Dude's off his nut


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
In Ohio labor fight, shared sacrifice for thee, but not for me - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

“Because it’s not merited. I earn my pay. I think that was just political baloney. So they can say in an ad, `Gee , you know, they didn’t support a pay cut.’ Well, no, I don’t support a pay cut. Republicans earn their money. Apparently Democrats don’t. They feel they should be paid less. That may be true. Maybe we’ll just cut the Democrats’ pay.”

Blessing also argues that public employees wouldn’t necessarily see a pay cut as the result of the rollback of bargaining rights. But PolitiFact recently concluded that it was very likely that the rollback would lead to pay sacrifices.

Blessing’s clumsy attempt at sarcasm is awfully revealing. He simply doesn’t think the sacrifices needed to right the state’s finances should fall on himself or fellow GOP legislators. When people say, “Hey, if you’re asking others to give something up to help the state, maybe you should do the same in the name of shared sacrifice,” the rejoinder is nothing but scorn and contempt, as if the idea is plainly ludicrous on its face.

What a jackass.

Ohio is going to set the stage for 2012.
From someone who knows what off his nut is really about.

We are seeing the backlash against the unions in traditional union states. About time. Ohio will pass this reform, despite unions spending sums that make Wisconsin seem puny.
From someone who knows what off his nut is really about.

We are seeing the backlash against the unions in traditional union states. About time. Ohio will pass this reform, despite unions spending sums that make Wisconsin seem puny.

Sorry Rabbi, this one is going down big time. If it is even close, I will be shocked. Not just going by polling numbers either. All I need to do is drive around. Even in the suburbs of Toledo, pretty much Republican area, the "Vote No on 2" yard signs are everywhere. They outnumber the "Vote Yes" signs by 10 to 1.

Along with this, Kasich's polling numbers are not very good. This does not bode well for Republicans next year in Ohio. We're starting to see a real backlash from the 2010 vote.
So, okay, after the union thugs win the ability to dictate their pay, ummmm, where does the money come from to pay them.

Especially after all the businesses flee the state to not pay the higher taxes.

Just asking Lakhota and Boop, because you guys never seem to answer that.
Yup, the unions had such a blast tearing up the Wisconsin Capital building they decided they should make it permanent. So the OWS wants to remain a pain in the ass and an eye-sore till 2025 providing us with constant reminders of what unions have in store for us. :eusa_angel:

The GOP is the Dirty Air and Dirty Water party, but the Democrats are the Rape, Violence, Fire-bombing, Smelly Hippy, Public Masterbation, and Put Every Business in the Area Out of Business party.

How many cars have they jumped out in front of so far?

How can anyone conduct business with that crap constantly going on around you?
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It's odd how the People vote in a candidate that runs on fixing stuff and as soon as the measures to fix stuff are implemented, they revolt.

I agree with the above posts that ask the question that should always be asked: "Who's gonna pay for it?" Only a small number of private sector workers are represented by unions. All this commotion comes from public sector employee unions that bloat the cost of doing government business. Spending is the problem with the economy world-wide. If it doesn't get under control soon, the current state of societal decay will look like child's play.

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