Dust Off Yer White Hoods


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UJaeLjCvH4]YouTube - Rep Hank Johnson: Joe Wilson's Comments Will Lead To "White Hoods"[/ame]
How idiotic.

"You lie" is racist.

The idiocy really doesn't get much more ripe than that.

(And, the marginalization of true racism which still very much exists is nauseating. Boys and wolves.)
How idiotic.

"You lie" is racist.

The idiocy really doesn't get much more ripe than that.

(And, the marginalization of true racism which still very much exists is nauseating. Boys and wolves.)

Unfortunately, having a Black President surely has not cooled the racist fires, it's added fuel to that fire and it's the libs that continually attack anyone and everyone with that charge should you be opposed to his policies or agenda. Anyone here ready to vote for another person of color???? I love Condelessa Rice and J.C Watts, but I am pretty sick of these racist charges. Of course, they are conservatives, and it would be okay for libs to call them anything in the book including the N word and that would just be ignored and laughed off. The children are at it again. :lol::lol:
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How idiotic.

"You lie" is racist.

The idiocy really doesn't get much more ripe than that.

(And, the marginalization of true racism which still very much exists is nauseating. Boys and wolves.)

Unfortunately, having a Black President surely has not cooled the racist fires, it's added fuel to that fire and it's the libs that continually attack anyone and everyone with that charge should you be opposed to his policies or agenda. Anyone here ready to vote for another person of color------ I love Condelessa Rice and J.C Watts, but I am pretty sick of these racist charges. Of course, they are conservatives and it would be okay for libs to call them anything in the book including the N word and that would just be ignored. :lol::lol:

oh honey they did. Rice Powell, Steele Thomas.. suffer abuse from the hand of the so called "tolerant" :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Interesting how you deny your own inherent racism, yet you've got this picture of Obama in "white-face" below, done up like the Joker.

I also find it interesting that this supposedly non-racist guy, is complaining about hispanic immigrants who are bleeding perhaps getting care in the hospital, I guess. So, the guy is mother theresa, and is advocating we send Mexican immigrants packing, bleeding as they go, out of our hospitals? That sounds like of racist.

Clearly, racism is no longer popular, and even the right-wing corporate media, for the most part, FUX-USE excepted, finds it unacceptable. Republicans know this, and have clearly been driven underground. As the other guy said, racists are now cowardly, they want to still be racists, hate blacks, and hate hispanics, or anything that isn't a cranky old white man or woman, but they don't want to own up to the consequences in a society that no longer finds OVERT racist behavior acceptable.

But racism, as water, will find its course. If you block the main lane, it'll find another, to gush down into a society and drown rational thought, will erode real issues, and replace them with racial hatreds, and prejudice. But the cowards won't be open about it, like in olden days. I'm sure they wax nostolgic for the hanging days, where the uppity negros kept their place, and feared the white-man's noose. But now, they've got to settle for a good birther rally, a wink, and a nod.

Interesting how you deny your own inherent racism, yet you've got this picture of Obama in "white-face" below, done up like the Joker. ....
Joker - that's all that's meant by that.

You do realize that 'white face' originated ON a white face (both in the 60s version and the new one)? I have to think you didn't realize that. If not, then I would have to think that you are a fucking moron.

LMAO. I suppose using this reasoning, if we call anyone a clown or a bozo, we are racists because clowns use 'white face'.

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