Dual citizenship


Gold Member
Aug 10, 2009
I spent a year in Israel. During that time, I had to renew my visa and I found out that since my mom came from Israel, I was an Israeli citizen. I was born here. Since America and Israel both share democracy and freedom, I never had a problem with my dual citizenship. Especially since we share the same enemies.
I spent a year in Israel. During that time, I had to renew my visa and I found out that since my mom came from Israel, I was an Israeli citizen. I was born here. Since America and Israel both share democracy and freedom, I never had a problem with my dual citizenship. Especially since we share the same enemies.

we don't share the same "enemies". i am not even sure we share one enemy, if you are speaking of states.

i don't have any prob at all with anyone's dual citisenship. i have a problem with people saying they are americans when we are in a real shooting war and they are off serving in a foreign army and not our own, or defending traitors and trashing our troops and not defending them, even to the point of tarnishing and slandering their memory for another countries benefit.
I spent a year in Israel. During that time, I had to renew my visa and I found out that since my mom came from Israel, I was an Israeli citizen. I was born here. Since America and Israel both share democracy and freedom, I never had a problem with my dual citizenship. Especially since we share the same enemies.

we don't share the same "enemies". i am not even sure we share one enemy, if you are speaking of states.

i don't have any prob at all with anyone's dual citisenship. i have a problem with people saying they are americans when we are in a real shooting war and they are off serving in a foreign army and not our own, or defending traitors and trashing our troops and not defending them, even to the point of tarnishing and slandering their memory for another countries benefit.

How about people like you who are US citizens but afraid to admit to it? That's pretty fucking shameful.
I spent a year in Israel. During that time, I had to renew my visa and I found out that since my mom came from Israel, I was an Israeli citizen. I was born here. Since America and Israel both share democracy and freedom, I never had a problem with my dual citizenship. Especially since we share the same enemies.

we don't share the same "enemies". i am not even sure we share one enemy, if you are speaking of states.

i don't have any prob at all with anyone's dual citisenship. i have a problem with people saying they are americans when we are in a real shooting war and they are off serving in a foreign army and not our own, or defending traitors and trashing our troops and not defending them, even to the point of tarnishing and slandering their memory for another countries benefit.

How about people like you who are US citizens but afraid to admit to it? That's pretty fucking shameful.

Go piss yourself.
I spent a year in Israel. During that time, I had to renew my visa and I found out that since my mom came from Israel, I was an Israeli citizen. I was born here. Since America and Israel both share democracy and freedom, I never had a problem with my dual citizenship. Especially since we share the same enemies.


How nice for you.

Other than the fact that I do not think you ought to have the right to serve in any US public office, either by election or by appointment, I have no problem with your duel citizenship.
I spent a year in Israel. During that time, I had to renew my visa and I found out that since my mom came from Israel, I was an Israeli citizen. I was born here. Since America and Israel both share democracy and freedom, I never had a problem with my dual citizenship. Especially since we share the same enemies.


How nice for you.

Other than the fact that I do not think you ought to have the right to serve in any US public office, either by election or by appointment, I have no problem with your duel citizenship.

You certainly have problems with spelling ----There are many many dual citizens in the USA -----The Ireland gives citizenship to people if they can demonstrate that ONE GRANDPARENT was Irisn -------John F. Kennedy -----could propbably have been in INSTANTANEOUS Ifish citizen ----maybe he was Roumania allows it. I believe Jordan does at least that is what one of my Jordanian colleagues told me Islamo nazi pigs have insisted for YEARS that the only people with dual citizenship are jews-------which is why islamo nazi pigs use the word "DUALIE" In fact circa 1960 there was a massive amount of islamo nazi pig propaganda making that very same assertion I remember it well-----I was a child but had the habit of READING everything that came to hand-----it is almost a curse since I was really too young to deal with the filth of islamo nazi pigs----I actually BELIEVED the filth of the nazis and masjids
I spent a year in Israel. During that time, I had to renew my visa and I found out that since my mom came from Israel, I was an Israeli citizen. I was born here. Since America and Israel both share democracy and freedom, I never had a problem with my dual citizenship. Especially since we share the same enemies.

we don't share the same "enemies". i am not even sure we share one enemy, if you are speaking of states.

i don't have any prob at all with anyone's dual citisenship. i have a problem with people saying they are americans when we are in a real shooting war and they are off serving in a foreign army and not our own, or defending traitors and trashing our troops and not defending them, even to the point of tarnishing and slandering their memory for another countries benefit.
You forgot to say that you're an Irish citizen as well.
You certainly have problems with spelling ----There are many many dual citizens in the USA -----The Ireland gives citizenship to people if they can demonstrate that ONE GRANDPARENT was Irisn -------John F. Kennedy -----could propbably have been in INSTANTANEOUS Ifish citizen ----maybe he was Roumania allows it. I believe Jordan does at least that is what one of my Jordanian colleagues told me Islamo nazi pigs have insisted for YEARS that the only people with dual citizenship are jews-------which is why islamo nazi pigs use the word "DUALIE" In fact circa 1960 there was a massive amount of islamo nazi pig propaganda making that very same assertion I remember it well-----I was a child but had the habit of READING everything that came to hand-----it is almost a curse since I was really too young to deal with the filth of islamo nazi pigs----I actually BELIEVED the filth of the nazis and masjids

wow! Someone who's drunker and stoneder than ME, at 0935!!!

