Drop the social issues, keep the reasonable fiscal conservatism


Cows Have Liberal Minds
Nov 6, 2011
And you'll stand a good chance in 2016.

People like fiscal conservatism, or at least they respect it. When that gets bundled up with all the social stuff that keeps losing you elections, you stand to gain nothing.

Society is changing and has changed already in many ways. You can't fight these progressive social issues. If you could, we'd still be stuck in the medieval ages with an aristocrat and peasant class.

Stop supporting radical wingnuts. The people like moderates. Stop allowing yourselves to be stuck with the only moderate running who happens to be a two face. In 2016 get yourself a good mix of moderates so you can get the BEST one out of them, not the only one who exists.

And for gods sake, stop turning your moderate candidates into hesitant conservative extremists. Let them be who they are.

Offer up something reasonable in 2016. Start now. Build yourself a fiscal conservative legend who doesn't get involved in the social witch hunts, and you stand a good chance.
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Funny, Obama brought up the social issues. He avoided the fiscal issues like the plague and wont reelection.

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