again at another man. McCarthy was obviously slipping, but he didn't give up. Then, when he was attacking an associate of Joseph N. Welch, chief attorney for the Army, Welch stood up, faced the senator, and said:
Until this moment, Senator, I think I never really gauged your cruelty or your recklessness. Let us not assassinate this lad further, Senator. You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you no sense of decency?
And with that, the hearings ended, and so did McCarthy's witch hunting career. On December 2, 1954, the senate voted 67-22 to condemn him for "conduct contrary to Senatorial traditions." The condemnation—only the third one in 165 years—noted the abuse of his Senatorial powers. After the condemnation, he tried to pass a few of bills written by him, but most senators didn't approve these, probably to avoid association with the "worst senator". He had lost his honor, and rightly so. http://mccarthy.cjb.net/
Great onedomino, I tried to explain similar on another thread. Someone was actually upset with The Crucible and Arthur Miller.

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