I'm impressed. :bow:
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I spent a year in Israel. During that time, I had to renew my visa and I found out that since my mom came from Israel, I was an Israeli citizen. I was born here. Since America and Israel both share democracy and freedom, I never had a problem with my dual citizenship. Especially since we share the same enemies.


How nice for you.

Other than the fact that I do not think you ought to have the right to serve in any US public office, either by election or by appointment, I have no problem with your duel citizenship.
Currently there are over a 100 countries that accept dual citizenship. The US has no problem with dual or even triple citizenship. It's usually the other countries such as China, Russia, Brazil, and India that have issues with people become citizens of other countries as well. Many dual citizens have also served the armed forces of this country and have held public office nobly. Do you have any evidence that dual citizens are a danger, or do you just blurt out whatever bullshit you feel like?
Roudy islamo nazi pigs are STILL declaring that the only people in the world permitted DUAL CITIZENSHIP are jews I first stumbled into very very DEFINITIVE statements PUBLISHED by islamo nazi pigs what the US congress was FORCED BY THE ZIONISTS into making a special law for JEWS ONLY allowing citizenship FOR JEWS ONLY, IN ISRAEL ONLY circa 1960 The word DUALIE in the world of islamo nazi pigs means "an american jew who is also a citizen of Israel"

in 1960 I was so young that I BELIEVED lots of the islamo nazi propaganda I read -----uhm very young I was a precocious reader------but my mind remained childish------so I believed. The fact that I read the stuff so naively----gives me an edge------I UNDERSTAND THEM THAT STILL BELIEVE The other edge that I have is that what I read as a child----I REMEMBER WITH CLARITY ----the same clarity that I remember fairy tales like CINDERELLA
I spent a year in Israel. During that time, I had to renew my visa and I found out that since my mom came from Israel, I was an Israeli citizen. I was born here. Since America and Israel both share democracy and freedom, I never had a problem with my dual citizenship. Especially since we share the same enemies.


How nice for you.

Other than the fact that I do not think you ought to have the right to serve in any US public office, either by election or by appointment, I have no problem with your duel citizenship.


why? he has no control over his israeli citizenship.

i have citizenship in multiple countries due to a bunch of odd circumstances at birth. i tried to renounce one in particular, that of being a loyal british subject, having failed on all three counts, and they wouldn't accept it.

it is sort of screwed up because you know when the teach always said to the class "anyone can grow up to be president of the united states", me, tony hernandez, and john cortese always felt left out.
I spent a year in Israel. During that time, I had to renew my visa and I found out that since my mom came from Israel, I was an Israeli citizen. I was born here. Since America and Israel both share democracy and freedom, I never had a problem with my dual citizenship. Especially since we share the same enemies.

we don't share the same "enemies". i am not even sure we share one enemy, if you are speaking of states.

i don't have any prob at all with anyone's dual citisenship. i have a problem with people saying they are americans when we are in a real shooting war and they are off serving in a foreign army and not our own, or defending traitors and trashing our troops and not defending them, even to the point of tarnishing and slandering their memory for another countries benefit.

How about people like you who are US citizens but afraid to admit to it? That's pretty fucking shameful.

lolol...what're you, some kinda ICE agent...

The Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform


¿comprende, mi amigo.?

an dtuigeann tu, mo chara?
I spent a year in Israel. During that time, I had to renew my visa and I found out that since my mom came from Israel, I was an Israeli citizen. I was born here. Since America and Israel both share democracy and freedom, I never had a problem with my dual citizenship. Especially since we share the same enemies.

we don't share the same "enemies". i am not even sure we share one enemy, if you are speaking of states.

i don't have any prob at all with anyone's dual citisenship. i have a problem with people saying they are americans when we are in a real shooting war and they are off serving in a foreign army and not our own, or defending traitors and trashing our troops and not defending them, even to the point of tarnishing and slandering their memory for another countries benefit.
You forgot to say that you're an Irish citizen as well.

lolol...i served in the U.S.Army Field Artillery, worked with nuclear rounds, and had a top secret clearance. is feider linn, amadan.
I spent a year in Israel. During that time, I had to renew my visa and I found out that since my mom came from Israel, I was an Israeli citizen. I was born here. Since America and Israel both share democracy and freedom, I never had a problem with my dual citizenship. Especially since we share the same enemies.

Dual Citizenship varies in many countries. Some countries you can not renounce your citizenship. The problem of dual citizenship arises in times of crises, especially like today with Israel and the USA...

Who do you serve? Serving two masters has never been acceptable in Human Morality.

The moral thing would be to give your allegiance to the master in whose home you reside in...obviously your visiting Israel and having to Renew your visa makes you an American first and your undying Loyalty should be to America.


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