CDZ Duhumanization & Partisan Politics

I'm not sure what that has to do with my point. ?

It was easy to understand .Perhaps that is why you don't.

You made a statement that only the most extremely partisan and irrational people make. Instead of blaming individuals for their hyperpartisanship, you actually blamed Trump. Heck, the fundies of the right do something very similar when they blame Satan for those bits of self awareness that result in some uncomfortable cognitive dissonance.

In his reply he pointed out other individuals who were certainly contributing to and encouraging a divisive, polarized world view and who were certainly not Trump.
When you lay sole blame on Trump even as you ignore divisive rhetoric coming from your own and of a magnitude far greater than Trump has ever spoken, all you prove is that you are an obvious part of the problem and not any part of the solution.
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Once again I agree with your post in spirit. In real world practice, however, I believe its timing is far too late. Normally I would ignore the grand relentless political theater as I've done in the past and chalk up most of the 24/7 partisan infighting hyperbole to the behavior described in your linked article. But we live in very unique times, historically speaking. Times which are perhaps unlike any other in human history for the attempts to regress the moral foundation of an entire civilization far back to an earlier age when public and political barbarism and savagery were hardly mentionable as they were the social norm. From this forced rebirth of Draconian Cultural Revolution has sprung, in my best estimate, a damn pressing need to oppose this would be end to modern Western Civilization at all costs. Attempts at sidelining or downplaying the pressing importance of that struggle is the last thing we need.
The bottom line, my concern is (a) whether there is a point of no return to all this, and (b) whether we have reached it.

My guess is that we have, and I'd sure love to be wrong. But this momentum is showing little indication of stopping. When any public voice of reason and moderation (and you'll still see a bit from both ends) appears, you'll see it either ignored, mocked or attacked.

Once those voices have been fully marginalized, this thing is over.

Absolutely agree with your words of wisdom on that and if Americans are genuinely good at anything, it's last second backing away from the brink. Although I myself tend to get caught up in the hyper-partisan rhetoric, I'd like to believe it is not too late to do just that, to look to cooler heads to prevail. Unfortunately, and while we Americans tend to pull off some historically stunning last minute saves, in order to do that we often need a diversion, otherwise known as something "shiny" to take our collective attention off the meltdown issue of the day and sort of reset our national mind. I hope that whatever diversion is coming will be the lesser of many contemporary "evils".
The thing is, there are already many "cooler heads" talking, but they are being shunned by the partisans here. That is the most dangerous part of this whole situation. I will never forgive Trump for this.

Do you forgive Don Lemon of CNN for saying white men are the biggest threat in the nation? How about the numerous college professors teaching classes on how to "dismantle whiteness"? Anything to say about the anti-white, anti-male, anti-tradition, anti-america rhetoric from the left that rose to a fevered pitch years before Trump even announced his run for the presidency?
I'm not sure what that has to do with my point. ?

The point is neither the cooler heads or the partisans here on this forum have any real power outside of the voting booth while mainstream media and elite institutions have the power to influence the nation. They're the ones who you should be angry at, not Trump.
I'm not sure what that has to do with my point. ?

It was easy to understand .Perhaps that is why you don't.

You made a statement that only the most extremely partisan and irrational people make. Instead of blaming individuals for their hyperpartisanship, you actually blamed Trump. Heck, the fundies of the right do something very similar when they blame Satan for those bits of self awareness that result in some uncomfortable cognitive dissonance.

In his reply he pointed out other individuals who were certainly contributing to and encouraging a divisive, polarized world view and who were certainly not Trump.
When you lay sole blame on Trump even as you ignore divisive rhetoric coming from your own and of a magnitude far greater than Trump has ever spoken, all you prove is that you are an obvious part of the problem and not any part of the solution.
No, Trump didn't start it, he encouraged it and coined "fake news" and kicked off his Presidency with a news conference where he sent Sean Spicer out in someone else's suit coat to tell a big fat lie that took all of ten seconds to disprove, and he commanded that we believe it or else. Then he has the balls to call NYT liars.

That is what I object to -- the fact that Trump has weened people away from hearing all the news, all the facts, and encouraged them to hear only what agrees with them. THAT is what is fueling our hyper partisanship--people no longer are starting from the same reality. Trump admitted he trashed the media and he admitted he did it so that if they ever reported anything bad against him, his supporters wouldn't believe it.

Trump happily admitted he loves the uneducated. Of course he does. They idolize him because he is a famous rich guy who had his own teevee show. Everything they always dreamed of being. He's a self-centered pig who is destroying the dignity of the office and making a laughing stock out of the United States. And they STILL love him, because they only hear the lies on their special blogs. No, I'll never forgive Trump for what he has done to our perception of the media.

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