Drugs are the root of most evils

The piece of hardware that causes 98% of all auto wrecks is the nut that holds the steering wheel.
That part needs to be recalled.
unheard ofwhen I was growingup ing the 50s and60s

I guess it all is relative

The drug of choice back then was alcohol and if you look at the alcohol related traffic deaths back then we are much better off today
unheard ofwhen I was growingup ing the 50s and60s

The 60's weren't a time when people took drugs? News to me.

Seems to me between alcohol, cigarettes, tranquilzers and amphetimines (the LEGAL DRUGS OUR PARENTS TOOK) there was lots and lots of drug abuse in the 50s and 60s.

And then of course the hippies popularized marijuana use and psychedelics in the late sixties.

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