DU Moore Conspiracy


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2004
Michael Moore is so much of a threat to the DLC and the Neocon PNACers phony war on terrorism that they've resorted to calling him 'anti-American' and implying that he's a traitor. Their call for Democrats to 'repudiate' him only shows their desperation as they continue their efforts to keep the American people believing a lie.
It seems the DLC has joined with Fox News, Limbaugh and Right Wing hate groups in character assassinating Moore for telling a story the Corporate Media refuses to report. They realize that the popularity of F911 has done great damage to the credibility of their phony war on terrorism being fought in Iraq. Like the RWingers and their smear machine...the DLC isn't satisfied with simply disagreeing with Moore's documentary Fahrenheit 9-11. They have nothing to say about the facts presented in the movie...but object that it paints the 'war on terror' for the absolute fraud that it is.
Moore points out what many already know or suspect: that the war in Iraq has nothing to do fighting terrorism and that there is a bipartisan coverup going on to protect the real financiers and supporters of terrorism like Saudi Arabia.
Some have suggested that the DLC's character assassination of Moore is little more than censorship. I disagree. It's more about trying to destroy the credibility of someone who finally broke through the media blackout and told the truth about a secretive, corrupt White House and their Neocon/DLC/Democratic allies perpetuating a deadly fraud on the American people.


Man, I love du.
The DLC has led the Democrats to 3 consecutive election defeats. No party has been defeated in 3 consecutive cycles since 1932,34,36, which as we all know was a major realignment.

The DLC has no principles. In 1996 when Clinton signed welfare reform, he may have guaranteed his own election, but be completely enervated the Democratic base. This ended up fatally hurting Al Gore in 2000.

The DLC candidate was John Kerry. Like the DLC, Kerry had no principles. He voted for the $87 billion before he voted against it. He was for the war, then he was against it. He had a plan, but he never told us what it was. Good job, DLC.

The DLC left the Democratic party in worse shape than they found it. In 1992 the Democrats were still in the majority in Congress. In 2004 they are not. Good job DLC.
rtwngAvngr said:
Man, I love du.

Thanks, the DU is just like a gift that just keeps on giving! :clap1:

This one was great.
I have been lambasted on another board for supporting Moore. I have been called "anti-american and socialist". I don't even think of Moore as anything like a God, but the more that he is disrespected the more I feel like a cultist.
DLC totally sucks and Moore rocks.

"Medication, medication"
Michael Moore is still ALIVE???
Dang! I thought he'd have been "knocked off" by now..
Oh DARN! It's us Righty's and our Christian take-over beliefs..We CAN'T do away with him....Maybe a mad liberal will!
DU and their ilk need to all move to France, like NOW!!!!!
:firing: DU
More Moore, huh?? Check this out....


:cof: I really do have too much spare time...:D

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