Dumbing Down the NY Times


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Has anybody read this tabloid lately? It used to be a principled liberal counterpoint to the Wall Street Journal, but now it is a mediocre propaganda out let for the Democratic Party. What happened to its journalists? Have they been replaced with younger know-nothings who simply repeat campaign press releases? Is the press surrendering to social media the same way that network news has surrendered to talk radio?
Has anybody read this tabloid lately? It used to be a principled liberal counterpoint to the Wall Street Journal, but now it is a mediocre propaganda out let for the Democratic Party. What happened to its journalists? Have they been replaced with younger know-nothings who simply repeat campaign press releases? Is the press surrendering to social media the same way that network news has surrendered to talk radio?

It represents an unwritten chapter of Gibbon's classic, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire)

History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme.
Mark Twain

We have met the enemy....and it's the DNC.
Why are you two turning on your loyal friends at the NYT?

Was their cheerleading for the Iraq war not good enough for you?

Was their hyping of Whitewater and all the other phony Clinton-era scandals not good enough for you?

Is their hyping of the phony scandals about Hillary not good enough for you?

Is the way they play dutiful stenographer for every GOP talking point not good enough for you?

Just what does the NYT have to do to earn your love? They've been fanatically loyal shills for the GOP for years. What more could they possibly do for you?
Why are you two turning on your loyal friends at the NYT?

Was their cheerleading for the Iraq war not good enough for you?

Was their hyping of Whitewater and all the other phony Clinton-era scandals not good enough for you?

Is their hyping of the phony scandals about Hillary not good enough for you?

Is the way they play dutiful stenographer for every GOP talking point not good enough for you?

Just what does the NYT have to do to earn your love? They've been fanatically loyal shills for the GOP for years. What more could they possibly do for you?

This post is truly the inchoate farrago of an splenetic ungulate.

When one of these brainless leftists, like this one, begins to claim that the NYTimes is anything but the house organ for Liberals, Progressives, socialist and communists....well, a total blithering mental breakdown cannot be far behind.
I cancelled my subscription back in 1985 and haven't missed it. Well, the one thing I miss is Joe Rao's weekly column
NY Times Whitewashes the Palestinian Child Death Cult
Moral equivalency and victim blaming.
November 13, 2015
Ari Lieberman


On October 12, two Arabs cousins, one 17 (some sources say 15) and the other 13 set out on a mission to hunt and kill Jews. Armed with knives, the felonious duo traveled to Pisgat Zeev, a quiet Jewish community in northern Jerusalem to carry out their act of savagery.

Their first target was a 25 year old man who sustained serious injuries but nonetheless managed to escape his attackers. Their second target was a 13-year old boy on his bicycle who had just exited a candy shop. They stabbed him in the neck and kicked him in the head while he was on the ground before being chased off by bystanders. The boy was brought to the hospital in critical condition, hovering between life and death but miraculously recovered from his dreadful injuries.

The stabbing spree finally came to an end when police officers shot and killed the older knife-wielding assailant while the younger felon, Ahmed Manasra, was run over by a car driven by a civilian. Manasra was given life-saving treatment at Hadassah Hospital where he informed his treating physicians that he “went there to stab Jews.” That candid and horrifying admission was corroborated by CCTV footage showing both assailants armed with long knives prowling for their victims and then attacking them mercilessly.

The two Arab terrorists who executed this cowardly attack were motivated by the same xenophobic factors that prompted white supremacist Frazier Glenn Cross, to carry out his murderous shooting spree at two Jewish affiliated sites in Overland Park, Kansas. Base anti-Semitism, inspired by age-old conspiracy theories, was the single motivating factor for both attacks. Anyone arguing otherwise is either naïve, delusional or deliberately mendacious.


NY Times Whitewashes the Palestinian Child Death Cult
I recall the Sunday Times used to weigh around five pounds. How many forests did they have to clear cut to put the paper together every day of the 20th century? The left wing enviro maniacs bully every SUV owner but for some reason they don't touch the pulp news dynasties. Pulp news is dying anyway and people are smarter than the idiots that the Times pays to create editorials disguised as news.
Why the Paris Attacks Probably Won’t Change the Election’s Outcome

The New York Times

By BRENDAN NYHAN 6 hrs ago


With that said, the attacks may well prompt a renewed focus on foreign policy among Republicans, who are still searching for an issue to run on against Democrats in 2016. With the economy growing relativelysteadily, the prospects for a classic referendum campaign against the party in power are uncertain. That’s why so many G.O.P. candidates seized on the events in Paris, which allow them to emphasize an issue in which their party has tended to have an advantage in recent decades. A September Gallup poll found that Republicans enjoyed a 52 percent to 36 percent edge over Democrats on which party would do a better job of protecting the country from international terrorism and military threats.

Why the Paris Attacks Probably Won’t Change the Election’s Outcome

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