Drunk dems, peanut throwing gop. This shit doesn't matter people.

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
So much hyperbole over some fanatics. Who cares people? We got real problems in our country and these petty arguments over idiots behaving like idiots is one of them.

But everyone knows that What Clint Eastwood says is much more important that the US economy and the performance history of any of the candidates.
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But everyone knows that What Clint Eastwood says is much more important that the US economy and the performance history of any of the candidates.

I don't give two cents for Clints political leanings. If he votes GOP fine, but all the rest is just bloviating.
I would have been far more impressed had the GOP had Samuelson or someone else with real credentials making a case for their policies. Don't really suppose the Dems will do any better. They should have Krugman on economics, and Hansen or Mann on science. Instead, we will probably get more rah-rah for our side.
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I would have been far more impressed had the GOP had Samuelson or someone else with real credentials making a case for their policies. Don't really suppose the Dems will do any better. They should have Krugman on economics, and Hansen or Mann on science. Instead, we will probably get more rah-rah for our side.

They have to dumb things down for everyday voters. Too much REAL talk about REAL issues would result in a channel change.
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Funny you mentioned Eastwood though cause I'm watching Joe Kidd right now. And that is the extent of what I think matters although it's one of his slower westerns.
But everyone knows that What Clint Eastwood says is much more important that the US economy and the performance history of any of the candidates.

lol I know right, like when did Republicans start loving what actors have to say about politics?

The problem is Gramps, Mitt and Obama are more or less the same person, so close that you in fact would have a harder time finding another politician actively serving that is closer to Obama than Mitt through policy. People are so disenfranchised that BS like what your talking about is front page news and both the DNC and RNC are happy it’s that way.

People voted for Obama for hope and change and were fucked over just like Bush did to Conservatives… Now Mitt is running on hope and change and the Republican voters are too stupid at this point to care that they will once again get fucked over. It’s all about D’s VS R’s for the majority of people out there and even on these boards.

The Republican party is SLIGHTLY less big massive huge deficit building, welfare spreading, program starting Government as Democrats. *Edit* I forgot to mention that Republicans are slightly smaller on military spending and wasr than Dems at this point too... lol.
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I would have been far more impressed had the GOP had Samuelson or someone else with real credentials making a case for their policies. Don't really suppose the Dems will do any better. They should have Krugman on economics, and Hansen or Mann on science. Instead, we will probably get more rah-rah for our side.

They have to dumb things down for everyday voters. Too much REAL talk about REAL issues would result in a channel change.

I almost agree... Ron Paul does that very thing and he grew his support this cycle by about 3x or something (actual votes cast for him, not %) while Mitt in many if not most or all states lost an actual # of votes compared to 2008. But where I do agree is if you talk about how you will cut spending rather than just lie to people and claim you will cut spending like Mitt/Ryan then yes, the Republican party boo's you and or just sits there blank faced. They wana hear about the !!gawd!!! dam liberal media!!! Or how Obama is a socialist for expanding Bush/Republican ear programs… or or… or cutting taxes lower than Obama cut them will save the fucking country… somehow…. And that of course military spending needs to be quadrupled or you hate America and want our troops to die.
But everyone knows that What Clint Eastwood says is much more important that the US economy and the performance history of any of the candidates.

lol I know right, like when did Republicans start loving what actors have to say about politics?

The problem is Gramps, Mitt and Obama are more or less the same person, so close that you in fact would have a harder time finding another politician actively serving that is closer to Obama than Mitt through policy. People are so disenfranchised that BS like what your talking about is front page news and both the DNC and RNC are happy it’s that way.

People voted for Obama for hope and change and were fucked over just like Bush did to Conservatives… Now Mitt is running on hope and change and the Republican voters are too stupid at this point to care that they will once again get fucked over. It’s all about D’s VS R’s for the majority of people out there and even on these boards.

The Republican party is SLIGHTLY less big massive huge deficit building, welfare spreading, program starting Government as Democrats. *Edit* I forgot to mention that Republicans are slightly smaller on military spending and wasr than Dems at this point too... lol.

When one of your hero's has a chance in hell of competing I'll consider voting that way. As it stands I voted for Perot as did many like me and as a result we got Clinton.

