Duval Patrick just said "Romney did a terrific job at creating wealth" on MTP

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Obama's line of attack against Romney is being destroyed daily by his own side. Hell Clinton just the other day called Romney's career "stellar".

Time to hit that reset button again Obama :)
"The choice in this election is between an economy that produces a growing middle class and that gives people a chance to get ahead and their kids a chance to get ahead and an economy that continues down the road we're on." -- David Axelrod Closet Romney supporter
Obama's line of attack against Romney is being destroyed daily by his own side. Hell Clinton just the other day called Romney's career "stellar".

Time to hit that reset button again Obama :)

Go look at the Drudge front page right now...


Interesting, eh?

Anyone think it odd that everytime a prominent democrat speaks about Romney they are heaping praise on his accomplishments? Yet they avoid any Obama accomplishments.
I wonder if Duval will have to put out a youtube video in a couple of hours walking back what he said?

No because that's the new libtard talking point.. "Romney created wealth" not "Jobs"

course all these companies he made wealthy had to have employees and consumers.. but then that's what makes libtards tarded.
Anyone think it odd that everytime a prominent democrat speaks about Romney they are heaping praise on his accomplishments? Yet they avoid any Obama accomplishments.

trust me they aren't praising Romney,, it's more of their devisive tactics.
Anyone think it odd that everytime a prominent democrat speaks about Romney they are heaping praise on his accomplishments? Yet they avoid any Obama accomplishments.

trust me they aren't praising Romney,, it's more of their devisive tactics.

Oh its praise alright. As soon as the Romney campaign puts all the soundbites into a single add it will be fun to watch.
Anyone think it odd that everytime a prominent democrat speaks about Romney they are heaping praise on his accomplishments? Yet they avoid any Obama accomplishments.

When he does come up with any substantial 'accomplishment' that isn't costing taxpayers and future generations into servitude by birth and not fault of thier own other than "bin-Laden Dead" and "GM alive"...I'm sure they'll be back on board.

For now? It's the economy, jobs, cronyism...and Obama and the Statists have wrecked it and see that 'Class Warfare and Envy' isn't going to get him anywhere...and are abandoning ship.

Maureen Dowd??

That is one huge killer article!

On occasion we all expect to see a previously supportive member of the media turn on his "own" But in the past few weeks we're seeing a horde of liberal turncoats, everywhere from Bill Clinton down to Maureen.

Are we witnessing the beginnings of a steamroller from hell or is this just a brief interlude by anxious Dems?
Its true. He created a lot of wealth and hundreds of thousands of jobs. Some of his ventures failed and people lost their jobs. That's life and risk.

Yea, well most of Obama's ventures failed and they were financed with taxpayer $. Where are those 5 million green collar jobs he promised??
Out Of Work: When they voted for Barack Obama in 2008, some Americans believed his promise of a green economy bursting with jobs. Some still do. Unfortunately, there's this little matter of reality.

While campaigning four years ago, Sen. Barack Obama promised that a $150 billion in government spending on renewable energy projects would create 5 million green-collar jobs over 10 years. Near the end of this administration's first year in office, Vice President Joe Biden promised 722,000 green jobs would be generated by the stimulus. A green-jobs czar was even appointed.

Despite Promises Of A Job-Creating Green Economy, Obama's Green Jobs Have Not Materialized - Investors.com

Romney is a job creator and Obama is a jobs buster!!
Wow, here's a little more from the same article at Investors.com

Within the stimulus package there's a $500 million job-training program that "has so far helped fewer than 20,000 people find work, far short of its goal." Reuters reported last week that the program's initial results "were so poor that the Labor Department's inspector general recommended last fall that the agency should return the $327 million that remained unspent."

Meantime, the wind industry "has shed 10,000 jobs since 2009," said Reuters, and renewable and alternative energy companies that the government has shown favor to keep shutting down or filing for bankruptcy.

While all these jobs have been lost or have simply failed to materialize, Reuters reports that the oil and gas industry "has added 75,000 jobs since Obama took office, according to Labor Department statistics." Imagine how many more would have been added if Obama wasn't hostile to fossil fuels. Despite the reality, the administration still brags about its green-employment success and promises to "double down on clean energy."

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