Earthquakes in Divers Places


Gold Member
Aug 18, 2009
Earthquakes continue to increase in frequency and intensity, just as the Bible predicts for the last days before the return of Christ. History shows that the number of killer quakes remained fairly constant until the 1950s - averaging between two to four per decade. In the 1950s, there were nine. In the 1960s, there were 13. In the 1970s, there were 51. In the 1980s, there were 86. From 1990 through 1996, there have been more than 150.
Why do you suppose that is? You believe earthquakes are occurring more frequently and in stronger intensity over the last 6 decades? Or is that possibly a reflection of the growth in human population combined with the areas where populations are concentrated, they type of structures they build and the relative wealth and sophistication of the people who live there?
Why do you suppose that is? You believe earthquakes are occurring more frequently and in stronger intensity over the last 6 decades? Or is that possibly a reflection of the growth in human population combined with the areas where populations are concentrated, they type of structures they build and the relative wealth and sophistication of the people who live there?

Who knows? That's why the scriptures say watch and pray. We may be in the end times we may not be. The important thing to remember is to be prepared and live your life like it might be your last.
It is a fact earthquakes are happening more frequently and your reasoning that these events only seem to be because of your net worth or the earth is more populated is equivalent to putting your head in a hole and hoping it goes away. We have been warned of this by the Bible and you really should take heed. Why do you think the governments of the world have decided to build a seed depository into the side a mountain up in the arctic, because everything is just hunky dory get your heads out of your holes and make your peace with G-d and his son Jesus.
You ever thought it is due to the spread of technology, techno improvements that led to ability to record readings in remote places?

In other words, more readings may indicate better ability to detect and measure earthquakes from around the globe.
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Earthquakes continue to increase in frequency and intensity, just as the Bible predicts for the last days before the return of Christ. History shows that the number of killer quakes remained fairly constant until the 1950s - averaging between two to four per decade. In the 1950s, there were nine. In the 1960s, there were 13. In the 1970s, there were 51. In the 1980s, there were 86. From 1990 through 1996, there have been more than 150.
For nation shall rise against nation , and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines , pestilences, and earthquakes in divers places. Mat. 24-7
You ever thought it is due to the spread of technology, techno improvements that led to ability to record readings in remote places?

In other words, more readings may indicate better ability to detect and measure earthquakes from around the globe.

Which still fulfills the prophecy. Even if the number of earthquakes remains constant year-after-year, people are becoming more aware of them due to technological advances and the fact that there are more people on the planet. The net perception is that the number of earthquakes is increasing.
It's obvious: there are too many people on Guam and Earth is trying to compensate without having Guam tip over.

Close the thread, my word here is done
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USGS said this is nothing new. Plus they don't call it the Ring of Fire for nothing.
Who knows? That's why the scriptures say watch and pray. We may be in the end times we may not be. The important thing to remember is to be prepared and live your life like it might be your last.

How many lives have you had so far?
<tinfoil> It is all global warming, as the surface temperature increases, the margins of the plates expand and push against each other more.</tinfoil>

lots of big rocks getting heated differently and pushing and shoving against each other as the planet cools. When talking geology, a decade is but a moment
It is interesting to watch. I mean i know minor earthquakes happen all the time. But there has been a major earthquake almost every few days for the past two months.

Somethings going on. Not sure if it's the end of the world. but somethings going on. Doesnt necessarily have to be mystical.
Why do you suppose that is? You believe earthquakes are occurring more frequently and in stronger intensity over the last 6 decades? Or is that possibly a reflection of the growth in human population combined with the areas where populations are concentrated, they type of structures they build and the relative wealth and sophistication of the people who live there?

I was going to say that sounds about like..

[ame=""]YouTube - Guam Capsizes! -- Hank Johnson Breaking News[/ame]

but it looks like CF beat me to it!

It's obvious: there are too many people on Guam and Earth is trying to compensate without having Guam tip over.

Close the thread, my word here is done

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Saw something on TV the other day, where this high muckety muck from the USGS was saying that the planet as averaged around 12-14 7.0 magnitude quakes or larger per year.....for decades and decades, as far back as they have reliable human data.

I tend to believe her more.
<tinfoil> It is all global warming, as the surface temperature increases, the margins of the plates expand and push against each other more.</tinfoil>

lots of big rocks getting heated differently and pushing and shoving against each other as the planet cools. When talking geology, a decade is but a moment

Does it comfort you that there is 12 volcanos along washington, oregon, and california?
And I hope you have a plan for if one does erupt. ;)
I wanted to go to Seattle this spring or summer, but I might wait. And I don't care if they say Rainer won't erupt for a few hundred years, for one you can't predict that crap. :lol:

Saw something on TV the other day, where this high muckety muck from the USGS was saying that the planet as averaged around 12-14 7.0 magnitude quakes or larger per year.....for decades and decades, as far back as they have reliable human data.

I tend to believe her more.

Wise man.

The recent ones just aren't happening in the middle of the ocean, Antarctica or in uninhabited mountainous Arctic regions, they're happening in relatively heavily populated areas - ergo, they become killer quakes. And the 24-hour news cycle and their technology make sure we hear about them, which also would not have happened a mere 50 years ago. Or at least, not in anything close to real time with all the hysterics and heavy breathing.

Saw something on TV the other day, where this high muckety muck from the USGS was saying that the planet as averaged around 12-14 7.0 magnitude quakes or larger per year.....for decades and decades, as far back as they have reliable human data.

I tend to believe her more.

Wise man.

The recent ones just aren't happening in the middle of the ocean, Antarctica or in uninhabited mountainous Arctic regions, they're happening in relatively heavily populated areas - ergo, they become killer quakes. And the 24-hour news cycle and their technology make sure we hear about them, which also would not have happened a mere 50 years ago. Or at least, not in anything close to real time with all the hysterics and heavy breathing.

That's pretty much what we said.

I guess we'll have to wait a few more years for Armageddon after all.

Saw something on TV the other day, where this high muckety muck from the USGS was saying that the planet as averaged around 12-14 7.0 magnitude quakes or larger per year.....for decades and decades, as far back as they have reliable human data.

I tend to believe her more.

Wise man.

The recent ones just aren't happening in the middle of the ocean, Antarctica or in uninhabited mountainous Arctic regions, they're happening in relatively heavily populated areas - ergo, they become killer quakes. And the 24-hour news cycle and their technology make sure we hear about them, which also would not have happened a mere 50 years ago. Or at least, not in anything close to real time with all the hysterics and heavy breathing.

That's pretty much what we said.

I guess we'll have to wait a few more years for Armageddon after all.

2 years and 8 months! :rofl:
Wise man.

The recent ones just aren't happening in the middle of the ocean, Antarctica or in uninhabited mountainous Arctic regions, they're happening in relatively heavily populated areas - ergo, they become killer quakes. And the 24-hour news cycle and their technology make sure we hear about them, which also would not have happened a mere 50 years ago. Or at least, not in anything close to real time with all the hysterics and heavy breathing.

That's pretty much what we said.

I guess we'll have to wait a few more years for Armageddon after all.

2 years and 8 months! :rofl:

You two are living proof that the Bible is true.

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