I'm not making that mistake again unless the chances of victory are good. Standing on my principles after the primaries accomplishes nothing if the person who represents my principles doesn't win.
I will take a little progress over losing more ground any day. You see, I don't see the lesser of two evils. I see the reality that I have to survive in day after day and principles doesn't pay the employees or advertising bills.
But everyone knows that What Clint Eastwood says is much more important that the US economy and the performance history of any of the candidates.

lol I know right, like when did Republicans start loving what actors have to say about politics?

The problem is Gramps, Mitt and Obama are more or less the same person, so close that you in fact would have a harder time finding another politician actively serving that is closer to Obama than Mitt through policy. People are so disenfranchised that BS like what your talking about is front page news and both the DNC and RNC are happy it’s that way.

People voted for Obama for hope and change and were fucked over just like Bush did to Conservatives… Now Mitt is running on hope and change and the Republican voters are too stupid at this point to care that they will once again get fucked over. It’s all about D’s VS R’s for the majority of people out there and even on these boards.

The Republican party is SLIGHTLY less big massive huge deficit building, welfare spreading, program starting Government as Democrats. *Edit* I forgot to mention that Republicans are slightly smaller on military spending and wasr than Dems at this point too... lol.

When one of your hero's has a chance in hell of competing I'll consider voting that way. As it stands I voted for Perot as did many like me and as a result we got Clinton.

I'm not making that mistake again unless the chances of victory are good. Standing on my principles after the primaries accomplishes nothing if the person who represents my principles doesn't win.
I will take a little progress over losing more ground any day. You see, I don't see the lesser of two evils. I see the reality that I have to survive in day after day and principles doesn't pay the employees or advertising bills.

Hey man, it's not an attack on you.

I simply at this point see the Republican party for what it is, not what I'd like it to be. You are in fact a Progressive liberal if you vote for Mitt, I mean is there any debate that you're not supporting just that?

With that I'm not telling you nor anyone else how to vote, and I hope I never do.

You are sitting here telling me that Obama is worse than Mitt, you are dead sure of yourself in doing so, so much so that you don't even care if Mitt is near identical to Obama. You would claim that people who vote for Obama are voting to destroy this country, that they are ignorant or something along them lines yes? What I'm telling you is that they are both so bad for this country that anyone that votes for either of them has to be either politically illiterate or blinded by partisanship. I mean can you sit there and honestly tell me that if you vote for Mitt that you are voting even slightly conservative, honestly?
lol I know right, like when did Republicans start loving what actors have to say about politics?

The problem is Gramps, Mitt and Obama are more or less the same person, so close that you in fact would have a harder time finding another politician actively serving that is closer to Obama than Mitt through policy. People are so disenfranchised that BS like what your talking about is front page news and both the DNC and RNC are happy it’s that way.

People voted for Obama for hope and change and were fucked over just like Bush did to Conservatives… Now Mitt is running on hope and change and the Republican voters are too stupid at this point to care that they will once again get fucked over. It’s all about D’s VS R’s for the majority of people out there and even on these boards.

The Republican party is SLIGHTLY less big massive huge deficit building, welfare spreading, program starting Government as Democrats. *Edit* I forgot to mention that Republicans are slightly smaller on military spending and wasr than Dems at this point too... lol.

When one of your hero's has a chance in hell of competing I'll consider voting that way. As it stands I voted for Perot as did many like me and as a result we got Clinton.

I'm not making that mistake again unless the chances of victory are good. Standing on my principles after the primaries accomplishes nothing if the person who represents my principles doesn't win.
I will take a little progress over losing more ground any day. You see, I don't see the lesser of two evils. I see the reality that I have to survive in day after day and principles doesn't pay the employees or advertising bills.

Hey man, it's not an attack on you.

I simply at this point see the Republican party for what it is, not what I'd like it to be. You are in fact a Progressive liberal if you vote for Mitt, I mean is there any debate that you're not supporting just that?

With that I'm not telling you nor anyone else how to vote, and I hope I never do.

You are sitting here telling me that Obama is worse than Mitt, you are dead sure of yourself in doing so, so much so that you don't even care if Mitt is near identical to Obama. You would claim that people who vote for Obama are voting to destroy this country, that they are ignorant or something along them lines yes? What I'm telling you is that they are both so bad for this country that anyone that votes for either of them has to be either politically illiterate or blinded by partisanship. I mean can you sit there and honestly tell me that if you vote for Mitt that you are voting even slightly conservative, honestly?

Of course it's not an attack on me cause I'm just a progressive liberal.

You see this is why I had you on ignore last year. Typical paulbot that stomps his feet and calls names if I don't capitulate to your way of thinking. And that is why you guys NEVER win.

Carry on, we're done here
White delegates from a political party that's 90% white throw peanuts at a black CNN camera woman while shouting, "This is how we feed the animals". This happened at the same time the Republican Party in Ohio admitted to targeting black voters and Republicans on this very board consider it "nothing of any importance".

This is an outright attack against American blacks by the Republican Party. Republicans are stepping on a "landmine". One they shouldn't be surprised about when it blows up in their face. Republicans started this unAmerican activity. Do they really think they will be the ones to "finish it"?
White delegates from a political party that's 90% white throw peanuts at a black CNN camera woman while shouting, "This is how we feed the animals". This happened at the same time the Republican Party in Ohio admitted to targeting black voters and Republicans on this very board consider it "nothing of any importance".

This is an outright attack against American blacks by the Republican Party. Republicans are stepping on a "landmine". One they shouldn't be surprised about when it blows up in their face. Republicans started this unAmerican activity. Do they really think they will be the ones to "finish it"?

You're an idiot. By your logic Obama hates the poor because he didn't visit N.O. for nearly a week. Or maybe he just hates black people?

Fuck off troll
When one of your hero's has a chance in hell of competing I'll consider voting that way. As it stands I voted for Perot as did many like me and as a result we got Clinton.

I'm not making that mistake again unless the chances of victory are good. Standing on my principles after the primaries accomplishes nothing if the person who represents my principles doesn't win.
I will take a little progress over losing more ground any day. You see, I don't see the lesser of two evils. I see the reality that I have to survive in day after day and principles doesn't pay the employees or advertising bills.

Hey man, it's not an attack on you.

I simply at this point see the Republican party for what it is, not what I'd like it to be. You are in fact a Progressive liberal if you vote for Mitt, I mean is there any debate that you're not supporting just that?

With that I'm not telling you nor anyone else how to vote, and I hope I never do.

You are sitting here telling me that Obama is worse than Mitt, you are dead sure of yourself in doing so, so much so that you don't even care if Mitt is near identical to Obama. You would claim that people who vote for Obama are voting to destroy this country, that they are ignorant or something along them lines yes? What I'm telling you is that they are both so bad for this country that anyone that votes for either of them has to be either politically illiterate or blinded by partisanship. I mean can you sit there and honestly tell me that if you vote for Mitt that you are voting even slightly conservative, honestly?

Of course it's not an attack on me cause I'm just a progressive liberal.

You see this is why I had you on ignore last year. Typical paulbot that stomps his feet and calls names if I don't capitulate to your way of thinking. And that is why you guys NEVER win.

Carry on, we're done here

Gramps you need to learn fair debate... I didn't call you a progressive liberal, I called the Republican party "RNC/GOP" people that are elected Progressive liberals. I then claimed that if you vote for people that do Progressive liberal policies than does that not make you one?

Please tell me where I'm wrong? I mean is that not why you claim Obama supporters are liberals, because they voted for progressive liberal?

Also you need to be fair in that you and many others play this pathetic card that if we vote for someone we like, that in this case is not Mitt (or Obama) then we are somehow voting for Obama.... Well did you vote for McCain in 2008??? Because by your very definition every single person that voted for McCain voted for Obama seeing as McCain had no real chance and lost... Now apply that same *retarded* logic to Mitt if he loses in this election...

You’re not using context when you spin what I say into an insult but then you just shrug off insulting anyone that does not vote for Mitt as voting for Obama…

If you don't like very honest debate then try not spamming the boards with every thought that pops in your head. maybe it's just me but when you post stuff on political debate boards you run a very high risk of... dun dun duuuun... debate!
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